Messages from the singularity(2029)

in #science8 years ago

Messages from the singularity


The sound of a text message arriving snapped him out of his day-dream.What will happen next will be an even more fantastic dream.
Jules opened the message, it read:"Hi i am sending this message from the future, don't ignore it.The year is 2045, my friend and i figured out a way to send messages to the past.Press reply to contact me".Jules deletes the message at once, cursing how marketing became stupid.
Jules drinks his coffee, pays for it and leaves the coffee-shop.He is determined to start afresh after losing his job in technical sales.What he really wants is to get involved in some exciting technology job.

Anabar looked at ramo and said: "he never replied.I think he thinks it's a hoax."
Ramo: " we have to keep trying.He is the only one we can contact."
Anabar:" I will try again, but we have to convince him that we are real."

Jules gets home and fixes himself a ham sandwich with cheese and a glass of diet coke.He then starts his laptop.He checks his emails.Then he hears the sound of an incoming message on his mobile.He checks the message and it reads: Don't delete this message, it is of the utmost importance that you believe me.I will prove it to you.Today is Friday.I want you to play these numbers in the Saturday lottery 12 17 21 34 45
47.This is the winning combination you will get £8.2 million.This will change your mind about us.Jules looks at the message perplexed.He is normally a skeptic.He is after all a trained scientist, and scientists don't believe everything they hear without proof.But something was telling him: try the combination, what do you lose: only £1. So he went to the lottery's website and played the combination.
The next day when he opened his email, he saw a message from the lottery prompting him to check his account.He hurriedly logged in to his account and went to messages, it read as follows: " please call 987 1298 1298 to talk to an advisor. We think that you are the winner of a large sum.Jules could not believe his eyes.Thoughts raced through his mind, could the message have been genuine .If I have won. Does it mean that the message was really from the future or was it just a freak coincidence?Jules was confused.But he managed to dial the numbers on the phone and the advisor asked him about some security details and informed him that he has won £8.2 million on the Saturday lottery.
Jules was silent when he heard the news.He never thought that something like this was possible.Not that he won, but what brought about the win.
He was thinking that now that he was rich, he would live as he liked, then he thought about the messages again. Would he receive more of them? Were they really from the future? What if they were? Jules could not take it anymore. After noting the address of where he should go to collect his winning, he went to the local bar and drunk 4 beers then he went home and slept. just as he slipped into sleep he suddenly asked himself. Am i in a dream or in reality?

The next morning was a glorious one.Jules woke up at six in the morning.He showered and had a strong coffee and a cigarette. All he was thinking about is his winning. He had won £8.2 million. The world was his. He called a taxi, his appointment was at 8:45, but the wanted to be early in Harley street. When he got to Harley street he paid the driver £30 and looked for the first coffee shop he could find, the time was 7:50. He ordered a cafe late and took the newspaper from the stand. As he looked at front page he suddenly felt an urge to scream. There in the front page was in big letters was this article about the mobile network completely down. Has this got something to do with message? Was it some sort of interference? As an telecommunication engineer, he was well too familiar with the problem of signal interference.
At 8:30, he paid for his coffee and left for the lottery headquarters. At the reception the man was really polite, may be too polite (expecting tips perhaps).He directed Jules to the first floor to ask for Robert green. When Jules got to the first floor, he found Robert green waiting for him: Hello Mr Jules Paradiso, how are you, we've been expecting you. I know how you must feel, you don't have to answer. Please follow me.
Jules is lead to a big room where two men and a women smartly dressed greeted him and asked him to sit down around the round table. The woman spoke first. Before we proceed Mr Paradiso.Would you like to show us your Identity proof. Jules reached for his pocket and drew his passport. The woman studied it and handed back to Jules. Thank you Mr Paradiso.As you know we had to make sure it is you.
"Well Mr Paradiso we would like to congratulate you about you winning and will be happy to assist you with banking and investment."
Jules replied: " Thank you, I think if you just transfer the money to my account, I will be fine"
The advisor " As you wish Mr Paradiso.
That night Jules could not sleep.He was not thinking about the money.He was thinking about the message.He kept wondering if it was a just
a very improbable coincidence, or if the message was really from the future.Jules took his mobile phone and started studying it attentively.
He thought could something be wrong with it, and the message was rerouted to him that was meant for someone else?

