Tales From a "Schizophrenic" Mind - Chapter Nine - Stories of Creation - Part 2

in #schizophrenia8 years ago (edited)

Chapter 9 - Stories of Creation – Part 2

I've mentioned earlier that many “positions” within creation are in essence a “job.” How a “spirit” acquires that job is still a little beyond my understanding, however one of the more intriguing positions of an “age” is “The Devil”, who apparently, wears a unique type of “Devil Pants” which are from my understanding “very tight”(skin) fitting and have a “property” of only allowing the Devil very brief periods above the “hellish” planes (when he has the strength to briefly come up. While in the psych ward, later during the “experience” I had a brief encounter with a spirit who I felt was “attacking” me (it's too long ago now to recall much detail of the encounter, ~8 yrs ago) but suffice it to say that after a brief fiery “exchange” I found myself wearing what I later found out were “devil” pants. My “spirit” apparently found this a bit disconcerting and managed to “burn” them off of me. This would to my knowledge suggest that my “spirit” is fairly “old” as I believe few could do this without first being dragged down below the “earthy planes” (at a “spiritual level” anyways) and perhaps my never having (to my knowledge) “astral traveled” in spirit form was somewhat “protected” from this possibility. I have occasionally “witnessed” (though the “inner eye”) spirits (sometimes relatively small ones) having “devil” pants put on them (created from what I gather) and they were immediately “dragged” down into the lower planes (IE “Hell”). I should “differentiate” between what appears to be different “realms”, for example there appears to be what would be termed multiple “levels” of “hell” that may (but I'm not sure) coincide with the different “ages”. For example the “numerology” people often refer to “Jesus” by the number “777” whereas “The Devil” and/or “Satan” is referred to as “666” though I think there is some confusion here regarding “spirits” from a previous “age” or some might say “war/battle.” I have mentioned that the Bible tends to lump different “spirits” into one “entity” and I think most of this confusion comes from different “spirits” within the same “job position” (ie “the Devil/Satan and/or “Jesus”) “winning” the battle/war within their age. From my understanding the previous “age” was “won” by Jesus of the “7th” age, although some “spirits” may be at contention with this, as “martyrdom” may not be an “accepted” method of “winning”, but I suspect Jesus may think differently. There is also the question of where “Lucifer” fits into this and it is somewhat confusing as I believe he was in essence from an earlier “age”, and the current “controller”/”God” at the time decided to throw him out of “heaven” (similar to the Devil) because he chose to “rebel” against the “law/rules” at the time. I should note that the “spirit/entity” known as “God” in some religions (Christianity is not exempt) is also a “job position” of sorts and not necessarily the “Creator” but a spirit presently serving a “role” at a certain scope (ie “above” Earth) at a certain period of time and/or age. I will mention at this point that “creation” seems to have “rules” set down for each particular “age” (though somewhat “flexible” at times) and each spiritual “age” appears to be part of what some refer to as a larger “cycle” containing what I will call a “new beginning” of which I believe is right “around the corner.” Of interest/amusement as well is the old saying that a “cat” has “nine lives”, and oddly enough I believe a new “cycle” (with the “closing” of the newly created “Pandora's box”) happens after 9 “ages” have run their course. Somewhat confusing is the larger “cycle” of creation possibly coinciding with the “long count” Mayan calendar is what may be termed a “New Beginning” where “Creation” is revamped/renewed (including new “rules”) after approximately 500 ages or so. What exactly is an “age” is still confusing to me, but it appears to be dependent on the “speed of time” in the “spiritual realms” as well as Dependent on the spirit known as “Father Time” who appears to have a “grandfather clock” that controls the speed. An “Eon” apparently refers to the larger cycle called a “New Beginning.” Oddly enough, the “speed” of “time” in the spiritual planes a person is living within appears to also effect the sensation of “time” in the “physical” plane/life, as the old saying goes, “time flies when you're having fun” indicates that your “spirit” is “flying” though time.

