An attempt to explain the “Other Dimensions” of reality.

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Not knowing is ignorance, knowing it all is arrogance. Leaving something unfinished is laziness doing it all is madness.

I am into spirituality since I was very young. Spirituality is not like following some specific book or following any specific ritualistic approaches or whatever people are selling these days in the name of “spirituality”. To me it has always been something science like, now one might say “hmm that’s that alchemy crap again” but I am sorry to disappoint you I have no clue what alchemy is outside what I have read in some books. It was fascinating but I doubt that I even scratched the surface of it so if you are going to compare it with alchemy, go ahead.


It’s neither occult to me as I have no proper idea on what exactly is qualified as occult. People say occult is knowledge of unknown. Well when I was just a kid my mother used to hide cookie jars and I kind of always used to know where they were hidden because she wasn’t a very good hider, does such kind of knowledge is classified as occult?

Spirituality is more like a mixture of science and art to me. It’s like when we were just children we all had some idea about what world is but we never had specific knowledge of anything yet deep down we were kind of confident and positive about almost everything. That feeling of not knowing much yet understanding it all is a spiritual state of mind. Like many have said it before and I am just repeating it again. Spirituality is a super set of science.

That being said, I am kind of fascinated about Quantum physics lately just like most of others out there. In my own thoughts I often find myself asking why I never knew about it when I was younger? I remember studying a thick book that had “quantum physics” written over it’s cover and I remember how it used to scare me to death and I never touched it back then. But now it turned out to be so interesting that I wanna follow through all that is going on in that specific field(minus the scary part).

This whole thing from having nightmares as a younger me to now interested me got me thinking about consciousness. Various dimensions/levels of consciousness to be specific. I know I get random thoughts and I kind of try to connect bunch of things, it’s a tedious yet interesting habit of me.

So after thinking about this specific entanglement of quantum physics, spirituality and levels of consciousness yield an interesting theory that I would like to share with you good steemians out there.

Other Dimensions of Reality

In order to understand the other dimensions of reality one must try and understand the concept of consciousness first. As far as I am concerned I have tried to understand it for several years. Read many books/texts on it but the more I tried the more I realized that it’s way past my level of understanding. Still I managed to understand some of it, own my own and with day to day experiences I have developed a theory and it goes something like.

Let’s assume the initial state of unborne Universe was zero (0) and after it came into the existence it became infinite. Since the day the Universe came into existence and till today we have infinite+n states of existence (for both living and non living matter)where n= total non-linear time till today and if you are already feeling drowsy and disoriented after reading this just like me this proves that we humans are not built for processing such stuff.

There is more to that theory but it’s way past the scope of this post and rather heavy on me to explain right now.

Back to the original topic i.e. Other dimensions of reality. For us humans and I believe to other life forms reality has a very strong co-relation with consciousness considering if other species are at all aware of their existence. I mean if we are not consciousness nothing is real(or fake) to us right? The Universe existed way before we came to existence but was it some other dimension too or was it this dimension?

We lead our life on day to day basis and so does different plants and animals. Or let’s say people in other countries too and we never know how their day went we try to co-relate with our own life and see it as a Universal reality but that in fact is not true and real. Everybody leads their lives in different ways so things that our consciousness clips every second can be seen as other dimensions too? Or do we have to add supernatural and extraterrestrial phenomenon to make it more appealing so that it would sound like other dimensions?

Where does other dimensions exist?

Truth is Universe is a massive phenomenon and we can’t imagine the things that happens through out it with every passing second. The science we have is rather incomplete and we come to conclusion too soon. Maybe there is no Multi-verse and just one Big universe that follows the undiscovered principles of science that we as humans will never understand?

We have sinkholes, we have dark matter and dark energies, we have time dilation and expansion we have zillions of other things. There is no way we can ever understand the true nature of Universe.

The Taj Mahal exists only at one place of the World and it has it’s own attributes and logic bound to it. There are numerous other things but the Taj Mahal is just one and it exists only at one specific location.
In the same way I don’t think other dimensions are universal I think they are location specific or time specific that is if we would ever understand the true nature of time.

