Debunking The Elon Musk Meme

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Every now and then a popular meme pops up out of nowhere in order to serve a specific purpose. That meme often rhymes perfectly with a given narrative. For most people today it answers to the name "science". This specific meme is best framed with stories that have to do with saving the world from global warming, colonizing planets and creating a utopia on earth so we can all jerk each other off in an endless euphoric bliss. It sounds awesome right? The only thing missing is the hero to make all these dreams happen.

Elon Musk entered the scene announcing massive plans for space exploration, saving the environment and "energizing" the world — all under the holy name of science-fuck-yeah (as if we have been doing anything different over the past 500 years). Sensationalists around the globe rejoiced and shilled this guy like never before. At last, a noble visionary with a scientific background ready to save us all from the ills of corrupted governments and greedy fossil fuel producers that want to rape the planet. Uncle Sam begun salivating. A new angle was emerging.

Solar City, Space X, Tesla, are the three companies of Elon Musk, each dedicated to solve a unique problem that humanity faces. Thing is, similar companies already exist all over the world. What he is doing is nothing close to revolutionary. His batteries for example are regular NiMh batteries enclosed in a fancy shell (more or less what Apple does with its computers selling them X3 times more than PCs). Space X is literally a branch of NASA, accomplishing all the tasks they couldn't due to complicated budgeting issues that had to do with taxation. Tesla Motors, is also nothing new. Most asian countries have been using electric cars for quite sometime now. In fact Japan is to go fossil free with theirs cars over the next few years.

Here is the real question for any person that likes to think for themselves. What if these companies — and fancy declarations of grandeur — were just sensationalist pieces of information aimed to distract the consumer from the serious problems that the Musk Clusterfuck & Co is facing? What if the blue pilled normies are just scammed into a meme of utopic future - paying for an idea that is ready to collapse at any moment? What if the government found a new way to redeem itself though the same corporatist tactics but this time is selling it via the pop-culture meme of "science-fuck-yeah"?

Musk became famous because he made way too much money with his early start-ups Zip2 and later by selling Paypal to Ebay. More or less he netted $200 million dollars. Thing is, a start-up is much different than a regular company. A start-up is sold more as an idea. More or less is marketing sensationalism. After the startup is sold, it is often dismantled in order to block competition. A company on the other hand is build and maintained based on real value, actual revenue and sustainability. As far as controlling companies, he sucks big time. All three companies are drowned in debt and have massive cash flow issues. Yet, everytime he is balls -against-the-wall, he manages to come up with a new flashy announcement —yet another meme — and the moronic minions flood to fund his new sensationalism offering a new breath of air. In case you missed it, even Goldman Sacks has downgraded his share from "buy" to "neutral". The shitstorm is imminent while the taxpayers share videos of useless rockets landing backwards. I wonder how much pollution he managed to spread with all that jet fuel, testing missiles for his Pimp - the U.S government.

Musk was recently called by the CEO of Murray Energy Corporation, the largest privately-held coal producer in America. He called Musk an outright fraud because he got nearly 2 billion from the taxpayer (uncle Sam is very proud) without making a single cent in revenue. Needless to say that both are being shilled from the government for different reasons but it is nice to see how the scoundrels fight for the share of the pie that comes out of your paycheck.

Musk has received around $4.9 billion in government subsidies so far. If he was to go zero on subsidies (let's say due to a Murica economic meltdown) the company would go broke. Ever since 2004, when Musk invested $6.35 million in Tesla the company has been leeching from the government. So why all this dependency you might ask?

Any customer who buys the electric car meme receives a $7,500 tax deductible, something that gives Tesla an edge over the competition. On top of this, many states (like Nevada) offer tax brakes of their own. The US government has also given Tesla a number of loans that has yet to repay. While he has been blowing off all this money his car production remained poor. From 2008 to 2015 Tesla sold 106,000 cars and it is very unlikely to deliver as promised another 400,000 by 2018. Due to the slow production the company has been losing money and reporting loses ever since. The company’s total debt has climbed from $401 million in June 2012 to $3 billion in June 2016. Now if we had real free market capitalism Elon Musk would be wiping down toilets now.

