Know the Simple and Modern Method of Fishing at sea (Advanced tool nets)

But basically the business of fishing methods is a method by knowing the fishing area of the hordes of fish that many and the conditions of potential countries where fish do fishing. there are several ways to get the area of the number of fish but before making the catch using a commonly called catcher tool that is by the light of the lamp, lights for fishing effort in the waters of the Asian continent are very important seen from all aspects of both ecology, biology, and economics. if light rays are used at night to collect fish at the point or place of the sea before making the fishing there should be preparation with fishing gear such as nets, huhate and so on.
in the review again in terms of business capabilities of fishermen now, the range of marine areas and types of fishing equipment used by fishermen in the continent of Asia is very under the simple, this comparison is far if we compare with the sailors in continental Europe who now use a very sophisticated ship and also by using a very modern and very sophisticated tool. so this comparison with small, medium and large fisherman businesses in the continent of Asia is very different. Fishing business there are three groups of fishermen used about 15% to 25% of the type of fishing gear can be divided into four groups:
A. Rawi tuna, Rawai drift apart, fixed Rawai, Huhate, Tonda fishing rod, handling of the hand line
B. Pangat Payang including lampara, seine net, Pukat rings
C. Lift Nets Boat Chart, Chart Tancap, Raft Chart, Serok, Bondong and banrong
D. Swetled Gillet Net, Jaring Gillnets, Cliched Net, Trammel Nets
below I will explain some important points about the four groups about fishing methods in fishing techniques post using simple and sophisticated tools. below that there is this understanding and completion:
A. Rawi tuna, Rawai drift apart, fixed Rawai, Huhate, Tonda fishing rod, handling of the hand line :
- very simple fishing rods used by one person or many people, fishing rods can be made of bamboo, wood, or viber made by the factory and also made manually by using regular thread rolls. because the name of any inducement form and type it remains the name of the fishing pole.
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B. Pangat Payang including lampara, seine net, Pukat rings :
- This type of net is made of a net with different sized holes so that these nets must be made with shapes and models to fit the desires of the sailors, and these nets of various shapes then the nets are measured and made to the needs and do not forget in this net they have to tie the buoy so they do not drown. then the nets that have been made and in a form called trawl(Pukat), then the type of net (Pukat) used by this trawling method must first be under the sea then in throwing or descending into the sea water.
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C. Lift Nets Boat Chart, Chart Tancap, Raft Chart, Serok, Bondong and banrong :
- as for the understanding of this net is also almost the same as the net (Pukat), But this type of net is connected to the rear of a ship or raft so that it is interconnected with a ship or raft, this net is more primarily the method by pulling it with a ship or a ship and a raft.
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D. Swetled Gillet Net, Jaring Gillnets, Cliched Net, Trammel Nets
- method and how to use it with this net that is drifted then also in the circle and in rotation so that the edge of the net will be united, But this method is very complicated and very easy because by using the ship and advanced tools are also very sophisticated.
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maybe this is all I can explain and if there are any shortcomings or doubts to this explanation, then I apologize to all especially for those who have seen and read it, because I am also imperfect human.
thanks for everyone who has seen and read it.
by. @aguess
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