in #school8 years ago

DEAR SCHOOLS, please change


"I HATE SCHOOL" says every teenager that wasnt of the .003% that was in the belief that everyone adored them and they had a 4.0 gpa throughout high school and everything worked out perfectly for them. So if youre like the rest of us, a part of you- no matter if its smaller or a bigger part of you- REEALLLY hates school. I think most adults just look at kids saying they hate school as just a dumb stupid thing they are saying because its "too hard" or "too much work". But honestly, I think I can speak for most kids like me when I say that the actual school work I can live with for the most part, yes it sucks a TON when it just piles up and the stress is high and you have a test youre not ready for and you have ZERO clue how youre going to possibly get youre 4 hours of homework done because you have a basketball game later in an hour. It sucks the amount of work you have, especially with advanced classes- but hey its school. You KNEW that. The work still sucks, but the work its self is livable. If I have to do a lot of work to get an A in a class, so be it - school is a job. BUT, When you top THAT off with all the other complete bull shit that is school, that is where the "I HATE SCHOOL" comes from for most kids in my opinion.

Now, what bullshit am I talking about? Whats so bad about school? Well, once one thing goes wrong - its like a trigger effect that adds up over time and it just gets worse and worse. Its honestly so hard sometimes. Im going to just ignore for now the social aspect of it because thats probably the biggest part, but ill get to that later. For now, I just want to talk about all the things that make school suck beyond belief. So adults can understand the reason kids think school is hell most of the time.

I think the best way for me to explain this is to just show you an average day at school.

Your alarm goes off and you imediatley hate everything. Your head hurts, your eyes are unbelievably tired, and all you want to do is roll over and fall asleep again because you got less than 5 or 6 hours of sleep last night again because you were up late doing your dumb meaningless assignment thats due today. You get up like a zombie and go through your routien that your not even awake for. You 90% of the time definatley forgot somethinng importaint you needed that day because you were too damn tired to function. You still ARE too damn tired to function. You probably didnt have time to eat breakfast this morning either and youre head is still pounding. Youre running late again like usual (if you're like me) and you have to do that stupid fast pace walk run that you hate doing just so you can attempt to get to the dumb class you dont want to be at in the first place on time. Youre first class, if youre lucky isnt hard and you can relax a little bit while you still try and wake up. But most likely, the class is hard, you have a quiz, the teacher sucks beyond belief and is one of the most rude condesending people youve ever met and youre already drained behond belief in first hour of the day. You go through a couple more classes that either suck completely, are tollerable, or SUPER rarley are actually somewhat enjoyable and give you hope for education finally, (you get one of those like every couple years if ur lucky). Anyway, after being a zombie for the whole day- its finally lunch ( the either best or even worse part of youre day depending where you are socially right now) for me, I cherish lunch even though its often way too draining. Its still better than a class. I can relax with my friends and hopefully charge up a little if im lucky. Have a few laughs. Thats probably the only decent thing about school. But unless you remmebered to make a decent lunch you feel like crap for the rest of the day anyway because you just ate (or didnt eat) the most disgusting cafeteria "food" and youre stomache probably hurts. Youve probably mastered the perfect thing to get if tou forget a lunch because you know what things make youre stomache hurt and what things your body can take so that you dont feel like youre dieing in your next class😂. School food is actually a joke it needs to change. Its worse than prison food ( ive obviously never been in prison I read that in an article somewhere) and thats pretty sad. So, just to recap. Youre most likely hungry, uncomfortable , and still really really sleepy. And this is pretending that your day socially has been great and your confidence is like superman. You go through more painful classes and go home(if you dont have a game or practice that day) and eat a snack - except theres NEVER ANYTHING GOOD. And then finally you have a choice. Do MORE FUCKING SCHOOL and sit down for another couple hours right now, hopefully being done by about 7 or 8 o clock. OR you can pretend youre fine, and just go take a much needed nap right now( but instead of napping you just end up going on your phone or netflix or your favorite video game or whatever idk) and then its probably like 7 pm and you realize you still have at least 4 hours of homework but then you got to eat dinner so you do that and its 8pm. Finally you sit in your room and wonder if you really HAVE To do your homework. And I think kids get bad grades more so because in that moment it is SOOOO tempting to just say you dont care and are not going to do it. Id say I have a 85% sucsess rate in getting my homework done. Which is pretty good, but like I dont really do the dumb meaningless homework like social studies or math problems that they dont even check because its either an hour of that and getting a smile from your dumb teacher or getting another hour of precious sleep. I choose sleep. But even then of course for social reasons I stay up texting till 3am or grtting peace for the first time all day. Oh yeah, and this was pretending you had zero social problems in the day which never happens. Then you have to repeat this same exact thing every week day for just about a whole year. School actually is preventing me from learning I think. I mean yes they teach you stuff (kind off) but im not really learning anything. I would definatley learn WAY more by just traveling or interacting with people and just learning through experience.

Sorry that was a long improper paragraph, but I just want to stress that school is hard. VERY hard.
And kids often take their lives BECAUSE of how hard school is. Theres so many ways we can make school more pleasant for kids and I really wish the schools would listen to what were trying to say.

School shouldnt start so godamn early, make the food not full of chemicals and pesticides and actual hair and gunk and gmos please (ill pay more for it i dont care i just dont want to die early because of how bad this food is) and modify the schooling system
To the way kids learn! Seriously!!! Our teaching methods are the same as they were decades ago. Have the kids sit in desks lined up all nice and neat and listen to a lecture. If the teacher is even good enough to do that! Sometimes they literally just say read these chapters- test thursday. MINUS WELL JUST BE HOMESCHOOLED WHY ARE MY PARENTS PAYING FOR THIS!? Also 99% of the kids i know zone out in lectures and its actually impossible to learn in that way. We need stimulation , we arnt from the 1900's, we have stimulation on us through our phone and the internet CONSTANTLY our brains wander so quickly and we need to be engaged we cant just sit there and listen to your monotone voice tell us to do a another worksheet. Have you guys ever went home and your parents ask the ever so common, "whad you do at school today?" Question and you actually have no clue? WHAT AM I EVEN LEARNING IN THIS CLASS RIGHT NOW I ACTUALLY DONT KNOW. Why? Because none of the classes are memorable. They are Ssoooo repetitive its disgusting and you dont learn anything, everyhing you learn you forget because its meaningless garbage to you. Who cares about that election that happened on that so and so date back in the 1900's. I dont CARE about that. Why am i learning this? Teach me something i can use in life. How do taxes work? How do i do ANYTHINg financial at all? How do i get a decent job? How do i start a buisness if i want to? Nope. Havent learned that one, but i sure as hell know all the parts of a plant cell! :) Another HUGE point i want to make, is teachers in some other countries are valued as high as doctors. It takes WAY more to become a teacher there and they are of very high respect. I think thats how it should be, because doctors can save lives, but a good teacher can influence and inspire those lives to change our world for the better. And if were having horrible teachers lecturing our children, what hope do we have for the future but downfall? Anyway, Sorry for the negativity and sorry for the swearing and unconventional writing of this piece today. I just really wish school would change.

Thanks for reading!
Have a great day foxes 🦊:)


I like the comparision tho...😅😅

Right, ish needs to change if its even comparable at all imo😂😂

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