SolarCity has also been massively shilled from the government with an outstanding $497 million in grants. In addition the home owner receives another 30% for the total cost from the government. Many states are also planning to build their own factories, all sponsored through SolarCity. You can't get more elite corporatism than this. The government is now stealing even more from your pocket so it can make the world "a better place" through a meme of science. Perfect.

Nonetheless, much Like Tesla, SolarCity is losing money. The insane parabolic grow and free money doesn't actually reflect good business practices. Over the past three years, SolarCity’s debt has risen to $3.25 billion and this is due to the fact that they need to borrow money to install solar panels for a customer who — yet again — leases them with little or no up-front cost. Who is paying for all these, nobody yet understands fully.

Since SolarCity was going down the drain, he decided to sell it but no on was willing to buy. Instead, he decided to absorb it himself in a form of a bailout. On July of 2016 Tesla and Solar City merged. Now this is what we call a "Corporatist Inception". Even Nixon would be proud with this kind of tactics.

SpaceX remains rather mysterious due to its "private" nature. Nonetheless, the U.S Force & NASA has awarded them with over $5.5 billion in government contracts. Now then American citizen can sleep tight since every war front across the world would be sponsored by the latest science innovation of Murica & Tesla Inc. Same shit as before, but with different marketed package.

The raw, uncomfortable truth for those who worship Elon Musk is that his companies are not profitable. In 2008 he almost went broke after The Roadster at Tesla— yet again another meme — failed. While borrowing money from friends and family to survive he was saved by a miracle when NASA offered him a contract of $1.6 billion. How fucking convenient right? At the same time, the sensationalist cheerleader of NASA that goes by the name Neil deGrasse Tyson was giving a speech about how a penny on the dollar could make U.S. A a competitive power in the world again by sponsoring another space race much like the one during the Cold War with the Soviet Union. This time though, it will be China.

So there you have it folks. Round and round we go to bend over and taste our own shit served in a fancier platter. I was asked before "How is it possible for science to be used for evil?" and I believe that this is a solid answer in regards how you can turn the recent science meme into a driving force to fund the American Imperialistic machine.

Update: Read Here How & Why One Hedge Fund Manager Thinks Tesla Will Go Bankrupt


He's a vainglorious asshat for trying to build rockets to Mars. He just wants to pop Mars's cherry, like it's for the good of us all.

You bring up good points in this article. Your concluding paragraph especially. I can think of at least 3 things to add to your article.

  1. the series Black Mirror on netflix
    2)the book by Patrick M. Wood titled "Technocracy Rising The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation" published 2015
    3)Just a question, was it Google CEO that said something to the effect of "Do no evil?"
    ok Thought of a 4th item, in a question.
  2. Is the root of all of this biblically based in "Man's sin nature"?

Please forgive my formatting errors, I am a minnow!

'Don't be evil' was the google early motto.

Actually pretty good points.

I am not sure about the "Do no evil" quote but I bet the U.S government would find "fighting terrorism" as an excuse that they are benevolent.

My bad for not checking the quote. It should be "Don't be evil" at least if we can believe this Time article; It's interesting that Google has replaced that motto with their new code of conduct as stated in the article.

Everyone likes to speak with words that sooth ears. At the end what matters is our actions.

or Madeline Albright's "We think it's worth it."

meh. amazon was not profitable for years and year..some people understand that the long road is LONG.
I standwithElon!

Pure luck. You could have invested in another competitor and still had the same chances.

Post-hoc everybody is standing with the seeming winner. You can't get more naive than that

classic kyriacos answer. oh well. why do i even bother.

Because you didn't even read the whole thing. I can tell from your answer. You are a believer man. Nothing anyone can do about this. You just brought a "winning" parallelism without even realizing the massive cognitive bias. What else do you want me to tell you? That you think like a 15 year old? I pointed your mistake. Nothing wrong with that.

I'm happy for him. He deserves it!

