INERTIA has got me like WHAT?????????? Sorry this is not going to be on nutrition.

in #science7 years ago (edited)

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I thought of this word as I was helping my 10 year old complete her math problems. INERTIAaaaaaaa. I was trying to explain to my daughter why THE HECK we are one of only a few countries which use the IMPERIAL system and Fahrenheit?
In fact check the world map out.
Here is a little American History!
In 1975, thanks to President Gerald Ford and Congress, the Metric Conversion Act was passed which would have led to the metric system being the preferred system of weights and measures in the United States. This act created the United States Metric Board, which was abolished in 1982, by President Reagan.Plain and simple its freaking INTERTIA. Don't worry I had to figure out a way to explain this to her as we spent 45 minutes doing her math home work. We won't even get into the fact of forgetting the difference of what a Prime and Composite number is! Here is Inertia and why its frustrating me tonight.
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The issue.

There is a huge disconnect between the science that we do (SI units, commonly interchanged with the Metric System) and how we live our daily lives, (U.S. Customary Units, not Imperial Units). Is it possible that people are turned off by science and technology because they don’t understand the metric system? And is it possible that this makes us less scientifically literate as a country?

I think the answer is most definitely. While U.S. scientists are used to converting units, an ideal scientifically literate society includes artists, public servants, business owners, and waitresses — people who don’t have to use the metric system on a regular basis — translating units is one more barrier to understanding the math and science that is used in research.

The only examples that come to my mind where the metric system is in common use in the United States are:

Miles-per-hour/Kilometers-per-hour speedometers in our vehicles
A 750ml bottle of wine
A 1-liter (1,000ml) Nalgene bottle
The 100 meter dash
2 liter soda bottles
5k and 10k runs/races
Most food nutrition labels (How many people actually read those?)

Don't get me started on Fahrenheit as I am packing tonight to visit a British Commonwealth Country. Its always an interesting conversation with my in-laws who live in England and try to remember the formula for Celcius. Its great being on vacation and we always meet wonderful people from other countries and I can't remember the metric system or Celcius formula!
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Converting Fahrenheit to Celsius

Converting Fahrenheit temperatures into Celsius temperatures takes three simple steps:
Subtract 32 from the Fahrenheit number.

Divide the answer by 9.

Multiply that answer by 5.

As a formula, the conversion looks like this:

Tc = (5/9)*(Tf-32)

Tc = temperature in Celsius degrees and
Tf = temperature in Fahrenheit degrees

the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology has noted Congress passed the Metric Conversion Act in 1975 to get states to convert over to measurements like meters, centimeters, and Celsius. However, it was deemed voluntary and never really was picked up.

“Because the U.S. Congress determined that metric system use would be voluntary, we anticipate the transition process to continue gradually, punctuated by increased use as consumers build familiarity with SI measurements,” NIST Metric Conversion Subject Matter Expert Elizabeth Gentry told

Essentially, the reason the United States hasn’t convert to Celsius and the metric system is mostly due to inertia. Americans are used to the hodgepodge of different measurements that draws from both the metric and the imperial system used by the British Empire, so why change?

I am all about individuality but when it can make things more difficult versus compromising to make something even better than we are stopping progress...Below are some Unique names... I think of these names. Do you think these kids will have a fun time trying to explain their name etc. Kind of the same concept with Imperial and Metric! Sorry its my rant as I was helping Peyton with her homework... Hey I do like unusual but dang I think America you are just being stubburn!

I would thing this would be a challenge with these names...Get my point.
Antonym Examples
An antonym is the opposite of another word. Antonyms can be used to help show contrast between two things or give clues to exactly what is meant. Below are some examples of antonyms:
Well this is just my opinion. Not trying to be provocative but I think it would be nice if we could work together. Some Antonyms INERTIA:
ambition, enterprise, go, hustle, initiative
assiduity, assiduousness, diligence, perseverance
animation, briskness, energy, exuberance, jazziness, liveliness, lustiness, pep, peppiness, robustness, sprightliness, vibrancy, vigor, vim, vitality, vivacity
Antonyms of inertia
drive, industriousness, industry
Antonym Examples
An antonym is the opposite of another word. Antonyms can be used to help show contrast between two things or give clues to exactly what is meant. Below are some examples of antonyms:

Achieve – Fail
Idle – Active
Afraid – Confident
Ancient – Modern

Just incase you are interested, composite number has more than two factors. The number 1 is neither prime nor composite. The prime numbers between 2 and 31 are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29 and 31 since each of these numbers has only two factors, itself and 1.



What are your thoughts on Metrics, Imperial, Fahrenheit and Celcius?


Nice post. If inertia means "Tendency of an object to remain at rest or keep moving, if in motion" then I think we need to reflect this in our lives with the understanding that "we'll keep moving in our careers or jobs as far as we've taken one step out".. That's to say the most important is Take a step first,then you'll keep moving.

