Novel Cosmic Processes & Their Effects Upon Matter

in #science7 years ago

Can science progress beyond the centric, materialistic paradigm?


Consider Planck's so-called "constant." Max Planck proposed that energy radiates in quanta, that there is a "constant proportion exists between the frequency of radiation and a quantum in which it is released."

Certainly it's a useful mathematical device when dealing with certain aspects of science and technology, Planck developed it to solve the black body radiation "catastrophe" mathematically.

Is it some sort of real thing or just a useful formula? As the base of the theory of quanta, it is at the heart of the quantum paradigm, but is there more to it all?


Prof. Pierre-Marie Robitaille, Ph.D., is a professor of radiology at The Ohio State University. His Sky Scholar series on YouTube is exploring and questioning the scientific validity of such matters as Planck's Constant, Kirchoff's Law, and Black Holes, and is is dedicated to new ideas about the nature of the sun, the stars, thermodynamics, and the microwave background. With brief concise lessons, highly recommended. Here is one of his latest:

Planck Length, Time, Mass, and Temperature: Are They Universal?

One must constantly expand their conceptual basis in order to progress intellectually. Here are some unorthodox ideas to consider!

From Rupert Sheldrake, on The Variability of the 'Fundamental Constants':

"As well as any changes due to changing units, the official values of the fundamental constants vary from time to time as new measurements are made. They are continually adjusted by experts and international commissions. Old values are replaced by new ones, based on the latest 'best values' obtained in laboratories around the world. Below, I consider four examples: the gravitational constant (G); the speed of light; Planck's constant; and also the fine structure constant a, which is derived from the charge on the electron, the velocity of light, and Planck's constant."

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What's missing from such considerations are the actions of peripheral forces working in from the cosmos, those that interact with biophysical and geophysical processes. What follows is a collection of data indicating the effects of novel forces on Earthly substances and biology.

Experimental Evidence for Variability in Planck’s Constant

Annual variations of 1000 - 3000 ppm (peak-to-valley) have been observed in the decay rates of 8 radionuclides over a 20 year span by six organizations on three continents, including beta decay (weak interaction) and alpha decay (strong interaction). In searching for a common cause, we hypothesized that small variations in Planck’s constant might account for the observed synchronized variations in strong and weak decays. If so, then h [Planck's Constant] would be a maximum around January-February of each year and a minimum around July-August of each year based on the 20 years of radioactive decay data.

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There we see indications that Earth's positional relationship with the Sun is affecting nuclear decay, and thereby the "size" of the Planck.


The Classical Concept of Long-range Action Fields Existence
Sergey A. Vasiliev
Experimental data on the influence of planets and even stars on terrestrial processes are described. The paradox arises: according to the classical field theory, planets and stars cannot have any noticeable effects on terrestrial processes (briefly stated that by the thesis "the planets cannot influence the Earth"), but these effects are real. In this paper, this paradox is resolved by constructing the classical (not quantum) concept of existence of long-range action fields hereafter LRA-fields. It would seem that the energy conservation law and special relativity put under a prohibition the existence of LRA-fields. Our concept overcomes the prohibition. The concept appears as a logical consequence of the experimental data. The concept allows to explain many strange experimental results, eliminates the loss of the cause-effect relation that has been observed in the experimental researches, can refine the ideas of N. A. Kozyrev on the physical time in the most vulnerable their part. The concept and the physical model of LRA-fields contain new perspectives in prediction of earthquakes and solar flares as well as new perspectives in researches of the internal processes of the planets and stars. The concept may have far-reaching technological consequences, in particular, the perspectives for management of energy conversion, energy transfer and the perspectives of creating new technologies.

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The Factual Data on the Celestial Bodies Influences on Seismic Activity
Sergey A. Vasiliev, Virginia Nina Tataridou
The factual data on the influences of the Sun, Moon, planets, star on seismic activity are described. In the paper, the influences of the planet Mars and the Sun on seismic activity are confirmed statistically reliably in the subregion of the U.S. west coast and part of Mexico, in the subregion of Japan and in the world as a whole. The common properties and certain differences of the actions of the Mars and the Sun on seismic activity are marked. In particular, the obtained statistical data confirm that, in some cases, the Mars actions on seismic activity appear more strongly of the Sun actions. Within the framework of the classical (non-quantum) field theory, these data imply the existence of the long-range action fields (of LRA-fields). Previously, the authors developed a physical model of LRA-fields as the logical consequence of the nonseismological experimental and observational data. This model reveals the structure, specific properties and the origin conditions of LRA-fields. The physical model of LRA-fields predicts and allows to explain correctly the specific features of the actions of the planets and other celestial bodies on seismic activity. Monitoring of LRA-fields opens, in principle, new perspectives of the seismic activity and solar weather forecasting, new perspectives of tracking of the Earth and celestial bodies interior processes changes since the variations of LRA-fields reflect the changes of the internal processes of their sources.


Alexander Chizhevsky studied the impact of variations of solar activity & dependent geomagnetic oscillations on human mental conditions. His research suggested that mass changes of mind in populations are triggered by changes in solar magnetism manifesting as upheavals, revolts, wars, and revolutions, as well as events such as epidemics, infestations and accidents.