He deserves to cooperate with an organization that kills thousands every year? Seriously, there is something mentally dubious about you. Somedays you are all about world peace, being good and all and another you support corporatists with military advancements. Have you looked in a mirror recently?

I look pretty great today! Good hair day. Hope it lasts

oh boy I am going to enjoy tagging you when he goes broke

It's luck..and access to cheap federal reserve credits.

He would have been the top Snake Oil Salesman of the 1800's, would have probably won a couple trips to China if the solar powered boats went there back then.

Great parallelism

I respectfully disagree with your take on Musk. I think he would do just fine in a free market. Thing is, he's competing against subsidized interests, so we'll never know the viability of his products unless all subsidies of private industry stop. Early on I was critical of the electric car in particular. Being an automotive enthusiast, I failed to see how an all electric car could compete, from a consumer standpoint, with internal combustion powered cars. He has resoundingly proved me wrong with the Model S, which is in many ways superior to anything else available. It's not just a good electric car, it's just a great car, period. That said, it remains to be seen whether Tesla's more pedestrian products coming through the pipeline can be made profitably. Once again, I'm skeptical of their viability, but I wouldn't mind being proven wrong.

You might also want to check how he is in bed with the army yet again. I guess 5,6 billion were not enough

At some point he did just fine but then the wheels turned and he went broke. If it wasn't for the government to bail him out he would not have succeeded. This is pretty evident.

I am not denying that he created a good product. I am simply saying that he is reproducing a given technology without using his money and the hype behind him is not justified.

Yeah, I think it's fair for you to point out that Elon Musk is no anointed one, but I just wanted to play devil's advocate a bit there and point out how he's essentially obligated legally to get in bed with the government to keep his businesses afloat, even if he worked for his opponents. If there weren't government subsidies for fossil fuel production, it's arguable that someone else would have already entered the market with alternatives and Musk wouldn't even have a chance to compete against the already saturated market. It's tough to say that for sure though because the markets have been so tampered with.

I can remember years ago spending only a couple hundred dollars for aftermarket parts on one of my own cars and I basically doubled my highway mpg. It only cost me that much because I live in California and I'm required to buy government-approved parts for my vehicles to pass inspection here. I could have done it much cheaper by making my own. Why couldn't OEMs have done that with all of the resources and expertise at their disposal? Well, maybe it's because they were incented to do the opposite. A very likely explanation is that they were just incompetent with zero incentive to improve because of their oligopoly, also likely due to the incestuous nature of the auto industry's relationship with the state, and the oil industry's relationship with the government coincides with all of that. This is what Elon Musk is up against, and he has a legal and fiduciary obligation to his shareholders to seek state funding to compete with it, and that would include government contracts.

I think the government saw a great opportunity when thy bailed him out. He had "mars dreams" and came like godsend to push their own agenda.

You could be right about that.

Like I said, I'm still skeptical. I think any investors interested in Tesla stock (I'm not personally) should do quite a bit of due diligence. It doesn't change the fact that all us skeptics could be wrong. He certainly disproved my original thoughts on his products that you couldn't make a viable electric car at any cost. What remains to be seen is whether he can manufacture and sell a mass market car profitably using the same types of technologies as the more expensive car. Who knows? Maybe the economies of scale will be much greater than Spiegel estimates. I'll believe it when I see it, but it would be cool to me if he pulls it off.

More than a decade ago I was possessed of a grip of stuff that tyrannized my life. Contemplating my 'empire', I counted motors.

I had around 50 (non appliances) of both electric and infernal combustion power. Of the electric motors, all of them worked all the time, and never required maintenance, except to replace the brushes (if they had brushes) when they wore out.

Of the petroleum fueled motors, only about half worked at any given time (mostly due to my own failure to maintain them), all of them required constant maintenance, and worse, they polluted my personal space in various and intransigent ways.

Ever since then I have strongly desired an electric car. Just so that I wouldn't have to continually fix it, maintain it, and suck it's fumes, like I do my 1980 VW pickup.

Last year I bolted a solar panel on the hood, and added three more batteries. Last month I found out my alternator hadn't worked in almost 6 months, but the solar panel kept my truck running - even though I have a massive stereo blasting alla time - by charging the batteries.

