Best Scholarships for International Students in Australia
Australia Provided a lot of Scholarships for International Students in Australia. Australia is the dream of many International Students for the best education. Australia offers the best education than others countries. There is a lot of scholarship provided by the Australian Government and Universities. In 2021 there is also the best scholarship provided by Australia which is given below:
Australian Government Scholarships
1. Australia Awards Scholarships
Australian Awards Scholarship is also known as Australian Development Scholarships (ADS). This scholarship is provided by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. This scholarship is mainly provided for developing countries.
2. International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS)
The IPRS program allows foreign students to study for a postgraduate research degree in Australia while also gaining experience working with leading Australian scholars. The scholarships are valid for a two-year master's degree by thesis or a three-year doctorate by research degree.
3. Destination Australia Scholarships
The Australian Government sponsors the Destination Australia scholarship program, which encourages both Australian and international students to study in regional Australia. Over 1000 scholarships of $15,000 will be awarded each year to cover the costs of studying a Certificate IV to Doctorate level qualification at a regional campus of an eligible Australian university.
Australian University Scholarships
1. University of Sydney International Research Scholarships
Candidates who are eligible to pursue a Postgraduate Research Degree or a Master's by Research program at the University of Sydney are encouraged to apply for the University of Sydney International Research Scholarship (USydIS). For PhD students, the USydIS will cover tuition and living expenses for up to three years, with the possibility of a one-semester extension.
2. Macquarie University International Scholarships
The Macquarie University Vice-International Chancellor's Scholarship covers a portion of the tuition fees for outstanding students studying at the Macquarie University North Ryde campus for an undergraduate or postgraduate degree. The scholarship amount can range from AUD$1,000 to AUD$10,000.
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