in #science7 years ago

Time, the most powerful thing we know of. It has the power to create and destroy worlds, people, oceans, galaxies, black holes, supernova's, nebulas... It is an relative constant, it's relative because as we know thanks to Einstein's theory of relativity which tells us that the laws of physics are the same for all non-accelerating observers, and that the speed of light in a vacuum was independent of the motion of all observers. Gravity effects time, if ther was a person who was hypethetically on a planet near a Black Hole (which would exert a massive amount of gratitational force on the planet) he would be affected by time in a different way to the rest of people on Earth.

What does this mean though? It means that the person supposedly on this other planet would experience time differently to the entire Earth's population. In a sense,1 hour on that planet would be experienced by him the same way that he'd experience it on the Earth but, one hour over there may equate to 10 years on Earth, this is the relativity of time. Speed is also relative, for example, lets take a bullet that when shot out of a gun it moves at 1,700 mph. Now, let's say that when shooting I was on a car moving at 100 mph.

To me, the bullet would be travelling at its usual 1,700 mph but by someone not on the car, the bullet would be moving at 1,800 mph. This is Newton's first law: Every body persists in its state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed on it.

As I've expressed, time is an incredible concept, it is relative to each person experiencing it, it moves at speed but we have however come up with ways to measure it: milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks... But it can't really be measured it just IS. But how do we know it is real, we can't truly see it, we may see its effects in the death of plants, animals, planets and other such things. In essence, the only way we know that time exists is by observing how it affects things in space, therefore, there is a clear causality here: Time cannot and would not exist without space, given that it needs things to affect and things can only exist in space. There is nothing in nothingess and therefore there is no time either.

Nowadays, we know of 10 dimentions, the fourth being duration or time, understood as a linear ' ', if we could see the 4th dimension we'd be able to make out ourselves from when we are born to ourselves once deceased but as I explained before, time in this dimension to us is percieved to be linear, we can't see into the future we can only wait for the next fleeting moment. In a way, we can only see three dimensional cross sections of our forth dimentional selves.

The first three dimensions are pretty well known, they are height, width and depth, the 4th is time but what about the remaining 6. Well, they all depend on time and how it works.

In the 5th dimension time is no longer a straight line, which is how we percieve it. In fact, the 5th dimension has an infinite number of branches, each branch is a multitude of paths our live could have taken, influenced by our everyday actions and those of others. Every moment that passes we're moving on to a different branch influenced by these earlier stated factors.

What if you wanted to back in time and visit yourself?

Not only that but ¡you want to go to another timeline where as a child you made an invention and thatnks to it you're rich and famous, well unfortunately, if we're stuck in the 5th dimension this can't happen as in that specific timeline we never made said invention. This is where the 6th dimension comes in to play, metaphorically, we fold the 5th dimension into the timeline where we do make the invention, essentialy moving our current lives to the life of another you in another universe. See, every possible outcome to your life exists in another Universe, therefore, in another life you may have become a world famous actor, or a rich business-man, or a life saving scientist, there are endless posibilities. The idea of this dimension is that we can jump to any one of these posibilities, to any one of these Parallel Universes.

I believe that you can do anything in life, anything you want to achieve can be done and I know this because if I don't achieve all the things I want to do, in another Paralel Universe, another me will have done it so in a sense, anything you don't do will be done by another you. The 4th dimension in our Universe is like a line that joins our Big Bang to a possibke ending to our Universe.

So the 7th dimension is to be concieved as a point, all the possible outcomes in our Universe seen by this one line from drawn the Big Bang in the 4th dimension to every possible outcome for all the Universes condensed into one single point. In essence, the 7th dimension is every possible Universe from it's birth to it's death in a single point, infinity.

But things get even bigger than that with the 8th dimension. But how can there be anything bigger than the 7th dimension (infinity). Well the answer lies in that there can be other completely different infinities with different initial conditions to out Big Bang, these Universes will, therefore, be created with different physical laws to our own like Gravity and maybe even time. In essence, the 8th dimension is an infinity of different infinities.

Now as we've seen with other dimensions, we can travel from one dimension to another, as is the case with the jump from the 5th dimension to the 6th dimension. So in the 9th dimension, is all the possible branches stemming from the 8th dimension. This leads us to the biggest and most mind-boggling dimension know to date, the 10th.

The 10th dimension simply put, all the possible branches from all the possible timeliens of all the ossible universes and it must be treated as a single point. So, as I've explained with the other dimensions, now we have a point we need to trace a line, that'll give us the 11th dimension and, if we can fold said line, we'll get the 12th dimension which will also have to be understood as a point from which we'll draw a line to the 13th dimension and so on. But how can we go any bigger than the 10th dimension, what could we possibly draw a line to? For now, nothing. In string theory, also postulated by Einstein, vibrations from super-strings in this, the 10th dimension are what create the subatomic particles of Our Universe and all of the other possible universes, in a way, all the possible Universes are contained in the 10th dimension.

As we can see, time is an unamiginably complex concept, it is our creator and destroyer, I am determined to make the most of the time in my specific Universe and I suggest anyone reading this should do too!

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