Electric motors just work. Infernal combustion devices just suck. While I currently stick with the (unhackable) pre-electronically controlled mechanically-fuel injected VW, I am considering moving to a fully electric motivator, but must first ensure that I can do that securely.

Current IOT technology being embedded in cars is a deal killer for me.

just a question, if elons cars are so fantastic why does he loose money on every sale? and that is after bilking the american taxpayer for 7500 per car. the shite will hit the fan if and when he rolls out the last stock bouncing jedi mind f&^k on preselling a bunch of cars without the facility to build them, and when those little jewels hit the street and start exploding like a samsung galaxy phone i sure hope our government doesnt throw the too big to fail moniker on his ponzi scheme and bilk us out of even more money.

Well, I didn't say profitable, I said that the Model S is a great car. At any price, it competes well with anything any other manufacturer has to offer.

that is my point , the market (capitalism) will make room for viable goods and services at any price , if you need to supplement those goods with taxpayers dollars to sell it technically its not a viable product.and at some point it tesla motors does turn a profit are we going to get our money back?

Man I think Elon Musk has the right intentions , but the government are using him/others to get red of all inflation in the system after 1971 Fiat money introduction , PROOF see the dept after 1971 fiat money system .

I believe we can safely assume they are using each other. This is why the U.S dives more and more into its own shit

Will Musk ever go broke due to all of his start-ups? What do you think?

I think that he already went down and was bailed out from the government. At least this is what the evidence show.

hes burning through 13 million a day, unless his startups are actually killing it and never falter he will have a few months , and that figure is on very limited production when he ramps up expenses go up.

Might be that Tesla is currently overvalued but at least Mr. Musk is doing something and his company actually produces the promised products.
He won't save the world but I would rather see him succeed with battery powered cars and solar roofs instead of seeing him make money with nuclear power, oil or weapons like so many others are already doing.

Exactly this kind of belief ( solar better than nuclear) is the core of the problem and why it will all fall apart. Also. Like i explain in the article he is working with the US military

I'm not convinced but time will tell... By the way, IMO solar definitely is much better than nuclear power.

Solar is highly inefficient. Also, the production of solar cells are not as "green" as you think

Let me answer with numbers:

"Older nuclear reactors are about 33% efficient, newer plants are about 36% efficient" (Source:

"Solar panels: 70% and Solar cells 15%" (Source:

15 % is not too much? You're right and those numbers are quite old. The current record stands at 40 % for solar cells (Source:

Efficiency of technology itself is irrelevant. Solar energy covers just 1% of global energy demands while nuclear more than 60%. Also nuclear is in itself the most efficient even if you take the old reactors into consideration.



You neglect the astounding toxicity of nuclear power, and the external costs. You also neglect the simplicity of solar, and the personal freedom that empowers.

Nothing is perfect, but solar is breddy gud.

uhh the actual research shows that the amount of harmful toxins generated building the batteries for those time bombs is considerably worse than anything we are currently doing, and here is a really important quesion that nobody is asking, what in the hell are we gonna do with all of those 600lb batteries when they go bad in 3 to 5 years, you wanna talk about some industrial waste that is also highly caustic and flamable.

Worse than Chernobyl and Fukushima? Where is that "actual research"?

what does nuclear energy have to do with combustion engines ?

Lithium batteries are poster boys for recycling. That's what we're gonna do with them.

Infernal combustion engines are also recyclable, and that's what's done with them, too.

However, it does not make any economic sense to recycle the batteries. Batteries contain only a small fraction of lithium carbonate as a percent of weight and are inexpensive compared to cobalt or nickel. The average lithium cost associated with Li-ion battery production is less than 3% of the production cost.Aug 1, 2011
The Lithium Battery Recycling Challenge - Waste Management World burst my bubble. I was loving the opening meme but then... anyway, I will have to pay closer attention to what's going on with Elon Musk.

Yeap sad. Check out how he recently landed another U.S military deal...he is in bed with them big time.


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