wow they even let villagers in drought zones die cause they dont give a fucking shit bout u WE NEED MORE PROFIT!
Pretty hailrious i just got a bottle of nestle watter my mom has been buying for years from sam's club in shreveport.
that says water source= Dallas public water supply
So yea your literally just paying 2 be scammed LMAO!
even funner they make even more $ in areas with droughts hahah
prolbably explains why some of these dark magicans want u 2 be brainwashed with u can't get water 4 free.
or better yet "it's illegal" can't collect rainwater.
fucking my own mom used 2 harass me for collecting rainwater saying i wish ud check 2 see if collecting water is legal u might get in trouble 4 that like really wtf......
im going back 2 drinking rainwater fuck this bullshit.....
Hahah nestle raping michigan to they get 2 pump millions of gallons there 4 free. from lake michigan while residents are helped by them 2 stay in economic slavery..... paying 4 clean water by insane % profit margin....
damm pepole in flint michigian ppepole actually stil pay 4 there poisoned city water to wtfh lol