Light and 100,000+ degrees produced by only water, air, and sound!
Have you heard of the process called sonoluminescence? It's a process in which you suspend an air bubble in water using sound waves. This causes the air bubble to collapse in on itself repeatedly. They call it "the star in a jar."
I was reading an article that was saying scientist are getting really close to producing nuclear fusion with this method. Some actually have already claimed to have achieved it.
In the video below you can watch this reaction take place.
If you ask me, it does look a whole lot like a little sun. I think if we can find a way to harness the energy that's being created by this simple process it can be a real game changer.
nice post
Thank you. It blew me away when I seen it.
If this were to ever be attained, it would take forever to gain traction due to so many deeply ingrained special interest groups (e.g. DICKS).
Haven't watched the video yet, but will in a bit.
So glad to see you consistently posting wild shit!!!
Thanks! That definitely would be the case. Wealth over growth and progression, always.
All I'm doing is enjoying myself. haha