Chizhevsky proposed that not only did geomagnetic storms resulting from sunspot-related solar flares affect electrical usage, plane crashes, epidemics and grasshopper infestations, but human mental life and activity. Increased negative ionization in the atmosphere increased human mass excitability. Chizhevsky proposed that human history is influenced by the eleven-year peaks in sunspot activity, triggering humans en masse to act upon existing grievances and complaints through revolts, revolutions, civil wars and wars between nations.
He analyzed sunspot records (and approximated records), comparing them to riots, revolutions, battles and war in Russia and seventy-one other countries for the period 500 BCE to 1922 CE. (A process known as historiometry.) He found that a significant percent of what he classified as the most important historical events involving large numbers of people occurred around sunspot maximum. Edward R. Dewey, founder of the Foundation for the Study of Cycles, analyzed and published his data in 1951 in the Foundation's publications.
In a 1971 book Dewey described the "four components" of Chizhevsky's eleven-year cycle and their approximate lengths:

  1. a three-year period of minimum activity characterized by passivity and autocratic rule;
  2. a two-year period during which masses begin to organize under new leaders and one theme;
  3. a three-year period of maximum excitability, revolution and war;
  4. a three-year period of gradual decrease in excitability until the masses are apathetic.
    Dewey questioned Chizhevsky's theory because in Chizhevsey's data, the sunspot cycle height lagged about a year ahead his "mass excitability index."

In 1992 Arcady A. Putilov, a researcher in Animal and Human Physiology,[9] published a paper empirically testing Chizhevsky hypothesis analyzing events described in Soviet historical handbooks. Putilov found that the frequency and "polarity" of events, including revolution, is the highest in the years of the solar cycle maximum and the lowest in the year before the minimum. In 1996 professor of psychology Suitbert Ertel (University of Goettingen) corroborated a "substantial" relationship between solar activity and revolutionary behavior through statistical analysis of a "Master Index of Violence from Below" (MIVE) for the period 1700–1985 CE.


The Italian scientist Giorgio Piccardi (1895 – 1972) carried out for more than 20 years of original “chemical tests” based on the reaction BiCl3 + H2O → BiOCl + 2HCl showing evidence of a correlation between the statistical results of the test and the solar activity cycle (sunspot number). So, in many aspects, Piccardi’s research has anticipated the modern science of “space weather”.
Piccardi’s results supported several empirical researches in heliogeophysics and heliobiology largely carried out in Russia from 20s, showing qualitative correlations between biological, medical and social phenomena with environmental factors, especially of solar origin.

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The following are disease mortality rates graphed against solar and geomagnetic activity, from Effects of Solar Activity on the Earth's Atmosphere and Biosphere, Academy of Sciences of the USSR publication, Israel Program for Scientific Translations edition, 1977:

heliobiology disease rates.PNG

Cosmological Botany is a little known field of research, having grown out of Rudolf Steiner's Biodynamic Agriculture impulse. Lawrence Edwards researched tree bud shapes and Moon - outer planet relationships, with startling results:


Lawrence Edwards' research is the first and only one to have, from first mathematical principles, successfully described any biological form. All other attempts at precision are essentially—and merely—statistical (norms are not principles).
This implies that DNA cannot alone be the propagator of living form, and random process cannot alone drive evolution. How these things may work together is an obvious target for new research. He discovered that buds change form rhythmically, and that the rhythms are those of the alignments of the Moon with Bodies of the Solar System. He found that a specific tree or flower changes the form of its buds in the rhythm of the Lunar alignment with a specific body. The Oak, for example, appears to change with Mars, the Beech with Saturn and the Birch with Venus.

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One excellent book on the subject is Planetary Influences Upon Plants - A Cosmological Botany by Ernst Michael Kranich

One of the fundamental concepts of biodynamic agriculture is how the sun, moon and planets affect plants. Ernst Michael Kranich's book describes the growth patterns, leaf placements and flower forms of different plant families and how they are clearly connected to the rhythmic activity of specific planets.
The book contains illustrations which demonstrate the connection between the orbital paths of planets and the shapes found in particular plants.

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Dr. L. Kolisko was one of the great unsung scientists of the 20th century who via decades of crystallization experiments in sync with geocentrically-observed cosmic motions and positions described a qualitative direct relationship between the 7 luminaries of old (Sun, Moon, visible planets) and the 7 noble metals (Gold, Silver, Copper, Tin, etc) as was held as canon in alchemy and ancient mystery schools (i.e. Gold~Sun, Silver~Moon, Copper~Venus, Iron~Mars, Tin~Jupiter, Lead~Saturn).

Dr. Kolisko's experiments described in this video I produced, Workings of the Stars In Earthly Substances, reflect Iron~Mars, Silver~Moon, and Lead~Saturn connections:

7 planets week 1-sm2.png

This post is but a limning of the potential in the presented eclectic concepts. Hope you enjoyed it, and I'm happy to discuss your thoughts, corrections, criticisms, additions, etc.

It is the mark of an intelligent mind to be able to consider new ideas without necessarily accepting or rejecting them.

A mind expanded to the dimensions of a new concept can never return to its original size.

~ Alkemix

Do the unthinkable - Think_sm.jpg


"Mathematics has the completely false reputation of yielding infallible conclusions. Its infallibility is nothing but identity. Two times two is not four, but it is just two times two, and that is what we call four for short. But four is nothing new at all. And thus it goes on and on in its conclusions, except that in the higher formulas the identity fades out of sight." ~ Goethe


nice article, i just upvoted and followed you, and i hope to see more posts from you

Thanks! Definitely more articles in progress.

This post has received a 0.78 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

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