in #science7 years ago


I cultivating ki, then use it on these

first sit in a cross-legged position, your back straight and your
chin up. Then with your right hand grasps your left calf, and the
left hand, right calf, closes his eyes and begins to breathe through
nose slowly. 4 seconds inhale oxygen, retenlo for two seconds and exhale
oxygen in 4 seconds and wait 2 seconds, this method relaxes your mind and
After making this method about ten or more times, do
following: Inhale as you breathe normally, but this time imagine or visualize the ki
entering your body, and once you're holding oxygen also catch
ki in your body, visualizing that reaches all parts of this, visualize the ki
spreading his arms, elbows, hands and fingers. Then do the same with your
legs, and finally ki beam that reaches your hera (read the first article on
ki). Do this until you feel you have gained enough energy. After a
ki time can enter your body involuntarily while doing any

KI sphere
This part is motivated to teach psi areas with their own energy,
principle can be somewhat tiring but it will get used.

You have to put your hands together, as if you were holding something.
Clear your mind of all thoughts, just think of the field of psi.
Imagine the color you want for this. With his eyes closed and his
hands together. Focus on energy flowing from his body, his arms, to
her hands. Let the energy flow out their hands and concentrate on that little space that has formed with his
hands. At that point you have to be sure that it will work and have to
Having a positive attitude. Relax the muscles in his arms for more power
flow. Keep your concentration. One way to know that you are accomplishing is
because somewhere in their hands are getting hot. They too
they may start to itch, like a tingling, and yank. After this one
sentiment still remains his hands. If you do not see anything or implement a
tiny something with the color you imagined piece, you may need
add more energy. Your hands can be relaxing at this stage of
HOT. Do not worry. If you succeed, you should have a sphere
radiant energy! Throw something and see what happens.

Relax, clarify your mind. Imagine you collect energy from your stomach,
until you feel a sensation in your hands to give the indication that
something out of them, in this case the energy. Now put your hands near,
as if holding something. The palms of your hands should be in front
to face. Then visualize the energy that goes from your stomach into his arms, through
his arms into his hands, and then off his hands. Try to feel the energy
that moves through your body. Once you reach your hands, your hands
They could begin to feel warm and tingling.
Remember all experience things differently, but if you get
a different feeling in your hands is not common, it is because it is
working. As energy flows out of your hands, conform energy
a ball as if you were molding clay or plasticine (always
thinking about it). By now most people perception
is a pressure in his hands.
this is the energy. Move your hands slightly in front and back, this will
It will help you feel the stored energy in his hands. If the feeling is more
increasingly weak it is because the energy is dissipating and losing the way.
To correct this you visualize a glass sphere surrounding area of psi,
It held together in a power and sphere shape. You too
You can control the size and density of the ball through visualization,
example, if you imagine that the glass sphere enlarges and leaves more to the
energy, the sphere will grow. After working on creating spheres of psi
you can try to shape energy, to form different things, not
necessarily it has to be a sphere. But for now it is best to start with
a sphere. When you to finish the exercise, it is better reabsorb
power to prevent further loss of energy. To do this just display a
river and that energy goes into their hands, and into his arms, and yield in your stomach
until the ball disappears. If you feel the vertiginous feeling could
but for the energy you reabsorbed. If this happens, it is simply because
He is circulating through his body.
Ki shield
Feel the ki inside your body, feel how it flows through your meridians (channels
energy). Now feel how the ki out of your Hera, and how more ki out of your body.
Then visualize how the ki walking out of your body begins to form around
your shield glass. Now he begins to feel the space between your body and shield
ki. Once completed, the layer displays more
outside of the shield starts to become harder and harder, which is transformed
a shield of iron or metal. The more you concentrate you, the harder the
Feeling the ki
Close your eyes and think there's someone standing next to you. Displays the ki within
from her body. Now try to reach your ki ki subject standing winged yours ...
The stronger the tingle in your stomach, the stronger the ki
person or living being.
Attacking with the ki
To attack with ki to do the following: When you fire your ki to something or
You need someone dare do this, and so this will act as
a sonic wave and create a shockwave. When the distance is shortened, the result
the attack is better because it is more direct, because if it is a long distance,
begins to disperse in the air, also a physical attack is more devastating than
one distance as there is no space between the ki and the opponent.
Basic ki blast
First put your hands and make a sphere psi or ki. Then stand in a wide
position. Focus on what you're going to hit, but do not forget to focus on the
ki sphere. Add the energy that you think is necessary. Then visualize the ki
inside you radiate out. When you're ready to put your hands together in
a position to hit (how put the characters in the Dragonball series, or
street fighters). Gather your hands and then exploit the ki, then release it in a
short and devastating blow. Push the ball of ki outside the body and send it through
the object or person. This will cause the person and lose desconcentre
ki kick
Do the same steps as before but with your leg
Ki flame:
It is a version of power up. Begins to get energy and let it flow all over your
body, is getting more and more energy. Fill your inner and outer body
energy or ki. Once you find yourself gathered enough energy, make it explode and
out violently out, wrapping her in a flame of ki. To view:
If you've seen the Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball GT series, is what
They do when they expel their ki.
Basic healing Ki
Place your hands on the wound or painful area. Let your ki flow in the area
wound. Imagine your ki like yellow color, and pain like red color. When
ki enters the body of another person, make the yellow energy dominates the
red energy (imagine that surrounds it, and eats, how a mutant meadow
appearing in a comic strip called Mampato, which travel to the 40 century). In
his mind this should seem to yellow eaten pain (red). After
about a minute, there should be more red, meaning that no
no more pain.
running against the wind without feeling
This technique is for your daily jog or bike ride. This prevents the wind do
you fence slower, cultivating his ki in a very sharp shield. What there is
to do is create a very strong psi shield, separating it from the wind, and so
you do not feel ... do cost a little at first, but with practice you
you can do it very easily

NOTE: Do not perform this technique and make some physical contact, because if the blast
ki contains a lot of energy and is very powerful, it can disintegrate organs
the opponent and kill him ....
Combo ki
Begins to feel the ki in your body, now let it flow to the hand with which
you're going to attack, you leave the ki in your hand and concéntralo within it. Once
you have collected enough ki begins to focus on the object to which you
wilt thou, focus on the space behind it. Then tell your brain that you are
paste into that space. Attacks and has to leave the ki of your hand at the time of
impact, and flow through the object or adversary.

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