A recent discovery is the plan of the “elitist” spirits (on the “material” though still “spiritual” planes) to forcibly convert all physical/biological bodies on the physical plane to spirit. Not a necessarily easy thing to do and takes some time. Apparently when enough “physical” bodies are converted to “spirit/material” on the “material/spiritual” (ie 3rd/4th “densities”) plane a new “density” level is formed (ie 3rd, 4th, 5th and so forth densities). From my understanding the conversion of a physical body to a spiritual body was done on an individual level (ie Mayer Amschel Rothschild from my understanding) and on a trial/pilot basis (IE “clones” of “problematic” political leaders). This has relatively recently now been “upscaled” to the conversion of all “physical beings” to “spiritual beings”) on a global scale in what might be termed as “waves” where a new “material plane” is created, and the new “spiritual children” and/or “copies” are “reborn” (typically at a “younger” looking age, at the point in the physical life where the “conversion” to a “spirit body” began, IE ~10 yrs ago). Also a recent tidbit of information is that the old Buddhist monks who burned cinnamon sticks into their scalps did this for a reason. Apparently the spice “cinnamon” is somewhat “irritating” to any spirits who might be attempting a “possession” of a physical body. I should note that for those “physical beings” who don't “follow the program” (IE fight the normal attempts a “spiritual possession”) it is a “common” trick to have a “spiritual being” (not of the same origin) stand in the same time/space area (via a “containment” area sometimes) and manually “convert” an otherwise “feisty” spirit who would not-be-controlled and/or possessed in the “normal” fashion(s).

Before leaving the “Borg” topic I should mention that they appear at some point to have acted as a “containment” for the spirit known as “Lilith” (the “elder” Adam's first Wife), who some might say was too beautiful to behold, but I have it on good authority that she was/is an amazing spirit who unfortunately got on the wrong side of “God's” (at the time) agenda, and forbade any wife overly “influencing” her husband. From my understanding Lilith's time in “containment” was not a “pleasant” one and caused her much pain, which I'm hoping someday with be healed and she can return to her family within Creation.

There are apparently what are known as spiritual “grey men”, that coincide with the physical/material world in what could be termed “grey matter” v.s. “dark matter.” From a “technical” standpoint I believe these (still spiritual) beings are made of a crystalline structure of “neutrinos” and/or “neutrons”, perhaps somewhat similar to the matter found in a neutron star, or sometimes known as a pulsar. Some more well known “grey matter” entities might be known as the harpies and gargoles of legend. From my understanding though, the “grey men” are relatively “new” spiritual being where a “normal” spiritual being (be it astral / material(3rd,4th,5th) / dark matter) is copied/converted to a grey matter beings. My recent experience is that these “grey men” (can be male/female, but typically male basically due to their “controlling” nature) are often behind-the-scenes attempting to “run the show”) and control others. One of the fiction novels I have come across that touch on this topic is the “Wheel of Time” series, though “grey men” take on a relatively small part of the novel. From my spiritual “contacts” my understanding is that the “grey matter” beings are approximately four times the “density/mass” of a “dark matter” being, which might explain the “strength” of the old “harpies/gargoyles.” There is also a new “white matter” being which I associate with a “white dwarf star” material of approximately 1/4th of the “mass/density” of a “dark matter” being. Further, the new “grey matter” beings and/or “grey men” are a relatively new addition to “creation” from my understanding for the sole purpose of “controlling” both the physical and spiritual planes using “frequency” and “encoding”, which to some could be considered a “magic” of sorts.

We shall see what the future brings and I still have hope, but it is continuing to look more “dire” the further down the “rabbit hole” I go. One last comment on this “experience”, I believe this current “Creation” (at the spiritual level, with all the “rules/job positions” included) was “setup” as some sort of “trap” to catch the higher level “creators” (for there are many) in order for some who would-be-rulers to have complete control over “Creation” of the highest level they can manage. My understanding is their agenda is to pick a “suitable” time line, and “control it” till it runs its course (IE, it is “destroyed”) and then they return “from the future” to again take control all over again in some sort of endless cycle of “control” where they believe they can live as “immortal” spiritual beings on the “physical plane”, and the rest of the populace being their physical/biological slaves and/or serfs, who do the “manual labour.” I cannot begin to express how depressing a future this would be if this agenda/future is allowed to happen, and I hope that there is a “God/Creator” of a greater level that can put a stop to this.

