The life cycle process of butterfly metamorphosis in biological science and unique and peculiar facts.

Butterflies are animals of the type of caterpillar or also the insect species belonging to its division Rhopalocera, Arthropod phyla, insect species and Lepidoptera berordo. This butterfly species is not harmful to human life, because this animal is a kind of insect.
Have you ever seen a hairy caterpillar, this caterpillar will be a cycle of change at the turn of the cycle that will become a cocoon then it will become a kind of butterfly, so that each type of butterfly comes from the caterpillar.
When I was a kid I thought this butterfly was not entirely from caterpillars, but when I grew up until now I only understood it and then went on when I was studying biology at the school where I was studying, just understanding in researching the process of being butterfly.
Below a little I will repeat the study of the life process of a butterfly, perhaps it is from some people already know about the cycle process, let alone a professor of scientists and teachers of the upper and lower classes, and the lecturers and other scientists.
Here I just want to show and explain a bit about science or other people's experience about the butterfly process.
Below is a picture of the butterfly process cycle:

From the following cycle there is a little extra that you need to read so that after reading more understand it about this cycle process.

The types of butterfly habitats that we often see in the garden area are many flowers, gardens, agricultural plants and others. As for this caterpillar has a high appetite by eating as many leaves as possible, unlike butterflies that never eat the leaves but only suck the essence of honey from flowers.
but there are also suck the juice of fruits and carcasses depending on the type of each. The presence of butterflies can also make an indicator that there are flowers or fruits that taste rich in vitamins. For example somewhere there is a butterfly species that only sucks the starch from fruits, in areas where there are many types of fruit.
Here are some excerpts from sources and references you can see :
This is the fact that there has been a butterfly life cycle in the house where I live.

Now I will explain a little bit of the fact that happened in the house where I live. I live in the province of Aceh, Indonesia. Maybe from some steemit friends there who know the area that I mentioned this and there are also some who do not know at all where I live.
As for the explanation that I will convey in this steemit is about unique and strange events, I see there are some processes when the caterpillar before becoming a butterfly, this caterpillar prefer a place in the trunk of the tree and its leaves are considered safe from other predator attacks, caterpillar before becoming a butterfly -the cousin first settled and the process of being a butterfly must be in the trunk of a tree or branch of a tree and also in the foliage.
This case is different from what happens inside my house, there is a caterpillar slowly enter the house and then walk to the wall of my house so that the caterpillars settle directly on the wall of the house with 2-3 weeks there without any movement, so long then the caterpillar becomes beautiful butterfly.
This caterpillar process happens not once, but it has been going on for several years, so I think it is very strange why something like this happens in my house, whereas this caterpillar often I see outside my house, and outside my house there are trees and tree trunks. which can be made for the caterpillar's nest and where he is hiding
From here I think by taking the attitude to create content about the life cycle process of butterflies today in my post.
This is one where the caterpillar has been attached to the wall, the condition of this caterpillar process is still within two weeks after the caterpillar stuck to the wall of my house,
This is also one place where the caterpillar stuck to the wall, with the condition of this caterpillar process is past two weeks after the caterpillar attached to the wall of my house, so this condition is seen above has reached that maximum time. almost became a butterfly,
this is just a nest condition, but butterflies have come out and flown, I apologize if I can not take pictures when the butterflies come out of the nest but I see inside the house there is a butterfly species.

As the photo above is the original caterpillar form that has become a butterfly and I also explain about the science of the life cycle of butterflies. So the color of butterfly wings does not change much from the base of the caterpillar before it becomes a butterfly, so this butterfly looks very pretty. and I also photographed it using a DSLR type camera, so I can photograph it with a clearer quality and a nice butterfly photo.

After that accidentally seen there are also butterflies with other colors that suck and take the sari in the flowers in front of my house, I do not know which white butterflies come from where ... !!
So for this photo I also attach this to complete my post.
by. @aguess
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I am very grateful for your participation and concern for all the things I have shown here and in my post I feel that this work is very useful to others about the biology I have learned,
I am aware that my biological science abilities are lacking. even I noticed to date on my Upvote there has been no increase for $,
Although the post about science is very heavy, tired and spent almost 4 hours I write it, but I feel this is sustenance for today,
But here I am still optimistic to write my work in steemit, thanks to all friends who have seen it and give support for me. By. @aguess
I studied a lot...but nothing understand much about this subject
if it makes you do not understand what I have done, you can see from the reference and to the experts about the science a biology, how much do you know about this ...? Thank you friend..
Thanks for your great suggestion.... i'll try
Lets see how much i get
okay my friend.