RE: Are Chemtrails real? Do widespread, covert programs of aerial spraying for Geo-engineering and other purposes already exist?
Yes, climate change is a real thing, why else would you need to point out what's real, the climate changes all the time, but don't forget that climate change was called global warming and then that turned out to be a blatant lie, the "scientists" of climate, doctoring figures and making up fallacious models to present their data, all admitted to. Now let's call it Global Warming because that's what "floods and catastrophes faster than you can read" means. You see it as "it's ok because they are stooping climate, global warming." And that's just you from your research of an undisclosed, notoriously polarized and incredibly ostracizing subject which has been matched with the denial and refusal of acknowledging ANYTHING about it by the ones responsible. From that research which talks about the numerous samples that people have and readings of 30Thousand PPM to 50Thusand PPM of Aluminum, Barium and Strontium Salts, which are toxic in <100 PPM and have a negative effect on everything biologic down to a few PPM. You've also researched the Human DNA found in Fibers, and modified viruses and bacteria that float in the Human Blood in those fibers. And you conclude that it's A way to control the weather, after you used to think it was very evil to spray everyone's air with poisonous metals, O never mind, you simply used to think it was very evil of a thing to spray us. But not anymore.