Sorry to all of the Chem-trail believers. (The facts inside.)

in #science8 years ago (edited)


This is a very touchy subject to a whole lot of people. I too, was under the spell of all the hype involved with Chem-trails. Until I looked into it further. Now, I'm not saying that there isn't any atmospheric geoengineering going on out there. There has been multiple transparent projects that attempt experiments and test out theories.

What I am specifically addressing is when an airplane zooms by over head, and leaves behind a trail of what looks like a cloud. People tend to automatically assume, "Fucking Chem-trails, the stupid government is trying to kill us all, and destroy the planet!" When in reality it's just precipitation, caused by the heat and moisture being released from the exhaust of a jet engine, mixing with the subzero temperatures of the upper atmosphere.

The Evidence

Here is D-news breaking it down for you.

With that being said, has this changed your perspective at all? If you have anything else to add feel free.
Before I get bombarded with any negative comments, your opinion and perspective matters to me. I am just presenting information here.

Thank you for taking the time to checkout my post! Resteem to spread awareness. Haha

For more follow me @ intrepidthinker.

Recommended content:
@matt-a, @robrigo, @kotturinn, @tommyinthesun, @modernnomad, @aprilwyatt


Being a fan of aviation my whole life ,and being a member of the EAA I have talked to a large number of veteran pilots , weather it was military or commercial, from San Francisco to Memphis Tennessee, none of these people that I conversed with ever expressed any intention of poisoning large amounts of unknown people .....not saying it has never happened, because I'm sure it has....I'm expressing the fact that would should not all follow the sheeple who are commonly scared of the unknown .. instead of just finding out for ones self , especially about cloud seeding first documented during the dust bowl up to the time we entered Vietnam and made it rain to wash out the ho chi Minh trail....the greatest threat to knowledge is the illusion of knowledge itself .....example ! If one is not inclined of the snake species they can find themselfs fearing all snakes ...because they are unable to distinguish good from bad most just assume the worst me it isn't as bad as you think the sky isn't falling .....Great Post @intrepidthinker this is definitely a discussion that needs more information brought to the public and you done awesome!

Thanks for adding additional information. I wanted to make clear that I definitely am not saying that it hasn't happened before, or that there isn't any organization that has tested chemicals in the atmosphere. I mentioned Atmospheric geoengineering in the post. I am specifically talking about Contrails that aircraft give off. Most automatically assume that they are "Chem-trails".

Thanks again for the information @modernnomad. This definitely needs to be discussed instead of jumping to conclusions, because you heard another person make a claim.

Now what am i going to blame my infertility on?!

Vaccines! Vaccines is the new chemtrails!

Thanks for the tip, neighbor.

Hahaha I can think of a massive list of things!

Yeah I had seen about this. I mentioned Atmospheric Engineering in the post. Thanks for giving an example!

B.S. they are spraying one only has look at the crisscrossing trails and how the clouds grow this is not a conspiracy and stop telling people that it is intrepidthinker54

Also, if you believe the government IS actually spraying chemicals without our knowledge it is considered a conspiracy.

Conspiracy Definition:

A secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.
The action of plotting or conspiring.

True or not it is technically a conspiracy.

You are definitely entitled to your opinion. Are you saying that air traffic doesn't cross each others paths?
"how the clouds grow", explain what you mean by that.

Chem trails are very real!

Your opinion matters to me. What do you think about the information presented here?

At last, someone reasonable and level-headed. Thanks for that!

Haha No problem. I try to have a logical\rational approach to things. Thanks for taking the time to check it out and leave a comment @herverisson.

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