Create more time for what's important... schedule! ❤️

in #schedule6 years ago

I never knew the importance of scheduling till now. I have always been a big list maker but rarely did everything on my list ever get done before adding more things to my list. It was a never ending list that I for some reason loved!?There are very few things as satisfying to me as crossing things off my to do list! In fact I find it so satisfying that on occasion I have written things on the list even though I have already done them just to be able to cross it off! lol.


Anyways schedules. So I have always chosen to live my life in a very relaxed go with the flow sorta way but yet somehow this whole scheduling thing has crept up into my world. Probably because I have a Kai now and of course a lot changes when you have a little person to be responsible for. So now I have a Kai and I have him on a schedule so that he has a good routine and I see it working really really well for him. He gets better sleep and has a nice flow throughout the day with us. All in all him having a schedule helps the day run pretty darn smoothly... at least as smoothly as it can when you have a toddler. Bahahaha!


Then I found myself asking why I haven't scheduled MY time!? I couldn't find a reason why not to but I found like a bazillion reasons to do it such as now that I am a mom I have more that has to be done everyday and I have less free time to do it in, I have lots of hobbies that have been sitting dormant and lots of goals that I want to hit.

So there I was with pencil and paper (yes I'm old school like that) making a list of all the things I want to fit into my daily and weekly schedule and realized only about maybe half these things are getting accomplished on the reg at the moment! Yikes!

Writing everything down helped me realize the things that are the most important to me vs the things that tend to take up the majority of my precious time. Some of the things I find myself doing aren't even on my list yet tend to get way more of my time then things that I find actually important! Wowzas! Reality check! Time to reprioritize!


So after making my lists of things that I want to prioritize I made a time table so that I could smoothly fit everything in and to my surprise I have more time than I thought! I have for the longest time been saying 'I just don't have the time' and that was sooooo beyond wrong! I just had piss poor scheduling skills! But not anymore!


I've been using this method of scheduling my life for a short while now and not only have I been able to get everything that I wanted in every day but I was even able to add to it and occasionally slip a nap in! Wow! I can't believe I hadn't been doing this all along! Im now feeling super productive and ready for more!


Kay has a really beautiful smile: he has definitely taken from mum and dad, there is no doubt! ;)

A big hug for each one of you, from @amico!

Awwwwww! That's so sweet of you to say! Hugs right back to you! 😘

Lol I totally agree with you, regarding the lists, I write things on my list that I have already done just so it looks like ive done more throughout my day. I am always saying I dont have time but in reality I dont use my time wisely. Thank you for this post I can really relate to it.

Bahahaha! I love that I'm not the only one adding things I've already done onto my list! And yes i think a lot of people probably don't use their time wisely. I used to be one of them! Thanx fir stopping by and leaving your thoughts! Lots of love to you! 😘

How cute 😘

Thanx so much! 😍

Yes, contrary to popular belief, being organised actually increases, not reduces your freedom.

Maybe I'll get round to it some day, but I just don't seem to be able to shake this Captain Chaos thing off.

Captain chaos! That's a great super hero name! I totally understand wanting to hold it down. Lol

I know this feeling. I am actually very good in scheduling but i HATE it because it makes me feel locked up.

But especially with a small human there or a crazy busy job it honestly is not the worst thing to do. (Also for motivational issues..karin=lazyass)

I think I feel locked in when I schedule things I don't really WANT to be doing but I really want to do all the things I fill my days with so it just is a helpful way to manage my time 😊

Getting good at scheduling our OWN priorities? - girl, you are playing at mama olympic level already!! It makes you a much better mama and a happier person too. More inspiring posts like this, please!! Those shots of the 3 of you at the beach are priceless! :)

Thank you so much! I deeply appreciate your kind words! And yes I agree it definitely makes me a happier person which makes me a better mama and partner. Those pictures are some of my favorites! Our first time to the beach together as a family an he absolutely LOVED it!

Oh that is so great for you! So glad you have found the time for everything!

I also need to organize my time even more, I am far away from it now, even if I do make plans for each day and week. I have started a new morning routine that change the way my day unfolds, but still I dont get the work done in the way I wish. Will need to work more on that!

Thanx! I'm really happy with how it's been going! And yes I know the struggle is real! I think I had to get rid of my old way of thinking of how I wanted to get things done and reorchestrate things a bit. It's all about priorities right so I had to decide was doing things a specific way more important tha getting things accomplished? Hope this helps! Much love!

Yes I will need to find what works for me. Your tips are really helpful!

I have a question- how does your new scheduling thing look? Your timetable, I mean. Sometimes I schedule things and put "30 minutes" or from 1pm - 2pm next to it, but I'm almost always wrong.

Is that what you do??

Oh no! I could never be that specific especially with a toddler dictating things lol! I break my day up into time slots usually with Kais scedule as bench markers. So I have from wake up till 9:30ish which is breakfast time. From breakfast till noon which is lunch time. Then from 1ish-3ish which is roughly Kais nap time. Then from 3ish -6 which is time to start dinner then the rest of the day is just eating cleaning up and wind down movie and snuggles so not really anything that I can fit in there but yea that's my timetable. Depending on what we want to do as a family depends on the arrangnent as we try to have a fun outting for kai everyday.

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