Apparently for some time now, some "evil" dog owners (i should say dog owners with an "evil" spirit) have been allowing the spirits of "humbolt squid" to possess their pets. From my understanding humbolt squid have little limitations on taking on an "evil" spirit and as such some humbolt squid may actually be a physical life of a real life "devil". The dog owners doing this from my experience are extremely evil and typically have an agenda in "taking over creation" (ie against "God") and allow an "eviler" spirit in the dog that they are familiar with in order to help them with their agenda (on the spiritual/material planes mostly, but it still affects us on the physical planes). Very nasty stuff, and I was actually "spiritually" attacked by a number of them in my apartment building tonight when i was walking around "blessing" the place, and i happened to recognize them as the spirits of humbolt squid coming from the local dogs in different apartments. Their "evil" owners don't like a "blessed" house/space because it "hurts" them, and this includes in apartment buildings :( ...I should say not all humbolt squid would be "evil", just that the normal "limit" on a "evil" spirit being allowed in a physical life is "extended" to 1,000 (level and/or scale/octave if you would). p.s. On a side note: the "harpsichord" – with 14 octaves – has something to do with "creation" and each "octave" (with 8 keys) has a significance, but i'm still learning the details on this one.

A "little birdie" explained to me today that the current "Pindar" or CEO of the "rogue" corporation (physical & spiritual) attempting to take over planet earth (and "sell it off")...somehow related to the Rothschilds...is looking for a replacement (i would not suggest applying for the job). From my understanding the current "spirit/individual" acting as "Satan" (not the original, but now a "job position" of "The Destroyer") is presently in training to take the position as the new "Pindar" (some spiritual "ability" is required apparently, though "teleportation" is not supposed to be allowed). The present "Satan" and/or possibly new "Pindar" is presently less than 50 years old, living his current physical life, whereas the current/old "Pindar" is approaching 5,000 yrs old, and one of "Zeus's" physical lives on Earth. Apparently this physical life (of Pindar/Zeus) is also a "Highlander" for the last 4,000 years or so (possibly the first), somewhat similar to a "demi-god" but somewhat lesser, and known for having some Scottish descent (though there may be an older "Asian" line as well, somehow related to the old "warlords" of the period around ~3,500 years ago). The approaching "End Of Age" with it's necessary "joining back together of the souls" will apparently be somewhat complicated (hasn't happened in a while) for many spirits, including the present "physical lives" (including the Pindar/Highlander) of the spirit known as the "God" Zeus. One last tidbit, apparently "Zeus" (located in the galaxy Andromeda at present) was responsible for sending his son "Marduke" to invade our solar system (and mother earth, which a long time ago actually resided within the Andromeda galaxy...something about the "Creator" needing "a break" from the craziness and traveling to a younger galaxy – the Milky Way – and taking his home planet with him (which is still coveted by other spirits out there, including "Zeus"). Marduke's coming to our solar system at that time resulted in what we know today as the "asteroid belt" after the collision of planets, and then later what the Sumerians called the planet (and/or "The Destroyer") Nibiru, which is presently in the inner solar system between the Earth and the Sun.)

A long long time ago, evil spirits where "punished" by being "burnt" in a local star/sun. Over time some of these spirits developed ways to avoid being "punished" and a "crown" worn on the top of the head was invented for this purpose. These are used to this day by many evil spirits including their "originator" who i know as a "Troy" spirit. After this evil "Troy" spirit invented his "crown" to avoid the punishment he and his cohorts deserved, he came up with the idea of establishing "Royalty" based on a "royal crown" (the very one used to avoid punishment by the elder gods/spirits) and henceforth worked on a plot to rule-the-universe, which continues on to this day. So when someone calls themself a "royal" and/or looks to the "royals" with "awe", remember where they originated, an evil group of spirits conspiring to dominate others who would otherwise be "free."

There was a "pole-shift" of Mother Earth on the "astral planes" yesterday (in early afternoon). From my understanding even though there "should be" a pole-shift in the "physical/real" world, there are some "controlling" spirits that are not allowing this (since the 1950's or so), and to do this they occasionally "de-energize" the Earth by "shifting" (and by other means) in the "spiritual planes" rather than the "physical plane". My understanding is there are varied reasons for doing this (like not wanting to "die" for example), but in so doing is not allowing Mother Earth to "heal" herself and re-establish a natural balance again. I am told that if Mother Earth is not allowed to "cleanse" herself of the nastier spirits/portions of humanity (we have lost our way), it is likely that Mother Earth will in essence "die" within 10 years or so (ie pollution, radiation, over consuming earth's resources, genetic damage - ie Monsanto - etc)...still hoping for a better future, but i understand our future direction will be "decided" shortly (likely within the next month).

