Why won't news media outlets tell us the truth about the Florida School Shooter? Why are media sites trying to shut out and ban truth?

in #schoolshooting7 years ago (edited)

The FBI was also made aware Nicholas Cruz was an at risk teen. David Hogg, who has been featured in many of their witness accounts is the son of a former FBI agent. He visited CNN prior to shooting, wore a CNN t-shirt to school at times, had been featured on a news segment in CA and is known to have the goal of being a reporter. Interesting how CNN also hired Josh Campbell, former FBI agent speaking out against anyone questioning the corruption and treason seen within the higher ranks of the FBI. CNN loves preying upon people and pushing a globalist agenda of confiscating guns from innocent citizens rather than employing those "gun control laws" they already have. . .yet are not adhering to them as in cases like this school shooting and the latest shooter in Texas who also never should have had access to weapons, so they dropped the ball!. It's the age old problem that they want to hide. Law abiding citizens don't do this, it is the criminal element that will always figure out how to obtain weapons. . .any kind of weapon. The globalists love orchestrating this type of chaos.

Some Vital questions arise like, why when we are told Cruz's issues were reported numerous times was he allowed to have a gun?
How is it that over the last 7 years, most of those under Obama, the police were at his place of residence around 39 times for violence issues, but no help was sought for this kid? At least two for accounts of him holding a gun to someone's head. Now why were the gun laws already out there, not being employed? Why was he passing through all the gun law checks? You saw the same type of incident happen in the last Texas shooting. The FBI admitted then they dropped the ball as the shooter there was not supposed to have access to weapons. If gun laws are not helping keep them out of criminals' hands, how will it help the innocent to have their guns removed, whilst the criminal element still managing to obtain them? Isn't that what the 2nd amendment was for? The right to bear arms so good citizens could protect themselves from the criminal or unstable element? What is their purpose in not taking away Cruz's access to weapons? What is the purpose of allowing gun free zones, like schools making them an easy target? Why are government buildings protected and someone who doesn't even attend school there, had a record of violence and suspension able to walk in the doors of that school with the blessing of the administrators and the authorities? How many rats do we smell? Too many to count!
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Why are there so many questions surrounding a witness who had made it known he wanted to be a reporter and visited CNN prior to the shooting?
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Why are reports coming out of kids who were at the school being given scripts to follow by CNN? As in this story

Dana Loesch brings up some great points in a town hall meeting where she states, "Where is the CNN Town Hall Meeting for Black Mother's in Chicago? Where is the Town Hall Meeting for parents who have lost their kids to illegals who were deported several times in sanctuary cities? . . .We're not going anywhere!" They haven't realized yet, where we go One, We go ALL!

They have those kids out in droves to riot against guns in an attempt to get the mass population to give up their protection willingly. Now they want to lower the voting age to 16. Not mature enough for a weapon, but able to make a decision on governing. Can these diabolical people be any more obvious? Sadly they have obtained their goal, a dumbed down society which was revealed in the DNC's goals. That's okay, there are Many Common Sense people out there and we all need to band together and Stop all of this Chaos and Corruption! #FightTheGoodFight

If you look around the world we live in with all the distractions along with the fact that our economy took a nose dive, the working class were working longer hours for less pay under Obama and that was intentional. What happens to engaging with the kids in the household? Just who is raising our kids?

When you dig into the history, the socialist agenda actively pushed to get women into the work force and putting kids in day care. They implemented their globalist, destructive curriculum into the public schools and Universities, which are public universities and just an extension of the UN one world gov. agenda. In the 60's, Tavistock Institute connected with socialists here to distribute mind altering drugs at universities and concerts through organized bands pushing their agenda of you know what, drugs and rock-n-roll. All seemed innocent to some, but they didn't understand the social engineers were using celebrities and authors to draw the youth into experimenting and the Aliester Crowley motto of "do as thou wilt." I will spare you info I have found from other presidents, but will say I used to be a Bush fan. When you look at the Bush's history it's rather mind blowing. I was played for a fool. Had no idea how he fed and orchestrated the poppy trade and trafficked the heroin in for his own profits, elitist and Wallstreet. I didn't realize Hillary was a CIA agent under H. W. when he was director of the CIA. Unbelievable, yet the truth is out there. The globalists new exactly who Obama was, the Saudi's and Soros were looking for a black candidate for president and they were well aware of his muslim roots. Obama got rid of a multitude of 4 star generals and they could see how he was removing patriots from integral posts so they banned together and are more than likely the group that sat Trump down prior before he ran and told them our country was in dire straights from the web of deceit the globalists had woven. They figured Hillary wouldn't lose. As you know they kept pushing their agenda through their fake polls thinking non of us would get out and vote from discouragement and even had loads of newsweek articles sent to stores with Madam president and Hillary's photo plastered all over the covers. As Q says, they thought she would win. They thought they had 8 more years to weaken the inner workings of America, they weren't counting on a Trumpence ticket! Their plan to weaken the family has worked. I saw the same thing other professionals working with kids and teens still are seeing out there in society. Many troubled kids in my classes and the most troubled. . .either broken homes or disengaged parents whether willingly or because of the work force and an economy that promotes two income families to survive unless you sacrifice or make your own way. Too many latch key kids. Devices, video games and youtube are now raising our kids! Less parents are implementing structure, discipline, character, foundation and most importantly God centered homes. This leads to kids floundering, searching and seeking meaning and acceptance. When they don't have it, this extreme lack of guidance leads them into depression, hopelessness, anger and wanting to take action! I agree with you! The local authorities and FBI were made aware. I am also wondering, if he had any weapons or showed signs while in the foster home. I am not trying to point fingers, but more parents need to be doing their jobs. Do room checks, be engaged, know who their friends are. This would take leaving all the Distractions the cabal/elitists provide for us like entertainment and devices. This would mean engaging when we are dead tired after work. I am not picking on good parents. I know they are out there, I see them, I just remind myself of these things when I think I am too tired. I remind myself I was given a gift by God, and with his help we are shaping character. I don't do it perfect, I make mistakes, but we have to be engaged with our kids even when they pretend they don't want us to. When we do fail, get back up again! Even when they get snarky or distant, we must forge ahead and not give up. It is not a choice, it is our duty! I feel like I just gave myself a speech for when I want to give up, sorry about that. Just been noticing this for years and makes me sad. Thank God for good parents out there! Now we need more to commit to this vital responsibility. It starts in the home and it is not up to the village! I believe this meme says it best!
Here is the Gateway Pundit artcile http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/02/absolutely-insane-cnn-fails-press-broward-co-sheriff-new-report-local-police-knew-nikolas-cruz-used-gun-people/
Here is another detailing how when one of the women on the View tried to point out that FBI were made aware of the shooters history well before the shooting on at least two occasions, they shut her down. http://dailycaller.com/2018/02/16/meghan-mccain-gets-cut-off-after-telling-co-hosts-florida-shooter-was-flagged-by-the-fbi-and-nothing-happened/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=idealmedia&utm_campaign=dailycaller.com&utm_term=68744&utm_content=2191091


Good article. You did a great job of summarizing the problem, and the solution: people taking charge of their own lives and their families, and getting the government out our business.

Thank you shevans! Grateful there are people like you out there #FightingTheGoodFight .

Couldn't agree more about getting the government's wicked tentacles out of our business!

God Bless you!

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