Arsenic : A Silent Poison of Drinking Water in Bangladesh
Arsenic problem has become one of the main topics in our country. The arsenic contamination of groundwater in Bangladesh is one of the largest poisoning of a population in the history. Arsenic has spread throughout whole Bangladesh in an epidemic form.
Arsenic is an omnipresent element in the nature and widely distributed in water, plants and animals in variable concentrations. Arsenic is a poisonous element which is mixed with water. Main arsenic containing minerals are arsenopyrites, realgar, and arsenic trisulfide. This element is found in ground water, such as tube-well water.
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The arsenic level in the groundwater in Bangladesh has a natural geological source due to abstraction water from quaternary confined alluvial. When a man drinks arsenic mixed water, he is affected by disease. The disease caused by arsenic as arsenicosis. The chemical reactions, oxidation, reduction, precipitation and volatilization participate actively in the cycling of this toxic element in the groundwater table. Arsenic poisoning damages the kidneys, the skin and the nerves system of our body.
Arsenic Sediments Chain
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Many people of the Bangladesh are suffering from arsenicosis and affected every day. We should drink only arsenic-free water to prevent of arsenicosis. That’s why, we have to ensure supply of arsenic-free water and sink deep tubewells. We have to establish water treatment plant in the rural areas. The contaminated tubewells should be identified by any Identical color.
Effected by the Arsenic poison
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We have to remember, arsenic poison cannot be removed by boiling or filtering water. For this reason we should be aware about arsenic poison by water.
For more Information about Arsenic Poison:
Click this Link
Click this Link
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Yes, this is one of the major problems, specially in rural areas. Every tube well water should be checked. Then only can identify arsenic and fight against it. Good writing. Upvoted.
This is a realistic article for Bangladesh.Bangladesh government should take more effective steps.