Hydrology cycle begins from the ocean *Ecclesiastes 1:7*

in #science7 years ago


This is central to the science of hydrology, the concept of hydrology cycle is base on the continual movement of all form of water and also on the continually changing States of water or interdependent of it various forms.

The term Hydrological cycle is use to describe the endless interchange of water between the ocean, air, and land. And hence, it has no beginning and end. But it consists of a system of numerous storage and partway e.g stream flow through which water in nature circulate and it transform from one stage to another.

Although the cycle has no beginning or end but it is convenient to start off from the ocean Ecclesiastes 1:7
Scientific reason is that the largest portion of evaporation take place In the ocean, so the largest precipitation that get water in is the ocean.

Hydrological cycle
This is also known as the water cycle and this refers to as continuous movement of water On, Above, and Below the surface of the earth. The heat energy from the sun drives the hydrologic cycle.
This begins with evaporation of water from the surface of the earth as a result of release heat energy from the sun. Water also evaporate from the soil surface through the process of evaporation and from plant surface through the process called transpiration. The combination of the process of evaporation and transpiration is called evapotranspiration.
As the moist air is lifted, it cools and water vapour condense it through the process called condensation to form cloud.
This continues until the atmosphere becomes saturated and water return to the earth surface as precipitation.
Once the water reach the ground, two process can occur:
(1) some of the water may evaporate back into the atmosphere.
(2) the water may infiltrate through the process called infiltration into the soil surface and percolate to become ground water.
The process by which water percolate to become ground water is called percolation
to the water table.
The excess water that remain on the earth surface flows as surface run-off which empty into lakes, river, streams, and the cycle begins cycle.

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nice posting

Yes, thanks for that, i will continue to post more