in #sc-v5 years ago

Never be afraid of darkness, problems or difficulties, because the promise says:

«You will keep in complete peace the one whose thought in you perseveres».
Give every thought to God because nothing can separate us from his love. Develop your faith, the opposite of fear is faith. If you did not do it until now, start believing that things will get better in your life and that everything you do will work out for you. If you have expectations of good things, sooner or later they will come to your life.

Jesus said: "He who practices and teaches" is a great one before God. We can not achieve what God promised us because we are limited.

Egypt speaks to us of limitation, they taught us with lies.

"Being cute" makes you capable, if underweight "I'll be happy". The corporal ideal nobody reaches, the conflicts are not resolved with the balance. "Being cute is the same as sex": the body is to take care of it, not to show it or to cover it up. "As an old man you will get sick": it is said that old age is equal to illness, to loneliness. However, old age is a stage, each year it is a trophy and another medal, which hangs in our chest.

The growth is permanent, we must remove those ideas that have the objective of limiting us, gender stereotypes: believe that women are made for one thing and men for another: "My existence makes sense if I have a partner and children, when the woman does not have pity "; "The woman is for the private and the man for the public", "the man is the provider" and if he does not have a job he "cuts his veins" because she "is weak", he makes the decisions, he has the monopoly of the house . Paternalism: infantilize the woman, treat her as if she were a fool or "maternalize" all this comes from Egypt, a symbol of limitations.

This is what faith is about, that we come out with the ideas of God that break the limitations and thus advance from power to power.

Pharaoh put them to work and slavery, in Python and Ramses bog cities were built, they sank in the swamp. The system does that with us, Pharaoh wanted to destroy the achievements, "but they grew." He issued an edict: "Every man dies in the Nile", the river of pleasure, the enemy wants to kill you in a false pleasure that drowns you and kills you. Not only had to kill men, girls killed their souls, the system of thought of a false pleasure and ideas and customs that limited them.

Moses grew and became great. On the mountain God appears and gives him recommendations. When Israel comes out after 430 years of slavery, the first thing that God gives is gold.
God is going to break with all the negative conclusions that they told us.

Financial limitation: God will break in your life with that, break in your mental numbers. Hundreds of years ago you were prophesied that you are going to get out of the financial problem. God told them to ask the Egyptians for gold, not just freedom.

Spiritual limitations: before they were guided by the cloud. You no longer move because of legalism or religion, but because of the Word and the Holy Spirit that represents the spiritual break, it is going to be He who will guide your life.

Mental breakdown: before they were ruled by others, and submitted to them. Now they are free to choose, to direct their lives towards a future full of possibilities and new challenges.

The system lets you leave "up here".

Moses was with two million Jews, 400 years being slaves, Moses said to Pharaoh, the Lord says: "let my people go, so that they may serve me".

Pharaoh answers: "But come back again." God says: "It will not be until here, until here no, it's going to be there."

Pharaoh, if he can not limit you (that's your maximum salary, that's all the happiness of a couple that you can achieve) he tells you: "Go the men but the women and the children who stay". It aimed to destroy the family.

Satan tells you: "I'm going to put ideas with wrong sexuality, I'm going to make you act with your reptilian (primitive) brain and be violent."

Moses said: "No Pharaoh, we're going to go with the whole family."

Pharaoh replied: "Go with your family, but the gold stays here."

First you limit your family, then "without gold". Moisés said to him "No, we go with the family and with the gold, because you are going to pay the 430 years that worked for you".

Do you know who is the one who deceived you most ?: YOUR HEAD, from there all the limiting thoughts leave.

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