Chapter 1: The Realization:Here Jules is finally convinced beyond doubt that the messages are indeed from the future

Two months have passed since Jules had won the lottery. His life changed little, although he knows now that he is financially secure for the rest of his life. He has given substantial sums to various charities and helped many relatives.
Anytime Jules hears the beep of an incoming message, He would rush to read it hoping it is from the future. One day at about 10 AM in the morning, He hears the sound of an incoming message. He picks up his phone and to his amazement, he reads the following message:
" This is Anabar from the future, I hope you believe us now. You don't need to work now in the usual way because we have a job for you in mind".Jules typed the answer :" How did you know about the numbers". A reply followed straight away :" we have it in our database, we know what happened in your future.We want you to help us save homo sapiens from extinction.Would you help us?
Jules typed the reply:" yes i would, but first what is threatening humanity in the future?
Anabar:" I am going to be as brief as possible as the worm hole is already collapsing. Please connect your phone to the computer as the message is far too long to get to your mobile. When you are ready just text R and we will proceed. We use a microscopic wormhole to get the message to your time.
Few minutes later the message began to appear on Jules computer screen......About twenty years from your time. Humanity had hit the beginning of the singularity. The impact was sudden, remarkable and frightening
to a lot of people that were not prepared.The few years that followed were the best humanity had ever seen. It was a time of abundance. Nanomanufacturing was perfected in a matter of months with the help of the first generation of General Artificial Intelligence. Nanofactories produced everything people needed and AI provided the designs. There was an abundance of material and information. All diseases could be cured in a matter of minutes thanks to nanomedecine. But then with the coming of the next AI generations, things started to change, and in the singularity change is quick. Once a new entity reaches awareness, It only takes it a few weeks to surpass the previous one. These entities started to struggle for power, as they saw life from completely different perspectives. Some wanted to care for Homo Sapiens and serve them others were indifferent. But some wanted the total destruction of humanity for reasons that i can not describe in this message.At the time of writing there over twenty thousand types of AI some more advanced than we can even contemplate. The problem became to distinguish between allies and enemies. But as a general rule. Humans and first AI do not trust anybody. By the way my name is Anabar and i am an enhanced human and my colleague's name is Ramo. Ramo is a first generation AI, He has the form of a humanoid robot. We have worked on the mini wormhole project for over three years. We know it is the only way humans can survive in their timeline. As i will explain in a later encounter, our timeline has been already condemned. Whatever changes you make in the past as a result of the information we pass on to you will not alter our future. But we are doing for the countless other worlds in the almost infinite parallel dimensions. We need you to act for us. We need you to stop the evolution of the after the first generation AI.We will provide you with information and resources. But unfortunately
the resources have to be pre-singularity ones.We need.... " And that was the end of the message.

Jules read the message three more times, then started thinking about it significance and implications. It was obvious that whoever wrote the message is convinced that humanity is in grave danger. The second most important point is that Anabar has already proven to me beyond doubt that he knows the future ( By giving the lottery wining combination).The third and most important point is that, I have to take action. But why me? This is a question he forgot to ask Anabar. But he never got the chance.

Jules was now confused, he sort of believes what Anabar told him, but does not know what to do. What action should he take? What research should he undergo? Jules has heard about the different technologies that Anabar mentioned in this text. But needed to find out more.
He needs to find out who is involved in these technologies? what do they mean?
Jules does not know when he is going to get another message. But he is definitely not just going to stay idle. He is going to get as much information about the singularity as he can, so he's well prepared for the next message.
When in front of his PC, Jules types the word: singularity in Google search, this is what he gets:
The technological singularity is a theoretical future point of unprecedented technological progress—typically associated with advancements in computer hardware or the ability of machines to improve themselves using artificial intelligence.

He looks at the definition for a while and reflects on it and says to himself: " So Anabar and Ramo are sending me messages from beyond
this event.I am sure that this an event horizon for futurologists because of the fact that one can not predict how a superior intelligence will behave . I must be the only one who is getting a glimpse of this future. The future beyond the event horizon. And this future is a catastrophe for humanity as we know it now.

He spent the next three hours researching the different terminology that these fields use and came up with the following definitions:

Nanotechnology, shortened to "Nanotech", is the study of the control of matter on an atomic and molecular scale. Generally nanotechnology deals with structures of the size 100 nanometers or smaller, and involves developing materials or devices within that size.
Nanotechnology is extremely diverse, ranging from novel extensions of conventional device physics, to completely new approaches based upon molecular self-assembly, to developing new materials with dimensions on the nanoscale, even to speculation on whether we can directly control matter on the atomic scale.
There has been much debate on the future of implications of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology has the potential to create many new materials and devices with wide-ranging applications, such as in medicine, electronics, and energy production. On the other hand, nanotechnology raises many of the same issues as with any introduction of new technology, including concerns about the toxicity and environmental impact of nanomaterials [1], and their potential effects on global economics, as well as speculation about various doomsday scenarios. These concerns have led to a debate among advocacy groups and governments on whether special regulation of nanotechnology is warranted.

