The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition

in #science6 years ago

The Flat Earth Society is Controlled Opposition:

The Flat Earth Society is a controlled opposition group that mixes truth with lies and satire to discredit genuine flat Earth research, a job they have been doing for a long time now. Founded in 1970 by Leo Ferrari, a suspected Freemason and philosophy professor at St. Thomas’ University, Leo spent his life making a mockery of the legitimate subject of our flat Earth. Though he passed away in 2010, his Flat Earth Society still exists today online as a website/forum which, still true to form, purports several false flat-Earth arguments and treats the entire subject as a dead-pan joke.


Hello Eric

The flat eart subject is the best shill detector of all... any influencial person who venomously opposes the flat earth fact in the light of rock-solid observable scientific data, IS A DISGUSTING SHILL !!!!!

You are a giant warrior angel sent by god to expose those false-flag ball- earth satanists for what they really are...pedophile serial killer devil worshipers.

It's the 59th minute of the 11th hour for humanity.
Apart from the poisons the satanists are putting in our food, water, air, medicine, and ether (5g), the most dire clear and present danger is the CERN large hadron particle collider.

If we are truly living under some kind of domed holographic reality that maybe some kind of reincarnation prison for all of us, including the satanists, then they built the CERN monster particle collider to use it to break out of jail; Even if it means destroying the world and killing every living thing in it. Destroying it down to the quantum energy levels.

Some people would argue that it is a good thing to destroy this world because all of us would be spiritually liberated from this holographic prison reality through death & the permanent destruction of the world.

But most people would not see that as an attractive prospect.
Any opinions on this line of thought. Eric?

God bless you and your family Eric. Stay safe.
You are much 'safer' in Thailand than in the demonic USA. Believe me.

Thanks so much Bitcoindoubler, a lot of speculations there, but I am open to those ideas. I have been looking into the various philosophies surrounding "anti-natalism" as well which is quite an interesting avenue of thought. Peace

Flat earth belief should be mocked. It is so easily and obviously proved wrong that it is ridiculous.

The Flat Earth Society is controlled opposition. But true Flat Earthers are not.
Do 10 minutes of easy research on and you will wake-up angry because you have been asleep, a brainwashed zombie all of your life.

Yes, watching youtube videos is "research".

Step 1 for you should be finding the curve of Earth, since you believe in it so passionately. But you probably won't even do that since you clearly just make stuff up in your head and believe it.

I live near a large body of water. I have watched large freighters and cargo ships disappear over the curve of the earth. Watching them through a telescope, they would disappear from the bottom up. The key is to watch them through the telescope the entire time. Your naked eye isn't good enough to observe this happening.

I saw many dishonest flat earth videos where they claim that watching ships disappear from their naked eyes. Then they use a zoom camera to see the ship again. Duh! Of course they will see it again because the human eye is weaker than the zoom lenses. If they would have continued to watch the ship through the zoom lenses, they would see it disappear from the bottom up.

Try it for yourself. Simple proof of the curve.

I can't tell if you really are that stupid, or you're just pretending to be that stupid.

With your eyes you can see a ship disappear into the horizon from 6 miles away.
WIth a 8x optical zoom you can see a ship disappear into the horizon many miles beyond the first test.
With a 16x optical zoom you can see a ship disappear into the horizon many miles beyond the second test.
With a 32x optical zoom you can see a ship disappear into the horizon many miles beyond the third test.
You can continue using more and more powerful telescopes to see these ships disappearing into the horizon up to 250 miles away with the strongest of the commercial telescopes.
So tell me exactly where the Earth starts to curve?

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