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RE: Simple Question #2 - What is Life? Why does it exist at all?

in #science8 years ago (edited)

It's not true! God created the entire world that includes everything in 6 days, as described in the bible, and it was less than 6000 years ago. Only scientists that don't believe in him try to come up with some theories that don't have hand and feet.


So it's not true? This whole detailed theory isn't true? Are you sure about that? Got any proof to back that statement up maybe? As there are a lot of fossiles found which were way older than 6000 years. Besides, where is that god? Is there any proof of his existence?

Theories that don't have hand and feet? Incorrect. The generally accepted theory is explained here and it is very logical! I don't get how this theory doesn't have hand and feet? You're stating COMPLETE nonsense!

If I will show you an iPhone and tell you it was created by itself would you believe me? Now look at yourself the creation of your body is 1,0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000+ times more complicated. It couldn't happen by itself even in 1,000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 years. And something interesting - our mouth in our head - not in our feet. So we don't have to bend down to feed our body. This is only one example - there are thousands more. Also every few years there should be new animals that weren't before, why don't we see them. This is in short but just think of that how every thing is made with such wisdom on it's place It just must be a creator even if you don't know him.

I would not believe it untill I am shown the logic behind it. An iPhone is manufactured in industrial complexes, rather than through cell-reproduction. Anyone knows that.

It's the same story with the body. It's more complicated, but definitely not 100000000000000000000000000000 times more difficult to explain. If you just did your research, you would understand the logic of how the body is created from its supersmall state.

As this post explained, it took billions of years for life to evolve into intelligent apes, like us! It took many fortunate events to create us, but it took over 4 billion years for evolution to create us... I don't see how a god suddenly explains it all... Where the F would that god come from?

Our mouth is in our head, because evolution brought us that. It's obvious that species with mouths in their feet wouldn't survive very long, so only the animals with mouths on their head would survive. Then through reproduction, the genes of that animal which survived more easily (with mouth in head), were given to the next generation. Through mutation, that turnt into different species with different kinds of mouths, but there would have to be HUGE changes to suddenly transform it to species with their mouth in the feet...

Yes. New animals are constantly created. Where they are? We haven't even found all currently existing species yet... How can you expect us to find every newly created species? Besides, many mutations could end up in new species, but they could get extinct by US (HUMANITY) before we even figure out about them!

Everything is made with such wisdom on its place? There is a freakin universe with litterally QUADRILLIONS of stars&planets! Ofcourse there is a place where intelligent life comes to existence! And that place MUST have everything in its place and look like it's made with wisdom, because otherwise we wouldn't exist! If we had mouths in our feet, we would be eaten by the predators before we could start eating them... We would be extinct before we could even start making theories about where we came from.

Therefore, it doesn't really have to be "a creator"...

To be honest, I don't know how everything is created. I simply follow the (in my opinion) most probably and logic theory. And in this case, a creator isn't very probable and logic...

I respect anyone's ideas, as long as they respect the ones of others too. Calling stuff not true doesn't belong to that respect. I therefore don't feel like I should respect your ideas :)

Follow my blog for more! :) @pizzachain for the win!

There is no point in debating such an obvious thing. If you would travel in a dessert and see a beautiful castle, and you would walk in and see that everything is perfect, but you don't see the owner. Would you say that it was created by itself in 10000000000 years because you don't see the owner?

There is no way to explain how a human person that has tons of complex features should combine to work together so perfect even in a 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
years. If you are looking for the truth you will find it. But if you want to live a free life without any obligations then keep yourself as you are and you will see the truth after death. And there are thousands of people that had clinical death and came back and said what they saw.
And why in the first place do you think that a human can be created in 10000000000 of years and a simple thing like an iphone not?

And what you say there is "QUADRILLIONS of stars&planets" what's the problem with that. You see that to day there was no other planet found with live cells on it.
And interesting there is no animals that were found till now, that you can say it evolved just now and wasn't before.


There can be truth to both sides of the coin. The bible does state 6 days, but when you read it you need to understand that it is not just a written word - it is full of symbolism. Speak to various people that have studied theology and you will find that is the understanding of most people. So while the bible says the world was created in 6 days, it doesn't specify what a day is to Him. This means that 1 day in God's eyes could be 10,000 years in our time. The reason for 6 is because the number 7 is actually a very spiritual number and is referenced several times throughout the bible. :)

The people who came with that theory - did that because they don't want to believe in God, so anything they say is just to oppose the creation of the world by God. So both sides can't be true. Also Adam was created on the 6'th day, and you can see how much years he lived. It's 930 years and that's regular human years.

I respect your view.

There must be some divine power behind the origin of life, and science is unable to find that which keeps scientists baffled. That energy is present everywhere in the universe.

Science is unable to find out why universe is expanding, which power is working behind that. We don't know the limits of the universe.

Science is soon going to touch the glass wall. But still scientists are searching, maybe some day we shall be able to see God (the supreme energy which is running the universe), through science.

There are many scientists that started believing after doing their research. It is known that Einstein believed in God.

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