in #sc-v6 years ago (edited)


My beloved and blessed brothers of our entire community, today is an honor to present you the prelude to our STRATEGIC PLAN FOR THE GROWTH, DEVELOPMENT AND CONSOLIDATION OF STEEMCHURCH VENEZUELA, this being a macro project that is forecast in a 2019-2024 stage, his name is prophetically related to what our country will be in the hands of people of the kingdom:


"Where there is no wise direction, the people will fall;
But in the multitude of counselors there is safety"
Proverbs 11:14

As a people of God gathered under the name of Church, we have been able to stop, recognize ourselves, re-project the future of our vision in the renewed confidence that we are in the hands of a God of love and fidelity, joining forces and recognizing that participatory strategic planning is a useful and necessary tool in the construction of a new future.
What is the difference between a participatory planning of a secular organization and a participatory planning of the church? Trust in God's purpose is the key element.

In the book of Proverbs 19:21 we read: "Many thoughts are in the heart of man, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails. "This makes it clear that we do not put our trust in our own plans and strategies but that we we support and trust in the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

"For ships without a destination port, there are no good winds." This saying is also valid for the ship called "church". All human and financial resources, all programs and activities lose much of their constructive dimension when they do not cooperate effectively with the Mission of God in the world.

Our mission is to bring the love of Jesus to all of Venezuela, uniting ministries, churches and communities, projecting us towards a powerful vision of reaching crowds, extending territories in our country and crossing borders. Being a project strategically guided by God, written by his hand in the heart of people aligned to fulfill a divine purpose, we know that everything requires a plan, but it is God who has the last word.

In addition, the global context demands the rationalization of resources to obtain more results in the work of God. Faced with this reality and the problems we face, we have a spirit of faith and hope that moves us to look for alternatives of feasible solutions, which we will raise in the following Strategic Plan for Growth, Development and Consolidation.


Social-evangelistic center (initial project embodied in architecture model).

The visible side leads us to work and organization; the invisible side to prayer and adoration. Spirituality and management are certainly different, but, in the construction of the
church, they must form an alliance. Safeguarding what makes the church a church, the call of Christ through the Gospel - it is possible to "organize what can be organized". This way, good management, can be compared as the one that "prepares the way" (Mt 3.3) for the event of faith, and of the church. "


To plan, it is essential to be realistic, to know where we start from and what is counted; honestly look at strengths and weaknesses: "Jesus asked them: you have
breads How many? Go and see "(St. Mark 6,37). We and we also begin the task in our communities by relieving the gifts and resources that the Lord gives us, and the way we use them.

 Simplicity.
 Functionality / effectiveness
 Organizational sustainability, mobilization of existing gifts and resources, and mutual interdependence.
 Responsible participation in management and decision making
 Transparency.

Strategic guidelines:

1.-Form community leaders in action.
2.- Be a church of evangelized and evangelizing communities.
3.- Committed spirituality.
4.- Encourage, strengthen and recognize the ministries according to the gifts, both natural and spiritual.
5.- Being a church that lives communion and strengthens communication
6.- To promote a stewardship of the church that develops sustainability in a framework of communion, we must know how to distribute and multiply the resources of the kingdom.

The subject of planning and strategic thinking is very broad, which we will develop in the established period, all this material will be available for download, in order to support the leaders who are forming, and who are making successful social projects.

It's fascinating how social networks and networking are changing society. No sector wants to be left behind in this race; not even the Church. We will use all the necessary tools to carry the message of Christ to the ends of the earth.

This Strategic Plan for Growth, Development and Consolidation is considered for a period of 5 years, so it is necessary to break down the goals according to the characteristics of each area in the most specific. And for this it is necessary to propose in it, an Operational Plan with short-term projects mostly and of a repetitive nature. Not for this reason, forgetting those with longer execution times or for those who by their nature have to be treated in the long term. This is why the specific project that Steemchurch Venezuela presents to execute:
We continue with our leading project "Bread From Heaven",presenting a renewed image for this new time, thanks @edxserverus, the logo is great.

Similarly, we continue with the biblical counseling, conducting both spiritual and conventional conferences for personal growth and development, promoting agriculture through urban gardens, this month we are already collecting some fruits of the last planting in our first land for "Bread From Heaven" -We incorporate social work in hospitals and our strong "turn on a light" campaign for children with cancer.

Children will be incorporated in special conditions and their environments, in order to establish alliances:
Children's Foundation with Autism
Foundation of the child with Down Syndrome.

We will be promoting blockchain technology as part of the social responsibility of our community. We have strived all these months to document our life plan, with a schedule of activities, feasibility studies, diagnostics, and scenarios. Leaders in the word have been trained , teachers, counselors, the same in the area of ​​technology and finance.