I would have loved all countries could make use of same Unit cos it can help accuracy or detect an error knowing you and your friend at the other end is using same unit. But I think it's cos of Advancement in technology and civilization cos scientists would love to apply different methods to know if they'll arrive at same answer or something similar.

I like the motherly love displayed teaching Peyton.

I love all the conversation around this! My husband is from another country so its interesting how quickly our brain can change. Even as a adult! He can flip from Farenheit to Celcius and Imperial and Metrics...Imagine a brain of a child? Yes our country as a majority is fearful of change. I really should say the society we have created here. The older generation wants us to remain in the 1950's. Without a struggle there can not be progress. Progress is hard and we have gotten lazy! I love all the views on here and the conversation! Thank you!Hey getting out of bed was a struggle this morning but there is so much exciting things to explore! (:

Wow. Nice to know your husband can do that easily,he's intelligent. I believe a child's brain can actually do more cos it's less stressed.

Without struggle, there can not be progress.

You're very right, Our society today is in fear of trying out new things and that tends to make us stagnant.

Welcome ma'am. Start your day positively. Explore and learn more things each day.

Very interesting read, this is something people rarely point out. I've got friends in the US and yes even in a simple conversation we'd be confused until realizing we use different metric systems.

For example if they say it's 100 degrees I'd imagine it in celsius and I'm asking why he hasn't fried yet (100°C is 212°F).

I think a start would be to introduce these systems in school all around the world, how to convert them and whatnot.

Ha! me too. When I hear degrees my mind goes straight to Celsius

Lol it would take some time for us who are used to Celsius, Kilometers, Meters etc. to understand what is actually going on. happens to me all the time when watching or talking to people from the US

Lol. True.
Their values are larger too. Remember the first time I heard someone weighed over 300 pounds and didn’t know to how convert to kg. I was lost, thought It would be over 500kg

Yes, The American bodies are inflamed with sugar! Ha

Yeaaaaas! Mine the opposite! The conditioned mind.

Lol.. why hasn't he fried yet funny but true.

Yes boiling sounds so hot at 212F! lol

Lol, My mother in-law when she comes to visit from another country is very perplexed about temp's especially when cooking...212F sounds so extremely hot to her! They introduce Metrics but only in the lower grades...Although, unless you are a scientist you will never remember them. Sorry, meaning I don't remember them but I have made a commitment to change my car to Celcius and I believe I am going to change other things in the house in order to learn these formulas so I can freely bounce between them.

Hahaha yes!! In cooking terms Fahrenheit does sound extremely hot. Well it's good that kids are being introduced to the Metric system early on. Hahaha I can't convert these things either I usually use google to do the job.

Lol.. Since you've made a commitment towards that, you'll soon get use to it.

I’ve not really understood why some different countries use different units.
I live in a British commonwealth country, we use the metres, Celsius. I simply believe this is the best probably because it’s all I’ve ever known (well until i got into school). Those conversion units never stick in my head long enough, I just scroll faster when i see items in pounds instead of kg or I google if I really need the information.
That water freezes at 0C and boils at 100C makes the Celsius feel perfect to me.
About inertia, proves the hardest part of getting something done is getting up to get it done, just the way I’m staring at my phone contemplating if I really need to get up and read when I know I should.

Hehe teaching us those elementary maths we might have forgotten, thanks alot. I think your country should do her best to overcome that state of inertia and start scaling in celsius so that they can be on the same page with other countries and reduce confusion. Personally I think the major cause of procastination is inertia.

So true, inertia is the reason the united state haven't converted to celsuis and the metric system. They are reluctant to change, and this is not the best.

Inertia! Its like the mouse pushing the elephant! Its to hard! So, we give up! Lazy I think we have gotten!

Yeaaa.. lol.. I just thought so too..

Yeah we have gotten lazy, its like you said the greater the mass of the body the greater its inertia. So i think thats why we need to secure short term goals to overcome inertia.

But in all .. this shows the importance of basic elementary science... No child should skip it

Inertia.... let me think.... in spanish is inercia, so the good news is I knew exactly what you were talking about. Maybe we can create a blockchain token that will help everybody use the same measurement. Even better, why don we change it for everybody and create a new measurement call the inert. Sorry got lost, I guess I dont suffer from thoughts inertia LOL!

No you have something stuck inerica issues yang! Wait until 4th grade math oh better yet Jackson’s taking 11th grade math in the 9th grade. Inertia can apply to many things but last night was Peyton’s crazy math! I didn’t look on the map but I’m assuming you had metrics and Celsius! Inertia would apply to you if you didn’t have coffee brewing in the morning when we leave at 4:30. Yang you would have some major inerica. I had a miss spell and said intertia too. I really was on a rant.

No I’m calling it Tcoin.

buahahahahahahah!!! I'm dying. Is it time to reach out to lady J? ROFL

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