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RE: Soul Has Weight

in #science6 years ago

Can't see it. Can't feel it. Can't weigh it. Can't measure it in any way.

It's almost as if you were talking about data. Your USB drive weighs the same whether it's empty of full.

Therefore, is your soul data? Could you reasonably look at it that way? Just look at the brain, the state of your neurons is your data. They are everything you are at that moment: thoughts, memories, reflexes, desires...

Unfortunately, when you go, your data fast decomposes. That's all, bye.

Sorry if that bothers some. It is what it is.

science fiction, fantasy, erotica


ill follow this ^^

TY. Hope you enjoy.

At first when I started reading your post, I thought your argument would be the opposite. Every once in a while my blood pressure just rises at what cranks post.

I laid it out, but good, to some nut case flat earther last week. I know it's pointless to engage them, but someone eventually will have to.

Keep writin', love your stuff.
science fiction, fantasy, erotica
a new post from my novel Andromeda has arrived on the scene ...

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