Real Science

in #science4 years ago


Feelings and our very perceptions of reality are subjective to the point we can all look at the same object and literally see it differently. The same event can illicit fear, anger, stubbornness, rebellion, hatred, love or joy from mankind. No two people seem to experience reality the same and that is strange.

Materialist scientists are usually uniformitarians. This merely means they must assume the same conditions over vast periods of time they can never observe. They have to believe in the uniformity of nature or their assumptions seem even more ignorant. For example, they assume the radioactive decay rate of all radioactive elements is static.

They cannot prove this faith via any model in the real world so they program computers to lie. Maybe they do it subconsciously? Maybe they are totally innocent in this deception on top of deception? Maybe they have thought this through to its logical conclusion and cannot face the truth... so they lie?

The fact is proven that the sun causes the radioactive decay rates of ALL elements to shift. The rates increase and decline based upon the sun's activity. As to why this is, we do not know. We just observe it happening. What does this mean?

It means that ALL radiometric dating using the assumed static decay rates of various radioactive elements is WRONG and always has been. This is not science. It is nonsense. They only reason you believe in radio-carbon dating, et al., is due to false authority. Unrighteous authority that lies to you daily. Their very measurement "devices" are subjective and change over time. You think that is science.

In Science, REAL Science, we must have observation. We must have it from as many angles and different perceptions as possible. We must have the ability to measure accurately, and all experiments must be repeatable by peers. These peers should always attack any underlying assumptions if they are serious about science. Failure to do so simply means they have either sold out or they are willfully ignorant.

Since it is true that most scientific funding comes from government sources, the government tends to get what it pays for: "results" that further their agendas. Us useless eaters and mere tax payers get the shaft. We get suppressed real technology that can save our environment and make energy free. We get lie after lie to keep us ignorant. We get the nonsense pseudo-science of climate change.

Climate change is obvious to the casual observer so we know they don't mean what we SEE. What we get is consensus "science"... a sounding of drums for the faith. Great sound and fury is all they have as they have zero evidence. No science. What we are witnessing is a new religion, sponsored by ALL governments: Scientism. This is just more lies coated in slimy hopenosis. You WILL pay tithes, I mean taxes to this new religion. You will shut up and OBEY... or else!

Most of the so-called scientists who agree on climate change are not in fields related to our climate at all. That should concern you as to why their OPINION is valued more than yours. What does a oncologist know about weather patterns and ocean currents? JACK SHIT. Just like they know nothing of nutrition or functional medicine. Yet you almost worship them. You certainly pay them to murder you with chemo "therapy"!

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Back to feelings. They are subjective. So are thought patterns and states of mind. If you believe the psychobabble you hear and read is science, you are very wrong. Most of what they do is less than art unless they actually care a lot more than normal doctors. They are cold, materialists, who care not for you. They see you as a SPECIMEN to PRACTICE on. At least know that is true. When you include super evil abortions, doctors are the leading cause of DEATH.

These "scientists" are harmful and not to be trusted... especially the ones wanting to alter your brain chemistry with man made synthetic drugs, or "treat" you with POISONS. Just know that consciousness is very subjective and we do not see things the same way from person to person. Most of us have very small consciousnesses by design. Why?

There is a war on your consciousness. They want it gone, but are satisfied if it stays small and obedient to their false, unrighteous authority. Please stop drinking and using products with fluoride. Tap water in the US and salt in most other places is DRUGGED by your governments to MEDICATE you against your will. Look into the history of fluoride. When combined with ubiquitous aluminum, they are giving us all early dementia and Alzheimer's ON PURPOSE.

Better watch what you eat, drink, read and watch. Protect your gates as the invisible enemy is in your FACE. Turn off your wifi completely and use Ethernet cables. At least turn it off at night. 5G is terrible for brain health and it is a weapon they will use against you. Do not allow it near your home if you value your sanity or memory or the ability to problem solve.

You have been warned. AGAIN.