What's Behind The Bermuda Triangle?

in #science7 years ago

Have you ever heard the Bermuda Triangle? Of course the story of the mysterious sea has spread to all places. The name of the Bermuda Triangle is also known in almost all countries. Her mystical story spreads from mouth to mouth. According to some stories, this bermuda triangle becomes the place where the ship disappears and the aircraft fly. It is also associated with a mystical story. Finally the story becomes a big question mark. What's behind the Bermuda Triangle?

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This triangle is formed between the Bermuda Islands, Miami - Florida and San Juan - Puerto Rico. The truth about this triangle is still being investigated by scientists. Let the mythical story that ever existed was really happening or just talking kososng sheer. Over the years, many people have assumed the cause of the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. There are connecting events with supernatural, religious events, and much more. After claiming the lives of more than 1000 souls in just the last century, the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle is finally solved. What is the real cause?

The main cause of the disappearance of many vehicles, whether the plane or the ship in the bermuda triangle turned out to be due to the emergence of killer clouds. This is what many scientists believe, as it has drowned and destroyed many ships and planes in that mysterious region. Researchers say that the hexagonal-shaped killer clouds can gather and form a large triangle of bermuda it.

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The Bermuda Triangle, or the Devil Triangle, has been a public spotlight since the 1950s. The imaginary region that connects Miami in Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico is thought to be responsible for the loss of about 20 aircraft and 50 ships within 100 years. In the modern era, the myth of the accident began to unfold. The emergence of a killer cloud is considered to be very responsible for the loss of vehicles passing through the bermuda triangle.

The story of the lunar triangle begins with Christopher Columbus. When Columbus crossed the area of ​​the Bermuda triangle, one of his crew members said he saw "strange lights glowing on the horizon". Some people say have noticed something like a meteor. In Columbus's notes he writes that the navigation equipment is not functioning properly while in the area of ​​the Bermuda triangle. Starting from here the mythical story of the Bermuda Triangle begins.

Some Airplanes Ever Lost in the Bermuda Triangle Image Source

But with the current technological sophistication turns out the mystery of the Bermuda triangle began to be discussed. Many researchers also argue that the peculiarities that occur in the Bermuda triangle is a natural phenomenon. It is also considered commonplace in the ocean. But some skeptics still believe that there is an unfolding mystery in the bermuda triangle.

Bahasa Indonesia

Ada Apa di Belakang Segitiga Bermuda?

Pernahkan mendengar nama segitiga bermuda? Tentu cerita tentang laut misterius itu sudah menyebar ke semua tempat. Nama segitiga bermuda pun dikenal hampir di semua negara. Cerita mistisnya itu menyebar dari mulut ke mulut. Menurut beberapa cerita, segitiga bermuda ini mejadi tempat hilangnya kapal dan peswat terbang. Hal ini pun dikaitkan dengan cerita mistis. Akhirnya cerita itu menjadi tanda tanya besar. Ada apa di balik segitiga bermuda.

Segitiga ini terbentuk di anatara Kepulauan Bermuda, Miami - Florida dan San Juan - Puerto Rico. Kebenaran tentang segitiga ini pun masih diselidiki oleh para ilmuan. Benarkan cerita mistis yang pernah ada itu benar-benar terjadi atau hanya omong kososng belaka. Selama bertahun-tahun, banyak orang berasumsi mengenai penyebab misteri segitiga bermuda. Ada yang menghubungkan kejadian tersebut dengan kejadian supranatural, relijius, dan masih banyak lagi. Setelah merenggut nyawa lebih dari 1000 jiwa hanya dalam satu abad terakhir ini, misteri segitiga bermuda akhirnya terpecahkan. Apa penyebab sebenarnya?

Penyebab utama dari menghilangnya banyak kendaraan baik itu pesawat maupun kapal di segitiga bermuda ternyata adalah karena munculnya killer clouds. Hal inilah yang dipercaya banyak ilmuwan, sebagai hal yang telah menenggelamkan dan menghancurkan banyak kapal serta pesawat di daerah misterius tersebut. Peneliti menyebutkan bahwa killer clouds yang berbentuk heksagonal itu dapat berkumpul dan membentuk segitiga besar bermuda itu.

Segitiga Bermuda, atau Segitiga Iblis, sudah menjadi sorotan publik sejak tahun 1950-an. Wilayah imajiner yang menghubungkan Miami di Florida, Bermuda, dan Puerto Rico itu dianggap bertanggung jawab atas hilangnya sekitar 20 pesawat dan 50 kapal dalam kurun waktu 100 tahun. Di era modern, mitos tentang kecelakaan itu mulai terungkap. Munculnya awan pembunuh dianggap sebagai hal yang sangat bertanggung jawab atas hilangnya berbagai kendaraan yang melewati segitiga bermuda itu.

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Kisah segitiga bermuda bermula pada Christopher Colombus. Ketika Columbus melintasi area segitiga Bermuda, salah satu awak kapalnya mengatakan melihat “cahaya aneh berkemilau di cakrawala”. Beberapa orang mengatakan telah memperhatikan sesuatu seperti meteor. Dalam catatan Columbus ia menulis bahwa peralatan navigasi tidak berfungsi dengan baik selama berada di area segitiga bermuda. Mulai dari sinilah kisah mistis segitiga bermuda dimulai.

Namun dengan kecanggihan teknologi saat ini ternyata misteri segitiga bermuda mulai dibahas. Peneliti pun banyak yang berpendapat bahwa keanehan yang terjadi di segitiga bermuda adalah gejala alam. Hal ini pun dianggap lumrah di dalam lautan. Namun beberapa pihak yang skeptis masih mempercayai bahwa ada misteri yang tak terungkap di dalam segitiga bermuda itu.

Berikut adalah video dari Chanel Youtube Kok Bisa terkait dengan Segitiga Bermuda


IDN Times
Tribun Bali

M. Fajarli Iqbal
Follow me @fajarli


nice share follow me bro

I don't think it's only because of the coulds. Have you already see the ocean? Since the medieval times, that everything disappears in there. So it's a bit awkward if the only reasons are clouds, right?

Imagining that out of nowhere some boats were disappearing due to the storms, their remains were in the oceans, weren't they?

So why nothing shows up? I think the mystery has not yet been fully revealed.

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