Introducing Hover Brothers Technologies: An Open-Source Anti-Gravity Research Company

in #science7 years ago

You’ve been waiting for this a long time…

Right now in mainstream physics, there is a massive revolution about to take place. An exodus away from 40 years of wasted energy on string theory and other failed theories like loop quantum gravity, towards the realization that quantum entanglement somehow holds the key secret to quantum gravity. In fact, all across the board within the physics community in just the past several years we are seeing an awakening to the fact that the entanglement of quantum systems has everything to do with how gravity really works on a quantum and a cosmological level as well.
So right now, the race is on. Because the first person or group out there to come up with a correct theory of quantum gravity, will not only reveal the secret mechanism by which gravity operates. But, they will also reveal how to turn it off, and how to freely manipulate its direction and magnitude at will. And that is very likely to spark a radical phase change in our technology. This is the so called “Quantum Leap” that we’ve all been waiting for.

The year 2020 is right around the corner, and according to the futurists of our past, this is an idea that is long overdue… As the children of the space age we were promised hover-boards, flying cars, millennium falcons, and all sorts of other cool stuff that for some reason never happened... But luckily things are finally coming into focus for many within mainstream physics who have been following the recent developments on quantum gravity. And they are realizing that we are on the verge of one of the most incredible breakthroughs in physics since Einstein and Neils Bohr.

I happen to know some quantum gravity researchers, who foresaw the necessity of placing entanglement and information structures at the core of physics ten years before the rest of the physics community, and have already developed a complete theory based upon it.
For Einstein, the central problem of the Quanta, was that they could be entangled and therefor function as a unified Whole across limitless distances of space and time. Violating a fundamental principal of general relativity theory: the constancy and finiteness of the speed of light in a vacuum. To Einstein and his coauthors Rosen & Podolsky this so called “Spooky action at a distance” phenomenon, could not fit with General Relativity and the Copenhagen interpretation of physics. For if it were true, then relativity must be wrong... This is the infamous EPR paradox in physics.
and when the Alain Aspect entanglement experiments of the 1970s demonstrated that Einstein was wrong, (about that aspect anyway) physicists have been searching for a reformulation of General Relativity Theory, to make it true again ever since… Enter String Theory, Loop Quantum Gravity, and the like…
This is the crisis in physics right now, and we are on the verge of a major breaking point within the field. Just like the discovery of Quantum Mechanics brought about the advent of radio, television, cathode ray tubes, the transistor, solid state electronics, computers, etc. this new discovery promises to usher in yet another golden age of technologies beyond our wildest dreams. Only science fiction has remotely come close to predicting it. Cough Star Trek..

We are about to nail down gravity with an exact theory of what physics really is. This is going to open up all kinds of new doors in physics. Mainstream physics, as we mentioned before is just now beginning to sort through this whole entanglement crisis and figure out what it all means, and come up with their own theories.
Meanwhile, the team I am now working with and hoping to crowd-fund with this launch video, already have a very well developed theory, because they began researching quantum entanglement 20 years ago, and have already worked out all the math, and are ready to begin performing experiments based in new predictions from the models.
These scientists call their theory “PhOENIX”, or the Physics of Entanglement, Networks, and Information eXchanges. The theory is based on topology and combinatorics, and basically treats all of elementary particle physics as a series of twisted and interconnected loops and knots terminated at vertices with set matching rules. All matter in the known universe is tied together in these knots, and communicates through this entangled web of information exchange. Antimatter is actually the reverse opposite of these loops or knots, it terminates the ends of the string. So by exploiting this quantum disentangling property of antimatter, surrounding the surface of an object with negative energy states, we can physically disentangle regions of space-time, thereby reducing, negating, or reversing the effects of gravity, which we believe is itself a function of quantum entanglement.

It’s a fairly straightforward and easy to understand theory, which is backed up by a lot of real cutting edge mainstream science. There is a general consensus in theoretical physics moving towards the idea that quantum entanglement holds the key to quantum gravity, and the best way to test that theory is to shut off quantum entanglement and see what happens to gravity.

I want all my followers out there to know, that this is what 15 years of antigravity physics research has lead me to. I have spent an immense amount of my own personal time and money to get here to this point. But I feel as if I’ve just climbed to the top of one mountain peak, to see another one soaring even higher in the distance… Because right now I realize that my team and I have some experiments that we need to conduct, which if successful will literally shake physics to its core, and keep it rocking for to the next 1000 years or so. But it won’t be easy…

We are looking to crowd fund a very simple and, in terms of mainstream physics research, low-cost experiment, in order to demonstrate this new implication of quantum gravity and hopefully bring some very cool new technologies out to the public. If successful we plan to use this new theory of physics as a basis for further experiments, patents for new technologies, and useful inventions which will hopefully make us and our investors very wealthy, and place us in a position of future advancement.
Eventually establishing a publicly funded and owned Corporation dedicated to the advancement of humanity through the research and development of advanced physics technologies. This company will start small as a laboratory and intellectual property lease holding company, and will eventually blossom into a full-on research, development, engineering, and aerospace production company. Not an entertainment company.