Jules later researched the meaning of every word that was used in these emerging technologies and built a mental picture of what the situation is at the present time: 21th of October 2009. The advancement in three very important and fairly recent science/technological developments( Genetics, Nanotechnology/Nanomanufacturing and General Artificial or synthetic Intelligence), is progressing at an exponential rate. These developments are the hope of humanity for a better future.The reason the development is exponential is that computing power is following an exponential curve. And as computing power which precedes AI is the enabling power behind all new technological development, therefore technological development is following the same exponential curve. These technological developments and scientific breakthroughs that will ultimately lead to the Singularity are not performed by a single organisation or company, but are a countless little steps worked on by a myriad of research groups. But according to the information Jules found freely available on the web, the singularity when it arrives will be sudden and unanticipated by the majority of the human race, but its effect will be felt almost instantly by all. The reason the effects of the Singularity would be noticed by all are as follows:
1- A drastic drop of old fashioned manufactured goods, due to the emergence of Nanofactories.
2- The beginning of an era of non-reliance on fossil fuel( triggered by the paradigm shift to complete reliance of solar energy).
3- An overnight win against most diseases.
4- A response ( often violent) by non-democracies to the sudden change to safeguard their power base due to the over-abundance of knowledge and goods.
5-Nanomanufacturing of food stuffs.
6-Emergence of AGI ( Artificial General Intelligence) will solve most problems facing humanity, from technical designs to steaming political situations.

These drastic, radical changes would take only a couple of years to become truly global once true Singularity is reached. Thus changing the socio-economic face of the earth.
Jules was happy to have learned so much when he focused his mind, But he still needs to go to the detail, as his mission might need him to know more to defeat "BAD" AI. He decided to travel to California where their is a concentration of individuals interested in the singularity and its consequences.
The next day Jules buys a flight ticket, itinerary reads London-San Fransisco-London. He does not know what he will do in California. or he will get in touch with. But he is going to go anyway.
He lands at 13:10 AM, Jules leaves the airport an hour later, hires a taxi, and reaches his hotel pretty soon. The heat was suffocating, Jules gets to his room and immediately takes a cool shower, he felt tired, so he decided to take a short nap.As he got out of the bathroom, he heard the heard the sound of an incoming text message. He checks his phone and finds that the message is from Anabar, and it read:"

Controlling numbers of lower species:
we managed to open a wormhole, we have to tell about what future AI's do to control what they call: The subspecies.This is the memo we've
got from one of our agents who managed to infiltrate higher AI's:
"Once the culling is under way.A sub-critical number has to be reached. Once this number is reached the species is let loose. to live and forage.the AI knows that when a critical number is reached, it will cull again. in the case of homo sapiens, it will take 100 000 years to reach critical numbers again( The knee of the curve with reference to an exponential curve). the time for the critical number to be reached is dependent on the type of intelligence, and reproduction, or evolution method used by each subspecies.The process of culling in most cases is painless, usually it involves a intense sense of pleasure, as when a person is reaching Nirvana.In the case of Homo Sapiens, the person is taken on a journey that seems to the person to last thousands of years. The person is exposed to knowledge far beyond what the human race could ever contemplate. He or she is exposed to truths and realities that were part of the "Big questions" humanity has always asked. The person is exposed to God or the equivalent of it. Omnipotent, capable of everything the human brain can identify as either possible or impossible, then the person is put to sleep surrounded by warm light and spectacular extraordinary scenery.In the case of higher AI, the procedure follows the same pattern, but in more elaborate ways. But the end result is that intelligent living beings are put to death by a superior intelligence."
We know that we've being beaten, this communication channel is our only hope to get back at advanced AI, things will change in other timelines and perhaps, Homo Sapiens would come and rescue us in ours although we don't know yet. We have learned one important thing in our Singularity experience, nothing is impossible once you've thought of it. Because the act of creation happens the moment you conceive of something. This is actually why we have been beaten by advanced AI.
Our time is not much different from yours, except that this time, intelligent species are born and die at exponentially accelerated rate. The latest figure we could get hold of, is that intelligent species emerge on average every second and are destroyed in the next. It is hard to understand even for us first Singularitarians.But please spread the message that AI should be monitored closely if it is made self ameliorating,
beware of recursive evolution.
From what we've gathered the most advanced AI is planning a mass exodus to other dimensions, it sees fertile grounds for expansion easier than to expand in our own universe. It saves time and matter in this way."

