Imagicnation #05 | Why Does Time Move Forward?

in #science7 years ago

Hello and welcome back to the brand new episode of Imagicnation ! A place where we will find out the answers to some of the most interesting & curious questions related to science...


Hey guys…since the topic today is related to time, let's not waste much and straightly go into the topic.

Just look at the picture below...


What do you see there ?? A jar of water?? Well, there's nothing particularly mysterious about it. Ten thousand trillion or so water molecules, vibrating like crazy, dancing around on the smallest of scales, but confined by the walls of the jar, a little amount of gravity, and some hydrogen bonding. It fits our expectations about the universe pretty well. And there's nothing astounding about watching a drop of ink swirl and spread through the liquid, dispersing from a cloud of color to an even hue. 


It's just the way we assume things to go. If we dripped that drop a hundred, a thousand, or perhaps a million times, we'd not only expect to the same thing occur. The same thing would occur. Probably ! The thing is, there's nothing about the laws of physics that govern how all those molecules move around that prevents the entire thing going in reverse. Then what makes this very moment any dissimilar from the past? We know that today is dissimilar from yesterday. But have we ever questioned why?

Physicists tell us that the universe leans toward disorder. A great arrow of time directs toward a future in which disorder/entropy is more than it was in the past. Probably! This is the 2nd law of thermodynamics. Only, it's not a law something like Newton's gravity…It's an awesome Law of probability. Flip a coin a billion times, and will you ever get a billion tails? No. But do you think that could occur ? Of Course. There's no law of mathematics that tells it can't occur. There's just so many several ways for it not to occur. Sure, we may get twenty tails in a row, or maybe even two two hundred along the way. But it all evens out over time.

This is the reason that bombs don't unexplode.  


It's the reason that we have waterfalls, and not water-rise


And thankfully for you and me, this is the reason that all the air in the house doesn't suddenly decide to hang out in one corner. The reason present is different from past, and future will be different than present, is that since the very beginning, since the Big Bang itself, everything has been turning messier. We know that entropy rises. We know that times passes in only one direction…forward direction…Probably ! 

But WHY was the universe ever ordered in the beginning? Why was entropy so minor at the beginning? Why is it, 13.7 billion years ago, the universe could flip a coin one billion tails in a row? Well…don’t look at me…none of us know the answer ! It's still one of the greatest unsolved mysteries in the world of physics. And the day we solve it, we'll finally have an answer for one of the strangest questions in science. 


It's strange because we all already instinctively know the answer. The universe fits our expectations because our expectations were created by the universe. So, will we ever crack the mystery of order? Who knows??!! Tomorrow's another day, dissimilar from all the rest, and filled completely with surprises. PROBABLY...!!! 

That’s all for today guys… 

Hope you enjoyed that… 

…& yess…please feel free to drop your comments too… 

References used:





Last five science episodes : 

1) Imagicnation #04 | How Do Bees Manufacture Honey??

2) Imagicnation #03 | Bioluminescence : Nature's living light-shows !! 

3) Imagicnation #02 | What Would Happen if You Were Shrunk? 

4) Imagicnation #01 | How much plastic is in the ocean ??

5) Life #01 | The Most Important Moment in the History of Life on Earth ! !


Well, thats complicated...
My theory is (based on what I heard), that everything in the universe happens because the energy in the universe is not yet distributed equally in the universe.
But it "wants" to be. Up to the point when no further conversion and distribution is possible. May be time will stop at that point, too. May be the universe collapses then into a one dimensional point, and may be that causes a new big bang. Who knows...
But it wont happen in our life time, and we sure have more pressing problems than that.

your words are logical...may be the thing you have said is true...or may be not...for now, all we can do is keep imagining...& yeah...thanks for this wonderful comment buddy ! :)

What I believe is that the distribution has no saturation point...its the boundary condition of the system that compels the system to be in the minimum energy state in that system. I dont think the expansion has any boundary condition

thank you...feels so good after being selected after so long time in steemit education...

I just came across your post and loved it!! You speak in a very simple way about thing most of don't get sometimes... Great job!

thank you girl...lot more to come still...stay tuned !

very good post, my only dislike is the entropy is disorder thing. Its just such a poor way to describe entropy. i can respect that your trying to make it easy to understand but entropy-disorder is only for very specific cases and order/disorder can be interpreted in different ways. Its like saying gravity pulls things down. Yes, true here on earth, but which way is down and its only true when close to a very large massive object.
Sorry about this bitch fit, the post was great though keep it up.

thank you for your comment...but I try my best to keep my posts simple, so that even a child reading in 5th standard can understand... :)

What a wonderful post.

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