Oh yeah, and we’re going to build hover boards, or at the very least, provide the Quantum push that will enable hover technology.
Our first experiment, will be levitating a mass of silicate crystals using a combination of lasers, magnetic fields, and our patent pending proprietary antimatter production and confinement hover technology. In other words, we are going to float a piece of rock using antimatter surface fields to block quantum entanglement. Our theory predicts that a veil of antimatter, the right form of antimatter, will actively separate the inside of the bubble, from the rest of the entangled universe, which should result in a measured disturbance to gravity.
and as crazy or confusing as that may sound to some of you right now, I can throw a heck of a lot more real physics behind this to back it up, than any of the other groups out there claiming they are after virtually the same thing we are talking about. Some of these groups have been able to raise $Millions, and have yet to produce anything to show for it. They don’t have a theory, or any specific goals in mind for their experiments. So they are basically shooting in the dark. And people are blindly trusting them while throwing loads of money at them, hoping and praying for miracles. We’re not selling miracles here. We can promise you real experiments, based on real physics theory, which is not at all outside the box from mainstream physics, and do it for a fraction of the amounts these other groups have managed to already raise.
Everyone who donates to help crowd-fund our early experiment, will receive benefits and stocks in the company, when it finally goes public. If we are successful and this company takes off the way I think it’s going to, then you are all going to be very happy you bought into this early on. You will have your name attached to a very important part of history, and you will also hopefully be driving some pretty sweet new rides in another 5-10 years when this technology hits the market. Those who have already donated money and helped me out in the past, congratulations you already own shares of stock in this future company. My way of saying thanks for the help over the years. It’s all going to come back to you very soon. I promise.

We are also looking for laboratory space, research assistance, equipment, and more importantly you and your talents. What skills, insights or information can you bring to our team? Maybe you already have a laboratory and some equipment we could use? Lots of people are already out there trying to accomplish similar objectives in their own private labs. Let’s join forces, build the right team and open source this entire project.
Join us at
This is the official launch of what could be the single greatest technological milestone in the history of human achievement.
In 1895 one of the world’s foremost authorities on science and technology named William Thompson or more formally known as Lord Baron von Kelvin famously remarked “I can state flatly that heavier than air flying machines are impossible”, just eight years later in 1903 two brothers who owned a bicycle company in Ohio, and happened to have just the right physics models, were able to prove the entire world wrong and jump start an entire new era of technology.

I’ve spent the best years of my life and thousands of my own dollars exploring the boundaries of modern physics, gravity, and energy… traveling to conferences and talking to some of the best minds in the field. My team is now ready to move forward, and take the next step. With the right kind of help, we will succeed where others have failed.

In addition to our experiment with the levitating silicates via quantum disentanglement, I have about 10 years of prior research into so called “anti-gravity” technologies that we can test and show experiment with and publish our findings on as well. Including the microwave and beam propulsion technologies of Project Skyvault. As well as the rotating superconductors, superfluids, and plasma centrifuge engines related to Project GRASP, Podkletnov, and others… Some of which I have new insights on that I can’t wait to share. Regardless, those who have followed my research over the years, know that I’m not in this for the money. I gave up a career as a scientist to devote my life to looking outside the box to find real solutions to problems with Energy and Transportation, and have shared my work publicly, free of charge, with my only intent being to inform, educate, discover the truth, and hopefully change the world for the better.
Out of all the people and groups talking about doing this, and raising money for so called “research”. I have yet to see anyone with a background that can even compare to what my team has to offer. Where else do you see an active history of important disclosure after disclosure of real physics and technology? Things like Quasicrystals, Metamaterials, Invisibility cloaks, microwave propulsion, ion beam propulsion, the Biefeld-Brown Ion Wind Effect, onion drives, Lattice Induced Nuclear Fusion, etc. People are so quick to run to these newcomers making wild promises while providing no real substance, that they ignore the work others have already done. We need someone to put these other groups in check, and someone to check and recheck everything these people put out to confirm any real science, debunk any bullshit, and explain to people just what the heck is really going on here, and what’s next.
Phase 1 of the PhOENIX Project is now officially active! So get involved and learn more by visiting our website at:
…and just like the wright brothers we intend to turn the church of mainstream science on its head and usher in a whole new age of science and technology of the people, by the people, and for the people.
HoverBrothers is a co-ed, multi-racial, multi-cultural, multi-oriented, diversity embracing international collaboration on future space technologies. Unlike the Orion Project, we’re not pursuing a Government disclosure that’s sadly never going to come, we’re pursuing independent human discovery! This isn’t “Alien” technology, this is ours, we worked hard for this and we will continue to work harder and smarter than any other group out there. Unlike Tom Delonge’s to the stars we have no connections to the Pentagon or intelligence community. (though I have had some inside sources from Area 51 over the years feeding me some good and bad information -ALL of which I can and will talk about on record unlike Tom). and unlike Keshe Foundation and so many others, we actually come from real universities, we put out real information based on real physics, and our colleagues are real people from the scientific community, and its outer fringes. And no, I don’t have a book to sell you.
I just want to change the world, and I have the research, the physics background, and the people to do it completely open-source. But not without your help.
If there was ever a time or a cause, that was more important or pivotal to human history, our development, and our understanding of gravity. That time is NOW.
The most important thing you can do to help, is to share this message. Spread it like wildfire, before anyone can stop it. Share, share, and share it again a week from now.
Our primary objective right now, is to secure enough crowd-source capital to fund our preliminary experiments and get a prototype off the ground with something we can then patent and sell for more funding to take it to the next step and pay back our initial investors. But that very first step is going to be finding that hard-core proof that YES, some of this technology is fact, not fiction. I’ve been navigating the landscape of advanced propulsion technologies for over a decade now, I stay on the cutting edge of propulsion technology by reading books and papers from conferences like STAIF2 and other DARPA scouting grounds. I wouldn’t be coming forward with this if I didn’t actually have something worth your investment. We are going to FORCE the disclosure of these technologies, simply by crowd sourcing them into existence through efficient, and intelligent R&D. HoverBrothers will succeed, we have a plan, a dangerous amount of knowledge, and we’re not afraid to use it. We look forward to answering your questions, your emails, and joining you on your next podcast to help spread this message of hope and freedom. Disclosure by Science. Bring it!

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