in #sc-v5 years ago

"And Joshua said unto the children of Israel, How long shall they be negligent to come to possess the land which the Lord God of your fathers has given them?


There is a type of personality called "avoidant", Avoid everything, the exhibition, do not want to appear, "do not look at me, do not applaud me". Avoid conflicts, because conflict generates anxiety. They are people who are afraid of rejection, humiliation, error, criticism (because their parents disqualified them). They always program, plan A, B, C, D but the fear of error does not allow them to move forward, so they "kick" them forward; because all decisions generate anxiety or wait for others to decide, or do so when they no longer give.

They see themselves as socially inept, personally uninteresting or inferior to others. They are conciliatory people "that there is peace at any price", they are silent, they give in, they swallow until they explode.

The Israelites entered the Promised Land, and they are dividing the land, five tribes had already appropriated and seven still not. It had been fourteen years. During the first seven years there were fights and the other seven were of peace. And Joshua told them: "It is time for you to take what God promised you."

The same thing the Lord says to you: It is time for you to take what is yours, for years God has been waiting for you.

Successful and unsuccessful people are wrong, but the successful learned from the error, because he corrected the error. We do not learn by the things that go well for us, but by the ones that go wrong, the way to grow is correcting the mistakes. A problem is an uncorrected error, part of our task is to mark the errors and correct them.

Do not explain the error, correct it. There are four ways to react when you mark the error:

1-deny it: "It was not like that", are the childish personal, deny the error, lie and do not grow.

2-angry: that's another childish way.

3-recognize, but not change: they are childish and hostile, are those who say: "nobody is going to send me."

4- those who recognize and change: those who pass to the next level.

How do we have to mark the errors?

First mark something positive and then the error. Not sanctioning; the punitive corrects us in a brief way. People are motivated if you do it first in a positive way, there are very few people who allow themselves to be corrected in the first place. It is always corrected in private, never in public unless it is a group error.

How to correct ourselves among peers?

You have to think a hundred times, in general it is interpreted as competition. You have to say: "Look at me, it seems like such a thing", look for the best way. In the couple how are they corrected? We do not talk about errors, but about points of view.

There are people who are "bug hunters": they say for example: "who made you that hairdo?". They believe great mentors and have great problems of frustration.

How long will they be here?

Joshua grabs those seven tribes and tells them: how long will they be here? He immediately tells them how to correct the error: three tribes are going to enter the land, they are going to measure it, they are going to pray to see what part corresponds to each one. The heart ready to be corrected, will take what is already his seven years ago!

"Correct the wise man and he will love you": there are people who when you correct them feel blessed.

In Numbers 9.6 and 7 it says that Israel leaves Egypt after 430 years of slavery, they were in the desert, and the year they celebrated the Passover, it was the reminder that God brought them out of Egypt. They had to be pure, there is a group that can not celebrate it because they were impure "a passover has passed and we could not celebrate it, but we want to celebrate it".

God tells them: "Now they are going to celebrate the Passover again, they will make a second Passover every month and everyone who touches something unclean will celebrate it a month after the feast. These people did not enjoy the blessing because they committed the sin of touching dead, but they recognized it and asked for a new opportunity.

"I am the God of second chances. There is a second chance for those who correct their mistakes. "

There are three types of people:

1- the one who already knows a lot, believes that he knows everything, that he does not need to know anything else.

2 - the one who does not look for anything, nor is interested in knowing.

3- The wise man says: "I know and I do not know".

If you always stop in the place of knowing you will not have your second chance, the same ignorant. What I know I enjoy and what I do not know I correct and I learn it. Maybe you went through the experience of separation from your partner, it's not how much you suffered, but how much you learned.

The avoider is afraid of error, so he does not decide or confront, does not say his desire, always postpones. But if you dare to face the situations that are presented to you, you will have strong offspring, they will do more things than you did. I transmitted words of value and said: "I have the grace I need for today. I am full of power, strength and determination. Nothing that I live today will be too much for me. I will overcome any obstacle, I will survive every challenge and I will come out of every difficulty better than when I entered it.

Abraham was 75 years old when God told him: "Get out of your land and your family ..." If you go out to face God will bless you! God uses people who believe, who say: "I do not know where my dreams are to be reached, but I will go out and look for them." You have to walk in God's time, you can be fourteen years behind; You are a Christian but you are out of step with what God is doing today. God moves forward and we can not be out of phase, do not expect him to push you. Take the initiative, sit down, plan, research and go after what God has determined is yours!


The man of God attains wisdom when he recognizes that he fails and corrects his error and God is there with us waiting to give us endless opportunities.
Thanks for sharing @renew

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