You have asked God, who am I?

in #sc-v6 years ago

Have you ever asked God who are you?

The human being constantly searches internally for his identity and sometimes fails to find it, some have a very poor concept of himself, others too high, some know God as their creator, others ignore him completely.

We read in the book of Jeremiah 1: 5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you".
We are not a stranger to God, we have been chosen by God to exist.
Since before, the Bible tells us that God made us, "I made you in your mother's womb, I designed each organ with my hands, I took care to make you because before the creation, I had already thought about it.
Psalm 139: 13-16
Because you formed my bowels; you made me in the womb of my mother ... My body was not hidden from you, although in occult I was formed, and interwoven in the deepest part of the earth.
My embryo saw your eyes, and in your book were written all those things that were then formed, without missing one of them.


Certainly we are not what we think, we are what God says we are, we are the visible manifestation of God in a natural body.
God knows us more than ourselves, He does not pass unnoticed what you are, neither your sadness, nor your fears, nor your tribulations ... God loves us and sees us as Jesus.

We are the manifestation of the glory of God on this earth, we are the object of God's love, his wonderful creation destined to adore and serve him.

We are free, accepted by God, without condition, because we are justified by his blood shed on the cross of Calvary
We do not need to tell God who we are, what we need is to tell him: to change us, forgive our sins and cleanse us.
Remember that the blessing is achieved when we tell the whole truth to Jesus and it is not that he does not know it, but because he wants us to be sincere.

Jacob got so many blessings but he did not change, he was always the same old cheat and thief, but one night he decided to be free and open before God as he was, humbled himself, knelt and said to God: "I am a thief, I'm a liar, but I want to change ... "
The Bible tells us that this prayer moved the heart of God, and God himself went down to Jacob to give his blessing and not only changed his name, but also his heart, soul and spirit.

God knows us perfectly, but he is waiting for us to come to Him with a contrite and humiliated heart.
We are his wonderful creation, we are loved by a perfect God, who is aware of our problems and circumstances.

From sc-v we invite you to use:


@xiore, simplemente hermoso, cuánto amor manifiesta esas palabras, Gracias por compartir lo maravilloso de nuestro padre, su hermosa creación(nosotros) y él nuestro hacedor.
Dios te bendiga.

@xiore you have left a tear in my eyes with this reflection, that caricature contains a great meaning of what we are for God. Excellent.
God bless you

GOD is good

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