RE: Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: The Wi-Fi Allergy
The ringing in my ears tells me many things. I dont think its a tumor. Putting earplugs in, changes the tone ever so slightly,higher. The higher tone dose not feel overbearring like the lower tone that is at a constant, without ear plugs.. im not sure what this means but I do have my theories. Its either a byproduct of all of the elctromagnetic frequencies that we are using and /or the type of frequency.
Or on the darker side of paranoia, it could be intentially being inflicted and causeing people to go crazy, dragging people downward mentally. The tone is almost like right after you hit your head, real good.. try it. Sit silenty and use earplugs, pay attention to every instant as your hearing is being clouded. See if your head dosent feel lighter. Why is that? The frequency. I believe even people with hearing imparments would benefit from meditating with ear plugs in, like depravation.
Good post.
Thank for the comment! Please do share your theories, I'm keen to hear them. I'm presuming that you are hypersensitive to electromagnetic radiation? Or at least that's one of your theories?
I actually finished the post. Im am thinking that i am becoming more aware of many different frequencies. I belive this tone is haveing an effect similar to de-evelution on the minds of people.
Oh, thanks. I commented before you finished.
My theory though is that everyone is inhibited by this, it is not just a certain few who are "allergic". I am just striving to be hyper aware of my mind (listening)and therefore believe I can just be a witness to the fact that there is something in the "air" causeing harm. I dont believe the planet would produce a harmful tone like that organically.