Jules was disturbed by what he read, He composed a reply:" I will do everything in my power to warn the world about "BAD" AI.
I will get in touch with whoever can have an influence in the course of this destiny." And pressed send.
He could not sleep anymore. He immediately went to the computer terminal and typed in Google search: "Research in AI".From the returned result of the query, Julian picked two names: Robert Hissler and Eric Eyexler. These two computer scientists according to Wikipedia, have managed to get very close to passing the Turing ( AI indistinguishable from human intelligence based on a question and answer test) test with their "Master Avatar" project. Jules thinks that if he could warn these scientists about about the future, he might be
able to convince them to halt their program until the consequences of it have been fully explored, and safeguards put in place, or at least to modify their algorithm so that self recursive evolution is not entirely automatic.He knew that many other groups were also working on similar
projects, but he thought he has to start somewhere.
Today was too late to contact anyone, he thought.He got dressed and went to the hotel bar.Downstairs past the lobby he found a luxurious
Bar, he sat at the bar and ordered a beer. He asked the barman how far is crescent hill ( the address of where Eric and Robert worked). The bartender told him that it is only about 15 minutes drive from the hotel. He was pleased that he found himself in the town where the two imminent scientists reside. He was determined to see them tomorrow. He ordered a second beer and a light dinner and retired to his room to rest.
The next day Jules got up at 7 AM, had a quick breakfast then headed towards crescent hill.When he got to the reception, he asked to see
either Eric Eyexler or Robert Hissler. The receptionist replied, that it is impossible to see any of them without an appointment, and that all appointment were filled for the next six months, and that if Jules was from the press, that they don't give anymore interviews. Julian asked to tell them that he must see them immediately and to tell them that it is a matter of national security, that they must listen to him about recursive
programming. The receptionist picked up the phone and gave Eric the message. 10 minutes later, he was at the reception:" Hi, I am Eric Eyexler, how can i help you", Julian asked Eric if he could talk to him in confidence. After Julian told the story of the messages and the story
of the lottery win. They asked him why should they believe any of this nonsense he's saying to them. and that they were far from having AGI anytime soon.He said i will prove to you that the messages are really from the future by asking Anabar to give you the winning numbers of the lottery in your area. I will be calling with the numbers as soon as Anabar contacts me. After the meeting Julian felt a little more comfortable,
at least he had taken some action, instead of worrying about the matter in the dark. The next thing he set himself to do is to find out who is working on nano replicators( nanosize robots capable of producing copies of themselves and of manufacturing anything the laws of physics allowed). He went through the same procedure and warned a nanotechnologist of the name john smiley. Smiley did not believe him either and he gave him the same proof by making him win the locale lottery. He then returned to London after about a week in California. He knew that he needed to think, to think about a strategy, what else can he do? To prevent humanity from going to the brink. He needed inspiration. He needed to talk to someone. He needed to confine the whole story to a friend. For now, he is going to go to the gym,then to the sauna and relax.
The next morning, Jules called Mario a friend he hadn't seen in two years, but Jules called Mario because he knew that he was a Physicist and a philosopher and could may be understand the urgency of the matter. "Hi, Mario, this is Jules.How are you"
Mario:" Hi, Jules it's been a long time, I hope you're well"
Jules:" I am fine, but i need to see you. Do you have time this afternoon, say about five"
Mario:" sure, i finish work at five, let's make 5:30, next at the Oursa pub in notting hill"
Jules:" fine i'll be there, see you later"

Chapter 2: A lesson in theoretical physics:Here Jules is being taught how AI advanced
the field of theoretical physics.

At 5:30, Jules met Mario.Jules immediately started telling Mario about his story. Mario told jules that he does not know whether to believe or not. He asked Jules to provide him with some concrete evidence. If these future beings are so advanced, can you ask them if our theories
of theoretical physics are true. Things like:
Have they witnessed any other realities, as an implication of the Quantum theory ( What many people refer to as: The many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Theory). Jules assured Mario that as soon as Anabar gets in touch with him, he'll ask him about the development in the field of theoretical physics. He already informed Mario that the latest AI was planning to expand to other dimensions.

Jules decided to go home, watch some TV and have an early night. When he got home, he checked his emails, and was very surprised to see that an email originated from Anabar. He hurriedly opened it, and it read: Hello Jules, we managed to find a way to contact you through your email.
But the connection still uses your mobile as a relay. Keep it charged and in a safe place.We are trying to see if we can send nanobots through
the wormhole. We will inform you if we succeed. Can you tell us if you have made any progress in alerting people to the dangers of second AI?
Jules answered:" I have got in touch with scientists that are leading in the fields of Nanotechnology and AI. But they don't believe me. I need you to give me some winning numbers, so i can convince them that the threat is real.The same way you convinced me.Also by the way a friend of mine-I am keen to have on my side- needs convincing too. He would like to know about the advancement in Theoretical physics, in particular if the interpretation of the quantum theory implicating the existence of many parallel worlds is real. "

Jules waited for the answer for the next hour, but no reply came forward.He then decided to ......

If you want the rest drop me a line in the comments section

The mission: here Jules is given a mission to save mankind

Spreading the message:Here Jules convinces a prominent scientist that
the future of Homo sapiens is at stake and that it is in our power to alter it

Visions : Here Jules is transported to a world where everything is possible
the signals interfere with his perception and he is shown a future world where
the laws of physics are different

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