in #science7 years ago (edited)

by Mr. Drobot

Have you seen Operation Avalanche? It’s a VICE & Lionsgate film from 2016 that’s been lightly promoted and found now on various platforms including Amazon Video for a whopping $9.99 (HD). Here’s a taste of the plot to let you know why I personally think you should at least check out the trailer if not the whole flick.

It features a buddy duo in 1965 that are in the CIA and tasked with the mission to become “moles” within NASA in order to identify potential foreign moles by disguising themselves as a documentary film crew.
After much hesitance from their superiors due to their lack of experience, they are greenlit and surprisingly warmly welcomed into NASA headquarters. While there, they realize most of the employees have empty positions and are patiently on hold until the upcoming landing of the moon. During this time, the competition between Russia and U.S.A. to land a rocket on the moon and back seems to be the only thing to bring about respect and peace on Earth.
After tapping NASA’s calls, one night they listen to a very important call where it’s revealed that a bad lander was created for the Apollo rocket and that the Americans can’t land on the moon. Revealing this information to a superior causes the dynamic duo to be dropped immediately from Operation Zipper.

This springs an idea from the main protagonist to find a way to convincingly help film the moon landing as space propaganda in order to end any foreign struggles and bring peace and unity to all of humanity. Sounds harmless, right? So after forging an official briefing to convince his partner into helping create a demo of a space man on the moon to please their superiors... they search for locations that are identical to pictures of what the ground on the moon looks like from past photos taken.
“You know what? This is like one of those good lies…like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.”

They become frustrated filming it during the day, and realize night time would be better. After playing it back in black and white and slowing down the footage, they end up creating an amateur masterpiece. Through a series of fortunate events, they are allowed onto the Stanley Kubrick production of 2001: A Space Odyssey in order to learn how he’s able to make such movie magic (and it's through “front screen projection” and special effects). For anyone seriously studying any Apollo footage and even today’s footage on the ISS, it’s very appearant that these tricks are still largely in play. The duo learns in a briefing that the backup plan is to shoot down Apollo and blame the soviets if the filming fails. While this sounds plausible, many forget that the Apollo missions were also used in order to deceive people into believing that we all live on an infinitely spinning wet meteor magically ballerina twirling around the ever so distant sun.
I’m going to leave the last chunk of the plot as a mystery because how they stage the lunar module landing and rover are jaw dropping reenactments of a conspiracy that most of the public choose to refuse due to the pain accompanied. A youtube movie on this topic that comes to mind is “Space Travel is a hoax” which features a compilation of hard hitting evidence that the moon landing was complete space propaganda in order to deceive the masses to funnel millions of tax dollars into a lost cause. I never thought I would be able to type in “ISS fraud” into a search engine and receive so many cringe worthy results. The ending of the movie is sadly predictable, and is a shocking message to most that whistleblowing or even involvement in a dark conspiracy can lead to men in black following your every move.

Question Time: So what’s in the subtext? Any idea why Avalanche would be used to describe the severity of the mission? Was it to hunch that if the truth were to ever ripple effect about the moon landing that it could actually send space exploration to a screeching halt? Furthermore, why let it slowly leak out with a polished production to hint that it’s extremely close to the truth? Could it be that the very astronauts that humanity looks up to currently are actually running out of persuasion power and influence?
It’s 2017, and not only is it still impossible for humanity to land on the moon, it has never been proven that rockets can safely travel around the moon and land anywhere. Despite attempts from Space X and other private space corporations that are subcontracted under the government to continue space exploration, the only thing that’s ever in the news continues to only be zero gravity flights, computer generated images, and stories with no actual evidence. Which has led many to think that exploration is publicly displayed as traveling upwards, while the rich do everything in their attempt to silently expand outwards...

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