Can we circumvent Newton's third law and control gravity?

in #science7 years ago
  Let's refuse to review physical theories and consider only the practical side. I, Alex Isakov am an electronic engineer and a programmer and I was lucky to invent an unusual gyroscope the rotor of which performs forced three-dimensional oscillations under the control of the computer by the extremely simple formula. It was found that the oscillations of the rotor of an unusual gyroscope in a vacuum are coherent both in space and in time of the cycle. If there is coherence then there must be an interference pattern. This pattern is a fixed. We have it's from the accelerations of each point of the rotor. Each point of the rotor can be compared with the elements of its mass.

 So what's next? What can be done with such fluctuations? If we calculate the number of directions of such coherent oscillations, then there its will be exactly 60. I knew that this was the number of known elementary particles of Standart Model. Emerged a suspicion. After I uploaded the extremely simple equation of motion of the rotor of an unusual gyro into the program of a certified simulator, I with amazement saw emerged spherical screen and on it of the many properties and dynamics of three generations of particles of the Standard Model. From what I saw on the computer screen, I was in shock for a long time, but what make next? Exploring dynamics it turns out then we can only switch directions at the end of each cycle of coherent oscillations of the rotor of the unusual gyroscope, choosing one of 60 directions. At the moment of switching, we have there is a short-term decoherence.

  All our studies lead to a correlation of information with quantum mechanics, holography, and physics at the level of apples. We there is not enough one more large-scale constituent - cosmology. If we consider the Holographic Principle, then cosmology is its scale - the holographic horizon of the universe. And the most important property of the Holographic Principle is that all phenomena in the three-dimensional world can be projected onto the holographic horizon (screen) without losing information! This means that our directed rotational accelerations of the rotor mass elements can be projected onto a holographic screen and we can produce their shifts (produce short decoherence). Thermodynamics on a holographic screen states that acceleration is the entropy gradient. In addition, gravity and space arise as a result of the decoherence of quantum processes, so our shifts (controlled changes in the interference pattern) each time must produce directed gravitational forces.


  However, this is impossible - and this speaks the classical physics, its fundamental laws of conservation. The fundamental law of conservation of momentum based on Newton's Third Law prohibits the emergence of uncompensated force in a closed system. True, we have some advantage and now we have a huge size this of a closed system. But to obtain an artificial force acting on a distance we lack anisotropy of the screen itself. If is there is a symmetry breaking on the screen, then it becomes clear how the mass of the particles arise, all forces and interactions, how it is possible to generate a directed gravitational force based of thermodynamics. And it turns out that such anisotropy exists! This is the dipole anisotropy of the universe. It can be projected as a global temperature gradient without losing information on the holographic screen.

 Thus, summarizing the above, we get a fundamentally new device - unusual gyroscope for quantum measurements and yet another fundamentally new instrument but now for measurements in cosmology. Received by us at the time of decoherence, the directed entropic (gravitational) force obeys Newton's Second Law and allows us to build powerful nonreactive engines and we can manage gravity.The vector of this force carries information about information on the holographic screen of the Universe without limiting the speed of light and distance. Thus, we have a holographic-gravitational channel of communication with intelligent civilizations in the universe. And that's not all. If coherent oscillations of the rotor mass elements in the vacuum are synchronized, we get the net the oscillating rotations of the rotor itself, the magnets of which induce the emf in the coils of inductance. This means that we get the ecologically pure energy of the accelerated expansion of the holographic screen (of zero-point) and transform it into inexhaustible electrical energy. At the same time, by one extremely simple equation - the coherent law of evolution, we prove the Holographic Principle and this may lay the foundation for the Theory of Everything. The extremely simple equation of coherent oscillations generates the entire zoo of the particles of the Standard Model. Already today, an unusual gyroscope demonstrates the work in the standard simulator - produce visualizations of the dynamics and properties of particles Standard Model, by enormous efforts obtained in experiments on accelerators.

  Today we need to find a way of practical implementation of the device - of the unusual gyroscope. Maybe you have thoughts on this?

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