My response to @SciManDan's attack piece

in #science6 years ago (edited)

SciManDan publishes an attack piece on YT after banning me from being able to comment on it both on YT and FB. Another example of how this debate is controlled. They’ve silenced me and put me in a position where it is very difficult to even defend myself. Total one-sided control of the debate.

Deliberately shows low-quality screenshots of the PDF. Does not show the PDF file itself which has higher resolution and non-blurred text and images.

“All over my FB page trying to get me to review this for months.” Lies. My responding to your Youtube videos were not calls for a review nor was it an attempt to “convert you,” as you claim. Spin it how you want, the truth is immutable no matter how much dirt you try to throw on it to cover it up. I just want to inform people.

“the resolution is not great.” download the PDF for better quality. What you are showing in your video are screenshots of the file uploaded on steemit for a preview of the book without having to download it.

You say verbatim that “there are literally millions of photos of the earth from space. And until a flat earther can come up and prove that every single one of those is fake, then you've got nothing.”

I’m a pilot with a masters in aerospace engineer. I’m not, what you would pejoratively and mockingly refer to, a “flat earther.” I’m much more than a “flerfler.” Second of all, your request of asking a ‘flat earther’ to "prove that every single one of those millions of manufactured photos are indeed manipulated" is dishonest and unreasonable. Rather, I ask you to show us one photo, only one, that hasn’t been manipulated. A far more reasonable request than the one you have given patronizingly and unreasonably.

5:31 Of course the stars are moving. That’s exactly my point. The earth is stationary and the stars above are rotating around us in perfect circles. An observation that is not compatible with the chaotic heliocentric model.

They tell us in mainstream science that the universe is expanding with entropy (a measure of chaos) constantly increasing, yet we observe perfect, ordered circles of star trails in the night sky and constellations that haven’t changed in millennia, despite the universe ever expanding as we are told. Makes perfect sense.

7:42 SciManDan’s argument against constellations never changing is that "they have because there is a 28,000-year cycle of the north star. So the North star changes in the 28,000 year cycle. So there-there-there’s that.” Does Dan not realize that a star does not make a constellation? You need at least three stars to make a constellation. As in, you need at least three dots to make a shape. These shapes, or constellations, that the stars make in the sky have not changed. Ever. They move, but they have not changed.

An argument that SciManDan uses over and over again is that the magnitude or the scale of the earth is so “massive” that we essentially can’t wrap our heads around it or make any sense of it. My reply to that, if SciManDan stops censoring me and allowing me to respond, is that it’s not that “massive” and here’s why: we are given the exact radius of the earth i.e. 6,371 km. With that information you can calculate curvature drop off. The earth is not that massive that you can’t wrap your head around it as you would have us believe. Anyone can wrap their heads around this quite easily. It’s simple. But it’s not that simple when filtering through the web of lies, indoctrination, programming of the mind, and control of the flow of information, fake or real. They control both sides.”

Gravity theory is a concocted propaganda ploy to indoctrinate the masses to make them ignorant and docile. The basis of a control system is ignorance. They deliberately keep the masses ignorant to enslave them and to believe and do what they are told.

11:57 I never said “things can’t defy gravity.” I said gravity theory is a concocted propaganda ploy to indoctrinate the masses to make them ignorant and docile. You’re making up arguments I didn’t make as you go along or putting a spin on them, distorting them. The level of deception is incredible. Also my point was that not a single observation or measure is made for earth’s motion and rotation. Not one. Zero. It’s as if the earth were standing still. Measurements and observations support that fact. Common sense and reason dictate it.

12:07 What the hell are you on about. My goodness. Even you look like you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. What is said in my book and what you are saying is in my book are not at all the same. Perhaps if you had downloaded the pdf file your viewers would be more inclined to pause the video to actually read what it is being said rather than listen to your lies and spin. But you deliberately had to lower its viewing quality to lower its appeal. It is your job after all. Part of the controlled debate.

12:33 SCiManDan claims the atmosphere has the same angular velocity as the earth. That is a lie since it would be impossible for the air to have a 1:1 ratio of angular velocity with the earth. Drag prevents the air from moving at same angular velocity. A balloon will not hover over the same spot because the atmosphere has the same angular velocity as the earth. The balloon hovers over the same spot because the earth is stationary. More lies and utter nonsense from this controlled clown who only holds a bachelor in planetary sciences and astronomy. The man is totally brainwashed. And controlled. This is an obvious psy op. SciManDan is really PsyManDan.

13:07 “He told me this book was supposed to convert me.” Another lie. Never said those words. But globalists love using such words as “convert me” “flat earther” and “religion” to falsely quote totally legitimate and qualified researchers like myself who holds a private pilot license and a masters in aerospace engineering. As opposed to this controlled puppet who claims to have a bachelors in “planetary sciences.” Derogatory and mocking words that unjustly describe a person to paint a bad picture of them. Could be bordering on defamation. Especially with my limited options to be able to respond and defend myself in the face of such accusations that this controlled, brainwashed buffoon in this video is making.

13:50 There it is again with that fake argument that “the earth is massive, of course it’s going to look flat.. to us … at sea level.. at ground level.” Again, the earth is not that big. Its radius is supposedly 6,371 km which is big but not so big that you’re not able to make measurement or observations as you would want to have us believe.