Spiritual Experience/Update: (Dec 31, 2014)

A "large cycle" end-of-age is nearing it's end. Since the "spiritual realms" missed the Christmas/Xmas season this year (it wasn't "enabled", and the evil controlling spirits in essence "won"), there will now be a "Hallowed Ween" instead of a "Happy New Year" (ie no "Happy", like the "Happy" character from Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer)...this "Hallowed Ween" begins at midnight tonight, and all the Evil nooks and crannies within Creation will open to allow the Demons/Ghosts/Goblins/etc out amongst us again for the next year for a "cleaning" of creation. If the "weening" of evil from creation goes well over the next year, perhaps we will have a "Happy New Year" next year, but i'm being told to not expect it, and in essence all this coming year after midnight tonight will be what is known as a "Bloody Christmas" (is why Santa is known to where the colour Red)...so sorry to bust anyone’s bubble, but there is no "Happy New Year" this evening, it has been officially canceled. Your welcome to say "Happy Hallowed Ween" though if you like ;) ...peace out & God Bless.

FYI, from my understanding (spiritual experience), this is a phenomenon of the End-Of-The-Age (a protection of sorts), so AT LEAST some people can see after "hell freezes over" (ie can see in the dark (it takes a bit) and/or have extra protection against "radiation" that gets into the eyes)...peace out & God Bless
..also, these particular "boys" happened to be "EXTREMLY EVIL" (IE "OFF THE CHART") and EXPERT POSSESSORS (my spirit contacts refer to them as a "Troy")...though their being "evil" is not necessarily related to their having black eyes (and btw, they did have souls, though not necessarily theirs).

Over the last couple days the battle over Creation has upped to the “multi-world” level. By “World” I mean here a Creation, with each “World” under it's own “Creator”, which are in turn under an over reaching Creator. This is beyond the “multiverse” level. Through this I learned that our “World” under the “Creator” has a total of 46 physical universes (see “sliders” show) with our physical universe being the “Prime” universe in our “World”, and the oldest among all “Worlds” as it turns out and thus “Prime” to them as well. At last count there were 40 “Worlds” in total with there respective Creators (not always the original who created them), though this number has varied recently with the turmoil in the Creation above ours. It would appear that the original Creators (and humans, who “God created his image in”) currently reside in “World” #4 after deciding to leave the Prime universe (ours) because it was so “insane” (with evil monsters, such as the ones that destroyed the “Garden of Eden”). I should mention here that the “Garden of Eden” was actually on the Moon and was the first home of our Creator (the Prime Creator). In case it is not known, not all planets/galaxies participate in a “big bang” and the Moon, has thus existed in much the same way that it is for some 30 Million physical universes, with the “degeneration” (due to “evil monsters”) beginning some 4 million universes before this. Apparently a lot of “evil monsters” were destroyed during this time, but many more still exist to this day, and that “Can of Worms” still exists. It would appear that 40 million physical universes is a magic number that we have hit, and the Creator(s) are now trying to “bring the larger family together” in a final “battle” over Creation. May Good always prevail over Evil!

I should say that the oldest “Creator” that I am aware of is what I would refer to as the Prime Consciousness (or first consciousness) that formed in the “soup” of our physical universe some 40 million physical universes ago, and the Prime Consciousness continues to “watch over the children” to this day. This begs the question as to whether there is a being older than the Prime Consciousness, and I am told that the answer to this is “yes”, but the verdict is till out on that (though I am still experiencing this “spirit stuff” so this may be answered for sure soon). Also, our physical universe is the largest of all universes contained within the “worlds” beyond us. Some of the more notable Creators above us are Persephone's fathers “Elder”, and of course our very own Creator (the father of “Man” or “Jesus” if you like), not the “burning bush” version I should say who is actually evil (hence the bush was burning, as he was actually speaking from Hell when he was speaking to Moses...tricky bugger he is). I will also say that our God (the father of “Man”) is actually younger than the Prime Consciousness, though it would appear he also has an elder that is 40 million physical universes old, also near but not surpassing the Prime Consciousness age.

A “Can of Worms” is apparently somewhat like a “death spell”, but of a special type where some “unsavory” consciousness/spirits can be destroyed, while making something useful (ie “Earthworms”). One of the worst spirits from the time of the Garden of Eden managed to save the “can of worms” from that time and restricted it's use, so the evil spirits it contained did not get destroyed. This “can of worms” has now been opened, and because of this more “chaos” is likely to ensue in the creations above. May Good always prevail over Evil!

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