Our first strategy for @sc-v is the creation of accounts to activate evangelistic ministries, and take it to the crusade for financial freedom and from its infrastructures show the world how a country is built, this will be a pilot test with five different ministries points, they the next days will be embodied in the chain of blocks, their ministerial leadership, taking the word and consolidating the gospel, for it I have delegated five leaders in action @sc-v to serve as support to these leaders and pastors who They will be representing your parish. My idea is to build my country, from the premise "churches united for love of Jesus" that will be the greatest achievement of Steemchurch Venezuela, unite a nation.


We are empowering the leaders that will change a country through the message of Christ, love.

It is the Spirit who opens the way to the Church;
it is not the Church that plans the ways of the Spirit.

For more information:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Whatsapp: +584265810831

We thank our collaborators


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If you wish to comment on this message, we invite you to download @partiko. We thank all our brothers of @steemchurch, @sc-v, @sc-g, @sc-n, @farms, to promote this beautiful application from their accounts.
Follow @partiko for detailed and updated information.


What more accurate proverb Darlenys and you have a lot of reason in the correct organization and set goals and objectives to be met in a very systematic way. Expansion and unification are key to materialize the church of Christ as one, but from the action, from the correct application because the gospel of our Lord Jesus is of action and not temples, but again you have the right to say that only God has the last word. May God bless all these wonderful plans and guide each one of his objtivos to satisfactory achievement for the benefit of many lives.

Everything under the divine guidelines @rubenmedina182, it is the spirit that directs us in this mission of life. Not by chance we are, we live, the time of the conquest has arrived, when we who carry the glory of God step on a place, we have it to possess, it is written: God will give us everything that the plant treads on your feet, then, do not doubt, in the newness of God for your life, he can take you anywhere, but there you will be prospered, God not it keeps the prayers of an integral heart, the integrity of the heart does not mean that we do not sin, but the courage we have when we recognize that we did it, and look again to God, to our father, God extends his arm in this 2019, but remember that it is he who does it. I have almost no time to respond to comments, but today is a special day, it is a prophetic night, where God wants to remind you how much he loves you,
he has not left you and he has you sculpted in the palm of his hand.

I bless your life in this night Ruben!

Amen. Thank you Darlenys and thank my God for so much.

Thanks for sc-v for this powerful initiative that you intend doing, thus building Venezuela, as Nehemiah also built an old structure for the house of the Lord, God will always remember you for this project you have programmed to do. Thanks for sharing with us.

For this we have been born, for this I have come to earth, and I can not leave without fulfilling the divine purpose, God trusts us, that we can say to our King, but as Isaias said: Here I am, send me to me ...
We are in the time of the fulfillment of God's promises. Thanks for your kind words @oppongk, God has raised his army and put a spirit in us, the good news is that it is the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, the spirit of resurrection and life, if today there are valleys of dry bones in your life, give the order to live and live. In the end I do not know why I am writing this, but blessed be the name of God.

wao sister, excellent strategies, I like how they are going more and more ... Venezuela must be completely touched by the Lord, Good job! Blessings.

I hope to count on you for this network that will begin to spread in this country, we declare Venezuela a blessed land, where milk and honey flow, God will surprise us!

Amen, sister, sure!

Great plans and a great way to begin 2019. With such a strategic outlay, @Sc-v will become a change catalyst to the spiritual, social and technological development of Venesuela. God is beginning to restore all things to His eternal and the church is strategic to this move.
May God strengthen you for this tasks @Darlenys01 and the @Sc-v Team.
We will support you in every way possible as God equips us.

incredible, the power that has the vision of who knows where it is going. thanks @darlenys01.

The vision of the eternal @mariela, down to this heart, who will always appreciate that high and sublime God has so much favor in someone with so many errors. Only his grace sustains us, his mercy reaches us. With what will we pay so much love?

We have worked hard soon we will see fruits.

Amen, what we have sown with tears @mildreduh we will pick up with joy, I tell you as Elias said to his servant go up and look at a cloud like a man's hand, because the rain comes, opens ditches and builds ponds because they will be full.

Good strategies my dear apostle @darlenys01, this year that begins will be impacted by the power of God through #steemchurch and #breadfromheaven. blessings

Amen my brother @mosdad, Venezuela will be rebuilt.

You really do have a productive year ahead. I thank God for the wisdom to set this strategies. I pray God to give you the grace to execute all. Amen.

Remember to visit my blog for the Steemchurch Prayer Guide that will help you pray.

Thank you.

When we go hand in hand with God everything is for good Darlenys, great things await you.

Strategies from on high, without doubts designs of the kingdom.

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