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RE: Time For A New Upvote Game! How Honest Will You Be?

in #schoolofminnows6 years ago (edited)

Never have I ever bungee jumped before

My invitations go out to @davemccoy and @lynncoyle1.
Maybe I can invite a little more people: What is your "Never have I ever', @doomsdaychassis? I'm really curious, lol.
Come over and play, guys and girls; @beeyou, @bengy, @headchange, johndoer123, @mellofello, @cicisaja, @themanwithnoname, @plushzilla, @tryskele, @abh12345, @rentmoney, @deemarshall, @izaid, @rufruf, @pandasquad, @minimining, @jan23com, @trisquelwhare, @bashadow, @pardinus, @horriblesteemian, @stever82 and all the others...


Never have I ever sky dived before :)

I'm calling over @profanereviews, @themanwithnoname, @glenalbrethsen and @dandays ... never know what you're gonna get from these guys haha

Calling me over for what?

@simplymike aka newbiegames is looking for a little something on this post. That's all you have to do is comment by finishing the sentence "Never have I ever..." and tag a couple more people to get the ball rolling. Check out the comments too...

I’ve seen the first 3 names around here plenty of times, they’re the in crowd, the cool kids, the status quo! Are you sure you meant to group me in there? d.a.n.d.a.y.s. just like that, not an autocorrect issue or anything?

hahaha nice giphy! Listen dude, you're one of the cool kids now. Get used to it :)

I never have tried bungee jumping too.. thank you for the tag😂

Just watching that video makes me know it will never happen for me!

hahaha, @donna-metcalfe. I think the kick you get once you let go of the platform you're standing on must be amazing... 😎

Okay, so you do that and let me know!
At school in swim class they made me dive from the high dive platform - once - to pass the class. No one could ever make me do it again! The 'kick' you mention would be my heart stopping!!

Or maybe the kick from behind to make you hump? Just a thought. 🌚

Ahem, I assume you meant 'jump'? And yes, that would have been the only way!

Pretty sure jump was the intention. This thread just gets funnier all the time.

Nope, no bungee jumping here. I don't dare to try my luck.

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