Okay enough with the random talks what are other dimensions?

Fine you got me, now start counting.

We have 3+1 regular dimensions that is 3-D space and Time that we can easily decode with our given senses. Then we have a fantasy land that some claims to be as real as all other dimensions but they claim that they’re real we just lack the consciousness to decode them. Especially yogis and whatnot always described about these intangible dimensions. I myself used to tell myself “hah! Nice try but I will call it bullshit” until a scientific organization produced anti-matter and my mind for a fact knew I have read it somewhere before when I was a kid. I read it in a book called “Mahabharata”, if you’ve read that book you will understand what I am talking about. That’s a very ancient book of Hindus and there is no way it was written after the discovery of such phenomenons as anti-matter.

Where is anti-matter coming from? That’s still a topic for debate. As far as I have read about it, it is coming from thin air, literally. Can we for a second call it dimension 5? If you keep an open mind you will understand.

Everybody has heard about black holes in 2018. Our beloved Stefan Hawkings is talking about it for many decades now and he said nothing can escape it, not even light. Well I don’t know about light but I do understand logic and I also understand that thoughts are energy and I know for a fact that everything is energy in this Universe, even the matter itself is energy. Now take your logical thoughts inside a black hole for 20 seconds and try to imagine what dimension is that? Is it dimension OO FUCK! Yet? Well that’s what I thought. That was Dimension 6.

To be continued...

Want to stop the madness? don’t go for the title, go for the content.

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Great 👍👍
see my last post,i need your support how was that:)

I feel like saying "It's a cosmic baklava and you're traveling a jello mold with tetrahedral plank fuzz pixels shown through a holographic 8-dimentional lattice crystal with each solid shape turned 15º and connected to the others by within it. God was hungry and likes crystals or something, I don't know!"

Oh ... and there are a total of 8 dimensions. I say this because D-Wave has technology that actually leverages them.

I think in actuality they have identified at least 256 dimensions and somebody, somewhere once mentioned that they are utilizing 16 dimensions already for cosmic research and what not. Like I've mentioned in the post not all those dimentions exist around us on Earth or even the milkyway but at different part of the Universe.

Partially that was my point. That metaphysics has been essentially broken by physicist physics. Now, the research uses 12 to 16 dimensions of measurement in order to place quantum coordinates. Those dimensions, for all purposes we're affected by, are nothing at all.

Like I said just now, the fact of there being exactly 8 levels of "Dimensions" in the sense you're thinking is a pretty solid one. D-Wave takes huge advantage of that, and the PC you're using right now takes advantage of a few parts of it. "Ghosts" also have very solid explanations and predictions from the same model. It isn't a thought experiment or just pretty numbers and symbols.

From the 8th dimension, also called E8, there exists essentially a crystaline lattice structure containing a representation of all information in existence, or that ever was or will be, by motion. This is projected as a "shadow" through the dimensional layers, until arriving here where we experience. Spirit has Nothing to do with this.

Each point in the world is made of what is essentially a bunch of tetrahedral, plank-length things I want to call pixels. Their "colors" determined in 8 values. Those values? Dimensions. You have six that matter to you - height, width, depth, duration, momentary beginning, momentary ending.

Actually I wanted to continue the article but I got busy with something else, I’m looking into the skinwalker ranch thing lately and it’s so mysterious and awesome It made me skip everything else lol.

Also I try to write something with my common sense I kind of challenge myself if I can come up with something I do read and all but what’s the point in writing the same stuff as somebody else has written before using different words? I know I’m not absolutely correct but at times I do come up with something new, I think that’s good enough for me instead of being perfect. Perfection is never my property, something original? I guess

Well, I hope you do continue down this rabbit hole at some bored moment in the future. That thing never ends ... Skinwalker ranch is different. Depending on how you look at it.

You think different, though similarly. I like that. Following ye.

And following you!

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