in #sc-v6 years ago

Our religious leaders must recognize this ardent desire. The evangelism of
nowadays it seems to have raised the altar and divided the sacrifice into pieces, without noticing, perhaps,
that there is no fire on the summit of Mount Carmel. But thank God because there are some who
They worry about it. They are those who love the altar, and delight in sacrifice, and are not
Conformed because they still do not see the fire coming down. What they want, above all things, is the
presence of God More than anything else, they want to like the "penetrating sweetness" of love
of Christ, of which the prophets wrote and the psalmists sang.
There is no lack today of good biblical teachers who teach correctly
doctrine of Christ, but many of them seem to be content, year after year with teaching the
foundations of the faith, without noticing that in his ministry there is a lack of the Presence, or anything in his
own lives that is extraordinary or supernatural. They exercise their ministry among believers
spiritual, longing for experiences that they can not satisfy

I say it with love, but in our pulpits there is a lack of spiritual quality. Our times are
similar to those of Milton, who made him exclaim, "The hungry sheep look
questions, but nobody feeds them. "It is pathetic, and regrettable, to see the children of God
sitting at the Father's table and fainting with hunger. Wesley's sentence is confirmed,
"Orthodoxy or correct opinion is, after all, a very weak part of religion.
it is true that nobody can have good character without having good opinions, it is possible to have good
opinions without having good character. You can have excellent opinions about God without
This means that you love him or want to serve him. Satan is proof of that. "
Thanks to the remarkable spread of the Bible that is seen today many people have
Right opinions, perhaps more than ever before in history. However, I wonder if there was
once a time when the spiritual temperature was so low. In large
sectors of the church the art of true worship has been lost, and instead they have put a
strange and spurious thing called "program!" This word has come from the theater and the circus, and
Unfortunately, it applies to the type of services that today go through "adoration."

The healthy and correct exposition of the Bible is imperative in the church of the living God. Without
No church can be a New Testament church in the strict sense of the term.
But such exposure can be done in a way that leaves listeners void of true
spiritual food. Souls do not feed only on words, but on God himself, and while
Believers do not find God in a personal experience, the truths they hear do not
they will do no good. Reading and teaching the Bible is not an end in itself, but the means by which
we get to know God, and that we can delight with his presence and like how sweet
and it's nice to feel him in the heart



Let search for God whiles we have breath, a time is coming when we may not get chance to search for him, that is "hard times."

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