Cyber Security: Don’t Be the Victim
Cyber Fact: the advancement, spread, and development of the mighty internet as we have come to know it could very well be the most incredible advent of the 21st century.
Cyber Security Fact: some people wish to use the power of the internet to steal your most sensitive information and exploit it to whatever ends they see fit. This is not a statement meant to invoke irrational fear or send you hurling your computer into the nearest water source as a means to protect your personal information. Please, don’t do that.
However, you can be mindful of cyber security and educate yourself on the really simple methods that exist that allow you to protect your personal and sensitive data from those who might seek to gain access to it. Learn what kind of websites to avoid, what emails you should never open, and what type of software you can employ to keep your computer safe.
It is a widely recognized fact that many websites that advertise adult content and dating services can be hotspots for viruses and hackers. Somewhat less obvious are websites and web pages that advertise some news story or celebrity gossip that hackers know might grab your attention.
People who seek to gain access to your computer know what might arouse your curiosity and will seek to grasp it with things that would otherwise seem to be relatively harmless. The best rule of thumb is that if you see a dubious headline or a suspicious link, then there is a decent chance that you are right to be suspicious. If the web page is fascinating enough to follow up with, it is all too easy to employ a safe search engine like Google that can give you more information about what you seek.
Email scams and “spam” have become a long-running joke at this point in the age of the internet. Everything running the gambit from foreign princes looking to bring you wealth to miracle pills of all sorts that grant your wishes without even so much as a prescription.
Again, the typical signs of a virus-laden email may not always be present. As old as some of their tricks are, hackers have gotten more innovative in how they might approach you. They are even capable of sending out emails with the appearance of real companies or websites you may already use in hopes of convincing you to use their links and “reconfirm your credit card information” or the like. Your best bet is to try and hold off on clicking on any link in an unexpected email until you can confirm the legitimacy of the contents.
To proactively fight viruses and protect your data, countless free and paid programs can provide you with the all-important cyber security you seek. It will not take you long to find the exact amount of protection you need for your specific internet usage and specific budget (even if it’s not budget at all)!
Cybera is a company that has been Disrupting financially motivated cybercrime since 2020. We’ve helped businesses and individuals with rapid legal response to stop stolen funds.