Reality Is Realistic: Did Mainstream Science Just Quietly Admit That Global Warming Had No Legs?!?!

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Well, it does seem indeed like scientists are baffled and will have to admit at some point that the global warming may not be so man-made after all or most likely not at all.... several studies have also linked the solar activity to the warning of the planet but the alarmists continually debunk it - to no avail. 

Prof. dr. Kees de Jager has been studying the Sun for most of his life  as a professional astrophysicist. In the past few years he has focussed  on the relation between solar activity and the Earth's climate.  

so what will the pro-man-made argument say this time, to counter the FACTS and the CHART below? 

Of course, our petrol/oil culture is definitely responsible for not allowing other alternative energies on the market place sooner.  Global warming is a scheme, no matter how we look at it.  Once the cause is recognized, changes for a better good can occur almost over night

The Monetary Paradox: The Not So Mysterious Resurrection Of The Electric Car

Global Temperature Trends From 2500 B.C. To 2040 A.D - CHART

Puzzling Heat from Deep Inside the Earth Is Melting Greenland's Glaciers

1/22/18 | |  Scientists already know that the Greenland  ice sheet is melting. But the hidden heat source originating from deep  inside the Earth partially responsible for that melting has been a  mystery. Now, researchers have pinned down evidence of that heat,  revealing yet another force pushing glaciers into the ocean. 

Earth’s Internal Heat Melting Greenland’s Ice Sheets, Sending Glaciers Into The Sea

 The temperature of our planet’ core is estimated to be about 6,000  degrees Celsius, which is similar to the sun’s surface (the sun’s core  is a blistering 15 million degrees Celsius and its atmosphere, called  corona, is also millions of degrees hot). This heat is most evident on  Earth’s surface in the form of volcanic eruptions and hot water geysers  or hot springs.........  “Northeast Greenland has several hot springs where the water becomes up  to 60 degrees [Celsius] warm and, like Iceland, the area has abundant  underground geothermal activity. … There is no doubt that the heat from  the Earth’s interior affects the movement of the ice, and we expect that  a similar heat seepage takes place below a major part of the ice cap in  the northeastern corner of Greenland,” Soren Rysgaard of ARC, who  headed the investigations, said in a statement Monday. ( | The ice sheet in Greenland is melting, but it turns out that the culprit  is not global warming, as some people would like to have you believe.  Instead, researchers have now found proof that a hidden heat source deep  inside the planet is behind this melting that is pushing glaciers into  the ocean. 

Researchers from Aarhus University in Denmark used a  decade-long survey of the Young Sound fjord in Greenland to reach their  conclusions. Throughout the course of the survey, measurements were  taken of the salinity levels and temperatures in the fjord, where the  water at depths of between 650 and 1,100 feet has been gradually  warming. 

They found that a significant amount of this heat comes from  the interior of the Earth. According to their estimates, 100 megawatts  of energy per square meter were transferred from the interior of the  Earth to the fjord, and it’s believed that similar heat amounts were  transferred to the undersides of surrounding glaciers. This is roughly  equivalent to a wind turbine of 2 megawatts sending electricity to a  gigantic heater in the bottom of the fjord throughout the year. Their  findings were published in the journal Scientific Reports. 

The interior heat loss of our planet essentially warms up the  temperatures in the deep sea where the fjords are, making the glaciers  melt. The heat, which is known as geothermal heat flux, can be found  around our planet and can be traced all the way back to its formation.  Because the fluxes are not distributed evenly, it can be difficult to  measure them. This study is unique in the way that it managed to  determine the heat flux from the decade-long warming of a water mass  that is nearly stagnant.' Read more: Bombshell science study reveals internal heat from Earth’s hot core is what’s causing Greenland’s ice sheets to slide 


