Rick and Morty: Is Unconditional LOVE Toxic?!

in #science8 years ago (edited)

Now I know some people will find dumb to compare a cartoon show to an existencial life philosophy... "freaking calm down lol"...
There is this show called Rick and Morty and the show is about time travel and aliens and science and mutch more... (its a good freaking show, if you don´t watch it... you should!).
The show itself doens´t matter that mutch to this post, but there is an episode where Rick (a mad scientist) and Morty (his grandchild) go into a machine to get rid of their toxicity. The machine basically reads the mind of the users and gets rid of everything they find toxic about them selfs by creating a "toxic clone" of the user. Leaving the user with only traits they like about themselves.
Essencially let´s say that you are a liar, and you find that to be toxic about youself. You enter the machine, the machine makes a copy of you that is a liar and you come out the machine has an honest person. Got it? Ok.

Sem Título.png
Rick and Morty and their toxic clones Image Source

What does this have to do with unconditional love?

The trick to the machine is... you just need to believe your trait is toxic for it to be removed to the other clone, it doens´t have to be a bad trait per say.
If you think, for example, that liking bananas is bad and toxic and you entered the machine, your toxic clone would love bananas and you would start to hate them. Even though there´s nothing wrong with it, just because you think it is toxic, the machine removes it.
In the episode this is portrayed in Rick (the grandfather of Morty remember?), by showing that his toxic clone cares for the well being of his grandchild Morty. This means that Rick sees the love for his grandchild has toxic, irrational and overall has weakness... Well that begs the question... is unconditional love... toxic, irracional and a weakness?

Yes. But wait...

I love people unconditionally at the moment. It´s not many people but I do, and you probably have people in your life like this too.
Loving people unconditionally means that no matter what these people do you will still love them at the end. That is absolutely not only irrational but dumb.
I mean no matter what they do? If they killed a baby and raped your grandmother would you still love them? (sorry for being graphic... lol).
Well if you love them unconditionally... you would. You would get upset and angry and probably call the freaking cops... but at the end you would still love them. Maybe months later, but you would still do... that´s what makes unconditional love toxic. Shouldn´t love be earned? Shouldn´t your love be earned?

In my opinion... yes. And I have people that I love uncondionally that do stupid shit all the time. And it is toxic, and it is irrational and it is a weakness... but it is also what keeps me up at night. It is also why I wake up every day.
I don´t know about you, but I´m human (I guess you probably are too since you are reading this... that was a stupid way of phrasing...) and humans are social.
Part of who we are is love, part of our existence is the need to love, and we take our bets and do it.
Yes uncondional love is irrational and toxic... but without it, you aren´t really living, your just going around trying to find meaning in a universe that already gave you an awnswer: freaking love.

Thanks for reading :)


THE BEST SHOW EVER!! Cool post thanks for putting it up.

Freaking agree haha Thanks for the comment @mudcat36 :D

I love Rick and Morty. My 11 year old son got me into it. And I just recently saw this episode. I like your take on it!

It´s an amazing show :) Thanks for reading @somena

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