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in #science5 years ago

Physicists and mathematicians have long sought a Theory of Everything (ToE ) that unifies general relativity and quantum mechanics. General relativity explains gravity and large-scale phenomena such as the dynamics of stars and galaxies in the universe, while quantum mechanics (QM) explains microscopic phenomena from the subatomic to molecular scales. In the last years of his life, in order to better understand the wave function as a whole, Hawking and his staff began to apply the Holographic Principle, which considers space-time as a hologram. Hawking sought a holographic description of the Universe. Holographic principle, based on the law of information preservation, allows the projection of any phenomenon onto the holographic screen of the Universe and roundtrip without loss of information.

With such a geometric and physical interpretation of the abstract concept of a point is are detailed: each point of emerging three-dimensional space the center of two projections and the statistical angular movements projections of the particle in a natural way (from a simple equation of coherent oscillations) emerge on two hemispheres holographic screen — is a wave.

We take any point in space and it is compatible with the center of fixed Cartesian coordinates, divide the time into equal intervals. «If the quantum probabilities are not only preserved, in the ontological basis they stay the same all the time then we can idealized demonstration them by the single equation of coherent oscillations. We can define probabilities to be a positive function of the amplitudes».

Geometrical representation of the probability density projections of particles for the QM Universe and in constructed by combinations of (all 64) coherent oscillations from one parametric equation presents of the qubit:


θx, θy, θz- sequential angular displacement of projections on the holographic screen. Parameters: θ = πt and -1 ≤ t ≤ 1; where θ is the geometric angle defined by an arbitrary direction in a clockwise and/or counterclockwise direction, starting with the corresponding semiaxis. The equation is applicable for any radius. When t → tp — is the Planck time.
We have 2 Galactic Constants (the Planck time, angle cosmic string of 90 degrees) if it was only one, nothing would happen. To realize the Holographic Universe, only one cosmic string is needed, which closes itself at an angle of 90 degrees. In this mode, all other fundamental constants appear automatically and automatically adjust due to the deep negative connection of the particle projections with the global temperature gradient on the spherical holographic screen, on every the half of which they move (strong statistic trajectories). This is all that is required for the emergence of the Universe. For any other, not holographic theory, many postulates are required and there is no answer to the fundamental questions. It is not clear where emerged Galactic Constants, the mass of particles, gravity, dark energy, dark matter, space-time, how forces and interactions arise, and why fundamental laws are as they are... . We have rules are unambiguous and the fundamental laws of physics are not postulated, but derived from thermodynamics on a holographic screen with a single time coordinate. At every instant, the rules lead to one single, unambiguous prescription as to what will happen next. We have causality: every event have a cause, and these causes all lies in the past as without loss the recorded information has presented the gradients of the temperature on the screen. This mechanism can be used to define time. So now we can distinguish the present and future from the past. Only the past events are relevant for what happens next, and whatever they dictate, will only affect definitely a present (current) time and the likelihood of future events. We have efficiency. Not all events in the past but as a probability density, only a few of them should dictate an event in moment quantum measurement. Locality in the Holographic Principle emerged and is determined by the decoherence of quantum processes (quantum entanglement of pairwise projections of elementary particles or, which is the same - pair-wise replacement bits) as a result of which the influence of the nearest external environment increases, and as objects move away, it decreases by approximately the square of the distance.
The gradient of temperature on the screen - the past instantly determines the behavior of every from two projects of a particle in the present (current) time. For computing the behavior of one particle, we only need the data concerning its two projects and projects of particles in its immediate environment, then the calculation of entropic force will go a lot quicker this a maximum of efficiency. This demand will now also lead to our first rule for super force or first law of physics:

Fentr =ΔTΔS,

where Fentr - entropic force on 2D of the screen, «ΔT» — gradient temperature, «ΔS» — gradient entropy caused by the acceleration of the matter.
The product Fentr Δx can be considered as the energy that should be applied to the system in order to withdraw it from the equilibrium state. The existence of a vector factor Δx (perpendicular to the screen) is the reason that the world seems to us to be three-dimensional. Space occurs on a macroscopic level only after discretization. Consequently, with each configuration of matter, the final entropy is connected. This entropy measures the microscopic amount of information that is invisible to a macroscopic observer. In general, this amount of information will depend on the distribution of matter. This information will be processed by entering the microscopic evolution of the screen, which seems random from a macroscopic point of view. Everything that is written above is not just a new theory, but conclusions based on the results obtained in an analytical computer simulator and which can be additionally verified experimentally if measurements are made in a fundamentally new type of power gyroscope - in an Unusual Gyroscope.

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