Again in front of you, you have not changed in size, with sword drawn you keep protecting what belongs to me, you wounded me long ago and left bleeding. I tried to avoid confronting you again, just hearing your name ripped my soul. You are the greatest of your land, your size paralyzes men and the fear of them feeds you.
You hurt me where it hurt me the most, with a burning sword you pierced my flesh and since that day I have not been the same. The thought of having less than what belongs to me nested in my heart and I got used to fearing you. That time I relied on my strength not on the right that my lineage gives me.
But this time it is different, being your misfortune that when I am weaker it is perfected more in me the one that sends me to cut you.
The King who sent me reminded me, he is the greatest; and greater than you have given me before in battle. Today I come before you hungry to be redeemed and take not only what belongs to me, but what you took from me that time.
The battlefield smells of glory, your size only measures the glory that I will give to my King. The jar has been broken and today I have been anointed with new oil for battle.
The sound of the Shofar rumbling in my spirit reminds me of who I am, and increases the hunger to cut your head.
Dear brother; if by reading these lines your soul has remembered that time you were defeated and your heart was pierced, it is because the Lord your God wants you to be redeemed. That dream you so longed for still belongs to you, that giant who wounded you is still smaller than your God. If today the Holy Spirit has pierced your soul with the sound of a Shofar, then prepare for battle. The Lord your God today is calling you back to the battle, no longer in your strength but in the power of His Spirit. The Holy Spirit is hungry for glory and you are his instrument. Realize that you are not the same as before, in this stretch of your life that you have felt weak, the Lord has perfected himself in you. Today it is not about your strength but God's strength. Having broken your bottle has been only to get the best oil. There is a new anointing that will deliver the battle this time. If today you are willing to face again against what hurt you, have this prayer with me:
«Father, today I have understanding that this defeat I had was for my good, today I understand that what diminished my faith for a while was only a means you used to break my jar and get my best oil. Today I am hungry for glory, allow me to honor you through this challenge. Today I receive that new anointing that you offer me to face again that situation that hurt me. Anoint Lord in these moments my hands for the battle, in the name of Christ Jesus, Amen »
"Well, what makes me strong is to recognize that I am weak."
2 Corinthians 12:10 (Translation in current language)
The battlefield always smells of glory, therefore when we are in this condition we must not give up because God will give us the victory.
Thanks for sharing @opibarker.