Inspirational: How Science is helping women get pregnant

in #science8 years ago

I have always loved kids. They are adorable, cuddly and so much more. From infantile age to teenage they are the energy source of the house.

I married young. I was about 22 years old, just out of college when my boyfriend proposed to me. I had always wanted it and was definitely expecting it. I said YES. My parents had no reservations. They said YES too. Our wedding was as fairytale like as it could be. I had always wanted a beachside one and I got my wedding to be what I had dreamt.

Years began to pass. My husband got a promotion at his job. We couldn’t be happier. We decided that it was time that we ought to try for kids. This was where disappointments started and hurdles began to creep up. After a year of trying, I decided to go to my gynecologist. She ordered some tests, both for me and my husband.

The results came through. There was nothing wrong with my husband’s sperm count. The problem was with me. I couldn’t have kids. I wonder if I had cried more on anything else. My days were depression and my nights were agony. The thing that I had most wanted had been denied to me. My husband tried soothing me but it was to no avail. I decided to visit my gynecologist again; in order to find out a solution for myself in this advanced age of science.

My gynecologist laughed out loud when she heard what I was worried about. She said multiple treatments including Fertility Drugs, Artificial Insemination, Donor Sperm, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Donor Eggs, Surrogacy, Donor Embryos, Reproductive Surgery, Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer (GIFT), Zygote Intrafallopian Transfer (ZIFT) etc. have become available over the years. She said that to the best of her knowledge, our finest chances were the GIFT provided we could afford it and stay mindful of the precautionary measures.

In Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer (GIFT) eggs from the woman are collected, mixed with sperm from the man in a petri dish, and then placed directly inside the fallopian tubes, where fertilization can occur. It is best for the women who have at least a single functioning fallopian tube as in my case. It is a great alternative for people who have objections to surrogacy or In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). According to my gynecologist, I would have a higher success rate pertaining to my health and younger age. Moreover, GIFT allows fertilization to occur naturally, not artificially thus helping in the reduction of diseases in the new born.

I was happy to produce the 15000 USD that were the price of the treatment. We regularly visited the clinic and now thankfully have a beautiful baby angel at our home which is the product of God’s gift and man’s work in science.

Note: This is a fiction story created to inspire women struggling to conceive. I have also written another post on simillar topic here

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I need to send this story to my friend. She is 44 and wishes to have a baby so badly but no man in sight
Really cool fiction

Thank you Mammasitta i hope you will pass on to her, Even if i can inspire one person that will be enough for me.

I follow your blog now to see more . It's 3 am here in Bali and super tired but I also want to read the other story tomorrow . Nice to meet you

Its my pleasure, Glad you enjoyed