Why we need to worry more about GMOs(Genetically Modified Organisms) | Synopsis!!

in #science6 years ago (edited)

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Hey steemians, today I wanted to highlight about this prevailling topic about the genetically modified organism that seen inception to the world in the recent times as we have realised the continued growth in science, technology and innovation.

The recent times have had us go through a lot of changes, alterations and modifications. Yes as the great saying goes "Change is a fact of life." But some changes are literally causing more harm than good.

Technologies such as phones, tablets, computers have led to a drop in the normal eye sight capability hence leading to blurred sight.

GMOs are organisms but fauna and flora that have had there DNAs altered and modified from other organisms done by the help of genetic engineering to probably enhance their ability in effect to their uses!

Why would someone want a resource's DNA altered??? This is not science but proposed fiction. Why should we create "transgenic" organisms??? Do you know how this is done, for example a gene from say an arachnid such as a spider that helps it produce silk for example is literally inserted into the DNA of an ordinary domestic animal say a goat to help in production of silk protein milk by the goat.

This milk is then processed further in order to isolate the silk proteins in the goat milk in order to make simple but very strong silk which is said to have a long term, wide range of medical and indusrial uses??

I think we are just just creating our own deaths in case we are to consume products from these transgenic organisms. But why??? This must be one of man's great mistakes.

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The current range of these GMOs can disturb the mind.....they are as many as you could imagine, from tomatoes to maize, pigs to goats, spiders to jelly fish, and all sorts of plant and animal species and families.

Tomatoes have been modified to the extent where they can resist totally cold temperatures and frost with genes that help them be able to freeze in the temperature. Apples also have been altered to an extent where they are able to reduce the levels of enzymes that cause browning in traditional apples.

These alterations will have caused harm great harm and will in the end lead to the extinction of original organisms for example traditional tomatoes, apples, potatoes and many others to mention but a few and by far the biggest use of GMO technology is being used in large scale agricultural crops. These crops have proven to be resistant to insect pests hence cutting down the essential need and cost of spraying with pesticides.

What is the future of GMOs.

I see the future of genetically modified organisms having more harm than good to the environment and people's health.

They first of all affect the food chain which is an essential for the maintainance of the environment and all its apsects including humans.

They have been linked to toxics and allergies, sterility and death of livestock, hence causing damage to every organism in the food chain.

These GMOs are literally prevailling in less developed countries as developed nations do not consider them to be any safe. In countries such as Australia, Japan and all countries categorised under the Europian Union have made clear restrictions and bans on the sale and production of genetically modified organisms.

I think food and products produced from genetically modified organisms should be labelled for easy identification so that the world can consume them and use them at their own conscience and also there should be strict laws on the production of such organisms in order to preserve the life of humans and other organisms as well. Due to the above prospects, there will be a serious battle in prevention than cure!!!



Your post makes a lot of claims with no proof to back it up. I sympathise with your concern about GMO, but serious metastudies have found no issues: https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2017/06/19/gmo-20-year-safety-endorsement-280-science-institutions-more-3000-studies/

Thank you for your thoughtful comment @kooshikoo. Yeah, it is not about the concern that most relevant here. I have seen GMO products and tasted some, from my point of view and what I have found out is that they are really a disgrace to mankind.

You need to literally try them

You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

They first of all affect the food chain which is an essential for the maintainance of the environment and all its apsects including humans.
It should be maintenance instead of maintainance.

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