Every man's path is straight in his own opinion

in #sc-v5 years ago

One of the great problems that humanity has is to believe that every path is right before God and it is obvious that they believe that all their steps are pleasing to Him because He does not take offense because he is simply God.
Man thinks that they have the right to believe in God in their own way and not in the way the Bible says because they attribute that the Bible is one more book of religions and thus they are mistakenly walking in their own ways.

Proverbs 21: 2
2 Every man's path is straight in his own opinion;
But Jehovah weighs hearts(.Reina-Valera 1960 (RVR1960)


Every person who acts in a disorderly manner justifies their behavior believing that God does not take into account their actions but God is attentive and watches their walk.

It is also true that every action we take in this life will be judged by God since the Bible says that God cannot be mocked.

Galatians 6: 7
7 Do not fool yourself; God cannot be mocked: for everything that man sows, that will also reap.
Reina Valera 1960 (RVR1960)

In this way it is understood that man can walk in his own ways but they must keep in mind that everything he does will have a result according to the way they are sowing.
We cannot walk in this life ignoring God because He is the author and creator of life and we have to give him account for all our actions.

God is the only one who has the capacity to weigh our hearts because of Him flows life and He has given us the freedom to choose between two paths but will judge us according to our walk.

Rejoice, young man, in your youth, and take pleasure in your heart in the days of your youth. Follow the impulses of your heart and the taste of your eyes; but you should know that for all these things, God will bring you to judgment. (NASB)

The person or the young person can make of his life what he deems convenient but he must know that God exists and He will make judgment for everything we do.

It is important to know that it is not right to walk according to our own opinion we must recognize God in each walk because God judge the hearts


@mildreduh, The Bible gives us the guidelines of the true walk of the natural man and certainly the man believes that all his paths are rights, also it is enough to interact with some people about this subject and the answer we hear is really what the Bible establishes.

Your making additional claims without validating the book in which you are getting your information.

Why should I believe the Bible to be true? Why should I believe God is who in fact you interpret him to be? How do I know that you are not just poorly guided through false interpretation and or interpretation at all?
How am I to know that the book you hold in your hands was correctly translated from ancient Greek and Hebrew? After all, we know the English language did not provide an agreed upon form of spelling until the 1800's.
we also know that the same word used in a language can be used for multiple definitions. Their, They're, and There is a great example... one declares ownership, the other declares a conjunction, and the last a location. If we did not have an agreed upon form of spelling what is to say that the author may not have meant, "Their", transgressions; Instead He meant to declare a group as being the transgressors, "They're transgressors."
Without a proper form of spelling, we could indicate that grammar may have played a huge roll in translating the bible since 1611 when the first rendition of the King James was printed. There have been seven renditions since then if my memory serves me correctly.
We could go back even further prior to Martin Luther posting his own declaration upon the doors of the catholic church in 1500. Lets go back to the days just before then. To a time when the Catholic religion controlled much of Europe and was the law of the land.
It was common belief that if you were to read the bible without being a man of the cloth you would go insane! Let us also not forget that reading was not a common trait among people in those times.
In long story short. I was once in your steps. Attempting to share "Gods" word with the masses. Religion for the most part has been a root source in developing cultures. Honestly looking through history it appears as more of an early form of control. However its so developed and passed on that it can envelope a person easily when there are others who will validate an in factual basis. It aids in comfort to reasoning.
The question has to be in the validity of the book in which you repeat your claims from. Validity must be determined before you can even determine if God may or may not exist at all. If there is no Bible, there is no God.
Food for thought. Don't eat to fast or you'll get a stomach ache.

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