The Ig Nobel Prize ceremony 2017! Liquid cats, Didgeridoo sleep, Cheese hatred and more

in #science7 years ago

I love the Ig Nobel ceremony. It's like the Nobel, but quirkier. The way it's described is simply:

The prizes are intended to celebrate the unusual, honor the imaginative — and spur people's interest in science, medicine, and technology.

That's exactly what we need more of right?! As they say, the Ig Nobel ceremony is designed to first make you laugh, then make you think and I believe this is an important facet of education; humour. The research is out and related humour mixed in with education substantially increases learning and comprehension levels.

To get a real clue as to what this is all about, let's take a look at a few of last week's winners of 2017!

Physics: Liquid Cats

Inspired by internet pictures of cats fitting in boxes and jars, a French researcher went out to discover whether a cat is a solid or a liquid. And they were not messing around!

The study concludes that older, lazier felines are more liquid than young ones though there is a lot more to look into:

Standing questions include the potential implications of the rheology of cats on their righting reflex, and whether
the nonlinear self-sustaining mechanism for turbulence in pipe is applicable to streaks of tigers. Very recent experiments from Japan also suggest that we should not see cats as isolated fluid systems, but as able to transfer and absorb stresses from their environment.

Check it out here

Peace: Didgeridoo Lullaby

A whole team of researchers from all over the place (USA, Canada, Switzerland, The Netherlands...) have demonstrated that playing the didgeridoo on a regular basis as a form of sleep therapy actually decreases sleep apnoea and snoring.

This might be due to training of the muscles of the upper airways, which control airway dilation and wall stiffening

As you can see, there were definitely some positive results, something that could very much help advance positive airway pressure therapy for those severely affected.

Check it out here

Economics: Crocodilian Gambling Arousal

I couldn't make a sensible title for this one because it's just so bizarre in concept. It turns out that contact with a live crocodile intensifies that person's desire to gamble on electric gaming machines.

This study is a look into pathological gambling problems and physiosocial arousal, and they conclude:

...high arousal can intensify gambling in at-risk players, but only if this feeling state is not perceived as a negative emotion.

To be clear, arousal here isn't referring to a certain kind of attraction to crocs, but simply the emotion after holding a 1m prehistoric beast.

Check it out here (paywall)

Anatomy: Why do old people have big ears?

The general belief seems to be that men's ears grow throughout their life for some reason, but not women's. As it turns out, ALL of our ears grow around 2mm a year after turning 30. We don't think of it with women because their ears start off smaller, and are typically hidden by longer hair.

Medicine: The Disgust of Cheese

I don't understand/like anybody who doesn't like cheese, so I'm glad that scientists have gone out of their way to find the neural basis of this cheese hatred.

Historically, studying aversion of food has been underwhelming, mostly because of the ethical issues related to deliberately making people sick from various food stuffs. This was a safe way to have a look into this under-researched area.

In short:

...our findings show that disgust for cheese, which may be the result from an initial physiological discomfort, is associated with modified activation of the mesocorticolimbic circuitry of reward.

Which basically means cheese haters have a modified (broken) dopamine reward system in their bodies that suppresses all the wrong things and turns them into cheese hating monsters.

Check it out here

Cognition: Twins

It turns out that twins can't even tell themselves apart!

There has been a lot of research on twins in general over the decades but very little when it comes to facial recognition. Might be important with the whole face-scanning smart phone movement that's about to explode thanks to Apple.

When tested, monozygotic (identical) twins could no better distinguish their face than from their twin. They would identify correctly about 50% of the time which is what you might expect from pure chance.

This puts to rest the now mythical idea that identical twins have a 'visual self-face recognition advantage', though there's a whole lot more to be learnt from their results.

Check it out here

Image Sources: Creative Commons CC0

So although the ig nobel is kind of a silly ceremony, it has real world applications. The prize money of 10 trillion Zimbabwe dollars (about enough to buy a loaf of bread) is testament to its silliness, but the arrival of real Nobel laureates handing out the prizes shows its thought provoking values. Can't wait until next year!



restimed. I suport. Great post very laugh

Not liking cheese?! Blasphemy! I'm sure the liquid cats would be extremely offended too and so is my dog who when gaining unauthorized access to a cheese platter always goes for the stinkiest and most expensive cheese first.

Haha o dear... most dogs can't handle their cheese too...

Chinese are cheese haters. They just banned soft cheeses! They will surely go to hell for this

Those poor hedonistic pagans... The eternal green unicorn that farted out the universe ate 9-dimensional cheese to make sure there is enough probiotic in his fart for life to be possible and he will surely punish them for that!

Nice post fella keep steeming!!

I simply could not leave your website before revealing to you that i actually appreciated the simplest quality info you gift to your guests? are going to be back once more as usually as doable to research new posts.

Really nice job @mobbs, this post deserves so much more attention then it has gotten.

Kinda like the ig nobel ceremony itself! Thanks for taking the time though =)

I always laugh a lot when reading the ig nobel featured researches. But I am trying not to laugh too much, as some people take those researches as serious things.

heh yeah, but like, look at their papers, some of them are huge with so much effort. Some (if not all lol) highlight that science isn't all about discovering cures for cancer and new stellar objects...

Well, science is also funny. And it should be!

Resteemed, great post 📯

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