The  Greenland ice sheet (GIS) is losing mass at an increasing rate due to  surface melt and flow acceleration in outlet glaciers. Currently, there  is a large disagreement between observed and simulated ice flow, which  may arise from inaccurate parameterization of basal motion, subglacial  hydrology or geothermal heat sources. Recently it was suggested that  there may be a hidden heat source beneath GIS caused by a higher than  expected geothermal heat flux (GHF) from the Earth’s interior. Here we  present the first direct measurements of GHF from beneath a deep fjord  basin in Northeast Greenland. Temperature and salinity time series  (2005–2015) in the deep stagnant basin water are used to quantify a GHF  of 93 ± 21 mW m−2 which confirm previous indirect estimated  values below GIS. A compilation of heat flux recordings from Greenland  show the existence of geothermal heat sources beneath GIS and could  explain high glacial ice speed areas such as the Northeast Greenland ice  stream.

But wait... we aren't yet out of the woods... Sunspots and Cooling Earth Temperatures | Mini Ice Age 2015-2035 ?!

Isn't it ironic that money spent on non material things brings more happiness? Why? Because it is the role of money to help us realize that Reality is much bigger than our material possessions The metaphysics of the Earth Custodians Movement is The Spiritual Science Of Vibration.  It is a Movement for people willing to protect Life on Earth. More than  ever, a movement for Humans who want to remain Humans  -- and in  control of their own thoughts  -- has come. A paradigm  shift  is on the   horizon. Become familiar with the Earth  Custodians'  axioms: Join  the EC forum to discuss this extremely important topic    and prepare for  mindset transitioning and a currency-free  society! No-sugar coated realities! The EC blog always strikes at the root and  it is  not always pleasant to read how bad it  is  out  there. But it is  necessary so that  Humans  can come  back to their senses. Thank you in advance for following, upvoting, resteeming. PS:  starting  January 2018, the EC blog will slow down on steemit  in order  to work  on the making short films whose releases will begin  by the end  of  April. Check out our own blog for updates every  now and then. EC is not afraid of censorship. However, we also have a  major  documentary   in the work that should  go into production this summer. And EC just   joined the efforts of   launched by Michael Tellinger.  Nothing will stop the data  from spreading! Human beings have the RIGHT  to know about the options  lying ahead and the smokescreen that is  materialism and dystopian  technocracy.    

PS: the EC blog followers should bookmark us  


I just had a @onthewayout “educate” me that there’s no such thing as mainstream science, just science or “faith based” logic. Glad to see I’m not the only one who doesn’t trust the corporate science line of crap.

LOL... I used "mainstream" as a sweet sarcasm. Mainstream science is more like faith based logic though, as I see it. Tnx for dropping by

Wow it's so awesome to keep stumbly across such incredibly intelligent voluntaryists in this community.

I totally distrust this as it does not explain many facets of the patterns we are seeing around the world. it also doesnt explain the huge discrepancy in scientific opinion. find out who funds the science. look for the anomalies in the theory. government and big business have a vested interest in disproving climate change, and this is where I won't be hoodwinked. who is pushing the agenda and why?

the 2500 B.C. To 2040 A.D chart says it all.... earth temps have always gone UP and DOWN

yes, they have. I'm not debating that. what science cannot tell is how much is natural and how much is man made. so saying that it is all natural versus saying that it is all climate change is unprovable for at least another 1000 years. i look at it from a pollution of resources standpoint. we are using natural resources at an incredible rate with no thought to future generations, and selling water rights to rich companies at a pittance to bottle and sell instead of preserving it for the people who live on the land. whether or not climate change exists is a red herring. the reason to disprove it is so governments and corporations can continue selfish practices at the cost to the consumer. they want zero regulation. this is greed, pure and simple.

welcome aboard @torico!!! My blog is dedicated to exposing all this, and why a money-free society can stop the damage done to humanity and Nature alike. The problem is speculation... and money without speculation is nonsensical and crashes the subjectivity of value. Getting rid of it is just another easy step.

ive seen it, and i was around ages ago fighting the same cause. im just not much of a joiner. but i respect your work.

yes the system is inimical and I too preferred to remain a lone wolf for many years. But I realized that many people seek for a different understanding. And that the Truth must remain out there, available.

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