Coitus Interruptus What You Need To Know.
Remember that part of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's novel, "Americanah" where Obinze and Ifemelu make out and in a futile attempt to reassure Ifemelu of their "being safe" Obinze tells Ifemelu "that he would pull out"? And then later in jest, that he wouldn't mind welcoming junior?
By the way, If you have not read the book, I recommend it, it is another striking, unforgettable masterpiece by Adichie and was one of the new York time's "Top 10 books" of the year 2013.
But away from that, this piece is not about books or teenage hormones running haywire. Okay maybe a little bit about the last part.
The major aim of this piece is to bring to light certain sexual obscurities. Another primary objective of mine is to annex your reliquary of sexual knowledge and debunk common myths in the most basic, easily relatable way possible. To be specific, myths that particularly center on "Coitus Interruptus".
I might make another post on common myth's that relate to Oral sex and Std's.
Right so, what is Coitus Interruptus?
Coitus Interruptus, the Pull out or withdrawal method is a birth control method that has been practiced for more than a millennium. Basically, It involves the removal of a Man's Penis from a woman's vagina during sexual intercourse prior to pre-ejaculation or ejaculation in a bid to prevent insemination.
Studies of pre-ejaculate, (the clear, colorless, viscous fluid that is secreted from an aroused penis before ejaculation also referred to as pre-cum) have been inconclusive so far, with some studies showing motile sperm cells present while a few others display evidence that emphasize that the released fluid is ineffectual in resulting in pregnancy.
However, While the possibility of a woman getting pregnant through vaginal contact with pre-ejaculate/Cowper's fluid has been regularly debated, the popular consensus is that it is very much possible.
Which is why alongside advising that penile-vaginal contact should not preclude the use of condoms(With male condoms been more commonly used) as in the case of protection from Sexually transmitted diseases, most experts emphasize that the pull out method is inefficient for birth control.
Obviously, the pull out method does not prevent the transmission of sexual diseases. In fact, HIV cells have been found present in pre-ejaculate. This clearly indicates that the pull out method would not be an ideal birth control method/contraceptive for one night stand's or random tryst's.
Even in Monogamous relationships, both partner's must have been tested and found free of Std's, bearing in mind that the pull out method in no way prevents the occurrence of pregnancy.
Now I delve into the intricacies that make up "the pull out method".
I say intricacies in the sense that each and every birth control method has it's do's and don'ts.
Latex Condoms do not go well with oil based lubricants, Women with high cholesterol or high blood pressure are not recommended some birth control pills, Smokers (35+) who make use of Birth control pills or implants are predisposed to higher risks.
Ergo, the pull out method has certain rules that dictate whether or not an individuals use of it is "proper or improper".
Just like the proper sheathing of a male condom or placement of a female condom, as well as careful withdrawal after use is regarded to be a few of these, the pull out method is termed properly executed when,
Contrary to certain opinions, motile sperm has been found in pre-ejaculate. If intercourse is going to take place more than once, it is recommended that the man urinate between intercourse so as to clear the urethra of previous sperm.
That is, so that a pre-ejaculate does not pick up motile sperm from previous ejaculation.
Also, care must be taken to prevent contact between semen released and other body parts or objects that may later come in contact with the vagina. E.g Fingers, Dildo etc.
One major factor that guarantees the effectiveness of the pull out method is self-control, the ability to withdraw before pre-ejaculation or ejaculation so as to prevent insemination.
However, what happens if this is not done at the right time or if it's not done at all?
Sure seems to me like a lot of work.
Compared to other birth control methods, the actual use fail rate of the pull out method is 4%, while the typical use fail rate is about (15-28%). Which is pretty high, compared to the actual use fail rates of the pill at (2-8%), Condom (10-18%) and Intrauterine device[IUD] at (0.8%).
You are then forced to ask, if the pull out method has such a high fail rate, why is it still widely and persistently practiced, seeing that with the advent of new technology we have better ways to practice safe sex?
A lot of well educated, literate fellows give very vague excuses for what others may view as sheer carelessness.
While some others say that they don't subscribe to the use of condoms because of the dulling of sensations/reduced pleasure others have to deal with latex allergies associated with latex condoms.
Which is no excuse however because there are alternatives to latex based condoms like polyurethane, polyisoprene based condoms, female condoms (Polyurethane based with silicon ring) as well as lamb-skin condoms.
Others cite the terrible side effects of other birth control methods such as pills, implants, diaphragms has reasons for their choice.
In my opinion, making the withdrawal method one's sole birth control method or a primary birth control method not only exposes one to a huge number of risks in the case of multiple sexual partners (This is a total no-no) but also in the case of monogamous relationships, even when both partners are free from Std's, it place's the responsibility for sexual safety solely on one's partner's measure of self-control.
(Still a no-no)
great content, thanks for the knowledge you give. hopefully the content / next article more interesting again
Thank you for your feedback :) I hope to make it so, till next time! :)