14:00 “The earth is huge. It is a massive object. We are tiny.” Globalists absolutely love to repeat this over and over again. As if we were incapable of making measurements and using our brains to determine whether a surface is flat, no matter the scale.

15:25 Who is wolfie? What is his real name and qualifications? Another wolf in sheep's clothing? Ganglike mentality like a wolf pack.

16:46 “So what. Yes, it looks flat. Again, because we’re small.” That is the best of SciManDan’s arguments that he keeps repeating over and over again.

17: 30 “It’s a cylinder with water in it. It’s gonna have a flat, level surface. What else do you expect.” Totally ignores the fact that the shape or size of the container is irrelevant as to the flatness of the surface.

17:59 “ They twist the words, they try and manipulate the meanings, so that vulnerable people take their word for it.” Speak for yourself. You are the one guilty of lies and manipulation so that vulnerable people take your word for it. Shame on you SciManDan. Shame on you.

18:11 Outright denies the math and empiric evidence staring him in the face. Did it all throughout the book. SciManDan literally doesn’t know truth nor common sense if it were to slap him in the face. Not the mark of an intelligent man with reason and common sense but rather the mark of the beast, father of lies, who in SciManDan’s own words, “twists the words, and manipulates the meanings, so that vulnerable people take their word for it.” A case of a wolf in sheep’s clothing, ladies and gentlemen.

18:41 “RedsRheotirc, his blink test … it says it all.” i.e. Hoodwinked.

19:00 “ What an absolute load of cobblers. It is a colossal waste of time.” So ridiculous and such a waste of time that you dedicate various social media platforms to it. You always make perfect sense.

12:18 “He’s literally shooting himself in the foot.” More like you shot yourself in the foot with this video, clown. Joke is on you. Peace.

“It may be boldly asked where can the man be found, possessing the extraordinary gifts of Newton, who could suffer himself to be deluded by such a hocus-pocus, if he had not in the first instance willfully deceived himself? Only those who know the strength of self-deception, and the extent to which it sometimes trenches on dishonesty, are in a condition to explain the conduct of Newton and of Newton’s school.
To support his unnatural theory Newton heaps fiction upon fiction, seeking to dazzle where he cannot convince. In whatever way or manner may have occurred this business, I must still say that I curse this modern theory of Cosmogony, and hope that perchance there may appear, in due time, some young scientist of genius, who will pick up courage enough to upset this universally disseminated delirium of lunatics.

Someday someone will write a pathology of experimental physics and bring to light all those swindles which subvert our reason, beguile our judgement and, what is worse, stand in the way of any practical progress. The phenomena must be freed once and for all from their grim torture chamber of empiricism, mechanism, and dogmatism; they must be brought before the jury of man’s common sense. “
~ Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe ~ German Poet and Philosopher (1749-1832)


As an amateur astronomer, I'm keen to see how you think star trails and equatorial mounts work. Additionaly, I'm keen to see how you explain proper motion of stars as well as stellar parallax (that causes stars to move very slightly over a one year cycle).

So you believe that every country that has flown into space has deliberately faked images from space? For what end would dozens of countries and organisations colaborate to try to fake images showing a spherical earth?

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Are the stars flat too? How about the moon?

According to one of the Flat Earth "leaders" the moon is a translucent self illuminating disk. Supposedly, they have proof of stars seen through the moon (seriously!).

Shut up. Everybody knows the moon is made of cheese dummy.

Still a better fit to observations!

5:31 Of course the stars are moving. That’s exactly my point. The earth is stationary and the stars above are rotating around us in perfect circles. An observation that is not compatible with the chaotic heliocentric model.

This is hardly the case, the stars rotate only when you point your camera at the north or south celestial pole. Why do they rotate in the opposite direction in the south? Why do they not rotate but shift linearly if you view the stars straight up on the equator? It's this kind of selective thinking that just boggles my mind. I mean, how do you miss the whole south pole?

yet we observe perfect circles of star trails in the night sky and constellations that haven’t changed in millennia

What? How can you write something like this? We can measure the stars as they're moving and we HAVE. They are constantly changing, just not in a short enough time span for monkey eyeballs to see them moving. This is what we have instruments for.

12:33 SCiManDan claims the atmosphere has the same angular velocity as the earth. That is a lie since it would be impossible for the air to have a 1:1 ratio of angular velocity with the earth. Drag prevents the air from moving at same angular velocity.

Drag is exactly why the air has basically the same angular velocity as the Earth. What do you have to backup this statement: "That is a lie since it would be impossible for the air to have a 1:1 ratio of angular velocity with the earth". How is it impossible? Drag, the thing you mentioned right afterward, is what makes this possible.

13:50 There it is again with that fake argument that “the earth is massive, of course it’s going to look flat.. to us … at sea level.. at ground level.” Again, the earth is not that big. Its radius is supposedly 6,371 km which is big but not so big that you’re not able to make measurement or observations as you would want to have us believe.

Measurements have been and are made, all the time, continuously. You just choose to ignore anything that doesn't support your new religion.

As far as controlling the debate, I think it's highly suspect you chose to put your response on a platform that requires a 24 hour+ moderation queue for new accounts. It's almost like you're trying to throttle your critics by not putting this in a more open forum.

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