The truth will make us free
and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
¡Truth and only Truth will set us free!
life offers us many truths that are far from being an authentic and genuine truth, that is, an absolute truth.
Lamentablemento today we assimilate as "truth" many lies.
Many people today are not interested if they live a life subject to the lie or if it is true simply live according to what they think building their lives in beliefs that are not true, it is very true that we can never move beyond what We believe it is true.
Humanity today prefers to hear as truth all that they divulge in the environment where they live that they deepen in the only truth that is established in the word of God.
In this way they are looking for freedom to their life through practices that will lead them to eternal slavery.
It is not profitable or healthy to believe what others say about life instead of searching the word of God for ourselves to discover what God has created for us, when we do not try to examine the scriptures this limits us simply to being a slave of a system of things that will lead to the failure of our goals.
The phrases of Jesus about "whom the son of man freed will be truly free" is a call to seek him with a sincere heart to bring to your life peace, freedom and joy.
God does not want any of us to be limited by our thoughts captive in sin, God wants to free us and give us freedom through his word.
@opibarker, the only thing that liberates man is Jesus Christ, outside of him there is no truth and no freedom.

Thanks for sharing.