How Many Possible Bitcoin Addresses Are Out There?
I saw this post on 4chan and made me wonder, how many possible bitcoin addresses are out there?
Bitcoin addresses have 34 characters which contains either numbers or letters (upper and lower case).
So, there are combination of 10 numbers, 24 upper case letter, and 24 lower case letters.
Combinations and permutations are calculated by formula; n^r
n=types of characters to choose from=10+24+24=58
r=numbers chosen=34
Therefore, there are 58^34 possible bitcoin addresses out there.
That is 9.047983x10^59
or 904798310844700775313327215140493940623303545877497699631104
That's approximately equal to Novemdecillion possible combinations.
So, is that more than number of atoms in the universe?
The answer is NO.
"The universe is vast. Scientists estimate there are 10^80 atoms in the universe."
There are alot of possible bitcoin addess combinations but not quite as many as atoms in the universe.