in #science7 years ago

When it comes to science one should always be cautious about any insistence that the science is settled, especially without the caveat; 'to the best of our knowledge'. For 150 years Ben Franklin had determined that it was the positive charge that produced electric current and it wasn't till Maxwell came along that it was realized that it was the negatively charged electron that was in fact moving. Even though there was this fundamental error in their understanding much research and progress was made in understanding electricity. The lesson from this is that fundamentals may be wrong but still, scientific progress is made. Has that been the case for the modern science of quantum mechanics which at its foundation has a universal constant called Planck's constant 'h'? What about astronomy where the Planck Constant 'h' and the Boltzmann Constant 'k' are integral to deep space measurements? If the basis of these constants is disproven, how does that fair for modern science and our understanding of the subatomic realm and astrophysics?

Thermal Image of Prof. Pierre-Marie Robitaille, screenshot from SkyScholar

Raising questions about Kirchoff's Law

Professor Pierre-Marie Robitaille of Ohio State University has the distinction of designing and building the Ultra High Field Magnetic Resonant Imager(UHFMRI), the most powerful MRI machine on the planet, much to the chagrin of theoretical physicists who said it could not be done due to Kirchoff's Law of Thermal Emissions. As well, Prof. Robitaille has published a paper titled, 'Kirchoff's Law on Thermal Emission; What happens when a law of physics fails an experimental test?', in which he outlines an experiment he did to disprove said law. Having shown both experimentally and practically that Kirchoff's Law is invalid should be big news in the scientific literature and media in general, but barely a word has been spoken, revealing once again another Planck rule, though this one will likely always remain true, that being about the need for old scientists to die off so new scientific truths can be accepted and built upon by younger scientists.

In a series of videos on his Youtube channel

SkyScholar he explains his claims, theory and experiments in a language easy enough for the layperson.

Max Planck ~ image courtesy of Wikipedia

It was the Planck Constant 'h' that brought the quantum into quantum mechanics and is considered the smallest definable unit of the universe and it is this unit 'h' that is used to measure the frequency vibrations of atoms which Planck had assumed vibrated at whole number intervals of a base frequency. As Prof. Robitaille said in his seminal paper. "Since they were derived from this law, the concepts of Planck time, Planck temperature, Planck length, and Planck mass are not universal and are devoid of any fundamental meaning in physics."

Ludwig Boltzmann ~ image courtesy of Wikipedia

Boltzmann's constant 'k', was attributed to Boltzmann by Planck because he was the first to show a link between entropy and probability which was first introduced in his 'Theory of Heat Radiation' in 1914 that also introduced The Planck Constant 'h'. Planck writes: “In contrast with this it might be of interest to note that, with the aid of the two constants h and k which appear in the universal law of radiation, we have the means of establishing units of length, mass,time, and temperature, which are independent of special bodiesor substances, which necessarily retain their significance for all time and for all environments, terrestrial and human or otherwise, and which may, therefore, be described as ‘natural units’ ” But thanks to the practical and experimental works of Professor Robitaille, this is no longer true.

Science is never settled

The pictures and understanding we have of quantum mechanics and astrophysics are mostly not through direct observation but through the interpretation of electromagnetic data. Modern telescopes utilize radio waves and x-rays to collect the data which is then interpreted into the visual images we see utilizing the now-defunct constants, which raises serious questions pertaining to Cold Microwave Background(CMB) through the suggested loss of universality of the constants 'h' and 'k'. In quantum mechanics, it is the electron microscope that interacts with the quantum realm and returns data to be interpreted using known constants, of which, Prof. Robitaille has brought into question. We should always be dubious to the statement 'the science is settled', for it rarely if ever is. Science is fluid and like water needs to keep flowing so as to avoid stagnation. Max Planck was considered the father of quantum mechanics and attended the Solvay Conference with Albert Einstein, where through consensus, many matters in science were settled.

Photograph of the first conference in 1911 at the Hotel Metropole. Seated (L-R): W. Nernst, M. Brillouin, E. Solvay, H. Lorentz, E. Warburg, J. Perrin, W. Wien, M. Curie, and H. Poincaré. Standing (L-R): R. Goldschmidt, M. Planck, H. Rubens, A. Sommerfeld, F. Lindemann, M. de Broglie, M. Knudsen, F. Hasenöhrl, G. Hostelet, E. Herzen, J.H. Jeans, E. Rutherford, H. Kamerlingh Onnes, A. Einstein and P. Langevin.

Or were they?

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